TOAR II Database



Name Type Description Required
metadata all metadata available to the data Yes
data [ Data ] the data itself Yes


Name Type Description Required
id integer for internal use only Yes
person Person data for person of the contact information No
organisation Organisation data for organisation of the contact information No


Name Type Description Required
lat number latitude coordinate of station (decimal degrees_north). This is our best estimate of the station location which is not always identical to the official station coordinates (see potential changelog entry). Yes
lng number longitude coordinate of station (decimal degrees_east). This is our best estimate of the station location which is not always identical to the official station coordinates (see potential changelog entry). Yes
alt number altitude of station (in m above sea level). This is our best estimate of the station altitude, which is not always identical to the reported station altitude, but frequently uses the elevation from google earth instead (see potential changelog entry). Yes


Name Type Description Required
datetime dateTime date and time of observation Yes
value number variable value at datetime Yes
flags string flag (see controlled vocabulary: Data Flag) Yes
timeseries_id integer ID of timeseries Yes
version string version Yes


Name Type Description Required
id integer for internal use only Yes
name string Short name (abbreviation) of organisation Yes
longname string Long name of organisation Yes
kind string Kind of organisation (see controlled vocabulary: Kind Of Organization) Yes
city string City where organisation resides Yes
postcode string Postcode of organisation city Yes
street_address string Street address of organisation city Yes
country string Country to which organisation belongs (see controlled vocabulary: Country Code) Yes
homepage string Homepage of organisation Yes
contact_url string web form or general e-mail contact of organisation Yes


Name Type Description Required
id integer for internal use only Yes
name string Name of person Yes
email string Email address of person Yes
phone string Phone number of person Yes
orcid string ORCID-iD of person No
isprivate boolean Set this flag to true if the contact details shall not be exposed publicly Yes


Name Type Description Required
id integer for internal use only Yes
codes [ string ] list of station's codes Yes
name string Station name for use in TOAR; normally equal to data provider’s name Yes
coordinates Coordinates Best estimate of station latitude, longitude and altitude Yes
coordinate_validation_status string Flag indicating whether the location of a station has been verified (see controlled vocabulary: Coordinate Validity) Yes
country string The country, where the station resides, or which operates the station (e.g. in Antarctica) (see controlled vocabulary: Country Code) Yes
state string The state or province, where the station resides Yes
type string Type of station (see controlled vocabulary: Station Type) Yes
type_of_area string Type of station area (see controlled vocabulary: Station Type Of Area) Yes
timezone string Station timezone (see controlled vocabulary: Timezone) Yes
additional_metadata string (json-string) Any additional metadata about the station as a JSON data structure Yes
roles [ StationmetaRole ] No
annotations [ StationmetaAnnotation ] No
aux_images [ StationmetaAuxImage ] No
aux_docs [ StationmetaAuxDoc ] No
aux_urls [ StationmetaAuxUrl ] No
globalmeta StationmetaGlobal No
changelog [ StationmetaChangelog ] No


Name Type Description Required
id integer for internal use only Yes
kind integer kind of annotation (see controlled vocabulary: Kind Of Annotation) Yes
text string text of annotation Yes
date_added dateTime timestamp when annotation was added Yes
approved boolean Flag indicating whether the annotation of a station has been verified Yes
contributor_id integer ID of contributor who added the annotation Yes


Name Type Description Required
id integer for internal use only Yes
resource_description string Description of the resource Yes
date_added dateTime Date of metadata record entry into TOAR database Yes
resource string auxillary document file Yes
station_id integer internal station_id to which this resource belongs Yes


Name Type Description Required
id integer for internal use only Yes
resource_description string Description of the resource Yes
date_added dateTime Date of metadata record entry into TOAR database Yes
resource string auxillary image file Yes
image_height integer Number of image pixels in direction of height Yes
image_width integer Number of image pixels in direction of width Yes
station_id integer internal station_id to which this resource belongs Yes


Name Type Description Required
id integer for internal use only Yes
resource_description string Description of the resource Yes
date_added dateTime Date of metadata record entry into TOAR database Yes
resource string URL Yes
station_id integer internal station_id to which this resource belongs Yes


Name Type Description Required
datetime dateTime Date of change to the TOAR database Yes
description string Description of change Yes
old_value string value that has been changed in the TOAR database Yes
new_value string new, changed value Yes
station_id integer internal ID of station to which this change belongs Yes
author_id integer internal ID of person who submitted the change to the TOAR database Yes
type_of_change integer Type of change (see controlled vocabulary: Type Of Change) Yes


Name Type Description Required
mean_srtm_alt_90m_year1994 number mean value within a radius of 90 m around station location of the following data of the year 1994: {'units': 'm', 'data_source': 'NASA Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM)', 'citation': 'Jarvis, A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, E. Guevara, 2008, Hole-filled SRTM for the globe Version 4, available from the CGIAR-CSI SRTM 90m Database ('} Yes
mean_srtm_alt_1km_year1994 number mean value within a radius of 1 km around station location of the following data of the year 1994: {'units': 'm', 'data_source': 'NASA Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM)', 'citation': 'Jarvis, A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, E. Guevara, 2008, Hole-filled SRTM for the globe Version 4, available from the CGIAR-CSI SRTM 90m Database ('} Yes
max_srtm_relative_alt_5km_year1994 number maximum value within a radius of 5 km around station location with relative altitude of the following data of the year 1994: {'units': 'm', 'data_source': 'NASA Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM)', 'citation': 'Jarvis, A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, E. Guevara, 2008, Hole-filled SRTM for the globe Version 4, available from the CGIAR-CSI SRTM 90m Database ('} Yes
min_srtm_relative_alt_5km_year1994 number minimum value within a radius of 5 km around station location with relative altitude of the following data of the year 1994: {'units': 'm', 'data_source': 'NASA Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM)', 'citation': 'Jarvis, A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, E. Guevara, 2008, Hole-filled SRTM for the globe Version 4, available from the CGIAR-CSI SRTM 90m Database ('} Yes
stddev_srtm_relative_alt_5km_year1994 number standard deviation within a radius of 5 km around station location with relative altitude of the following data of the year 1994: {'units': 'm', 'data_source': 'NASA Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM)', 'citation': 'Jarvis, A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, E. Guevara, 2008, Hole-filled SRTM for the globe Version 4, available from the CGIAR-CSI SRTM 90m Database ('} Yes
climatic_zone_year2016 string value for the year 2016 of the following data: {'units': 'None', 'data_source': 'University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit; Harris, I.C.; Jones, P.D. (2017): CRU TS4.00: Climatic Research Unit (CRU) Time-Series (TS) version 4.00 of high-resolution gridded data of month-by-month variation in climate (Jan. 1901- Dec. 2015). Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 25 August 2017. doi:10.5285/edf8febfdaad48abb2cbaf7d7e846a86.', 'citation': 'University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit; Harris, I.C.; Jones, P.D. (2017): CRU TS4.00: Climatic Research Unit (CRU) Time-Series (TS) version 4.00 of high-resolution gridded data of month-by-month variation in climate (Jan. 1901- Dec. 2015). Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 25 August 2017. doi:10.5285/edf8febfdaad48abb2cbaf7d7e846a86.'} (see controlled vocabulary: Climatic Zone 2019) Yes
htap_region_tier1_year2010 string value for the year 2010 of the following data: The 'tier1' region defined in the task force on hemispheric transport of air pollution (TFHTAP) coordinated model studies according to figure 4 of (see controlled vocabulary: Station HTAP Region) Yes
dominant_landcover_year2012 string value for the year 2012 of the following data: {'units': 'no unit', 'data_source': 'ESA 2017 and UCLouvain', 'citation': 'ESA. Land Cover CCI Product User Guide Version 2. Tech. Rep. (2017). Available at:'} (see controlled vocabulary: Station Landcover Type) Yes
landcover_description_25km_year2012 string description of the values for the year 2012 within a radius of 25 km around station location of the following data: {'units': 'no unit', 'data_source': 'ESA 2017 and UCLouvain', 'citation': 'ESA. Land Cover CCI Product User Guide Version 2. Tech. Rep. (2017). Available at:'} (see controlled vocabulary: Station Landcover Type) Yes
dominant_ecoregion_year2017 string value for the year 2017 of the following data: {'units': 'None', 'data_source': 'RESOLVE Biodiversity and Wildlife Solutions', 'citation': 'Eric Dinerstein, David Olson, Anup Joshi, Carly Vynne, Neil D. Burgess, Eric Wikramanayake, Nathan Hahn, Suzanne Palminteri, Prashant Hedao, Reed Noss, Matt Hansen, Harvey Locke, Erle C Ellis, Benjamin Jones, Charles Victor Barber, Randy Hayes, Cyril Kormos, Vance Martin, Eileen Crist, Wes Sechrest, Lori Price, Jonathan E. M. Baillie, Don Weeden, Kieran Suckling, Crystal Davis, Nigel Sizer, Rebecca Moore, David Thau, Tanya Birch, Peter Potapov, Svetlana Turubanova, Alexandra Tyukavina, Nadia de Souza, Lilian Pintea, Jose C. Brito, Othman A. Llewellyn, Anthony G. Miller, Annette Patzelt, Shahina A. Ghazanfar, Jonathan Timberlake, Heinz Klöser, Yara Shennan-Farpon, Roeland Kindt, Jens-Peter Barnekow Lilleso, Paulo van Breugel, Lars Graudal, Maianna Voge, Khalaf F. Al-Shammari, Muhammad Saleem, An Ecoregion-Based Approach to Protecting Half the Terrestrial Realm, BioScience, Volume 67, Issue 6, June 2017, Pages 534–545,'} (see controlled vocabulary: Station ECO Region Type) Yes
ecoregion_description_25km_year2017 string description of the values for the year 2017 within a radius of 25 km around station location of the following data: {'units': 'None', 'data_source': 'RESOLVE Biodiversity and Wildlife Solutions', 'citation': 'Eric Dinerstein, David Olson, Anup Joshi, Carly Vynne, Neil D. Burgess, Eric Wikramanayake, Nathan Hahn, Suzanne Palminteri, Prashant Hedao, Reed Noss, Matt Hansen, Harvey Locke, Erle C Ellis, Benjamin Jones, Charles Victor Barber, Randy Hayes, Cyril Kormos, Vance Martin, Eileen Crist, Wes Sechrest, Lori Price, Jonathan E. M. Baillie, Don Weeden, Kieran Suckling, Crystal Davis, Nigel Sizer, Rebecca Moore, David Thau, Tanya Birch, Peter Potapov, Svetlana Turubanova, Alexandra Tyukavina, Nadia de Souza, Lilian Pintea, Jose C. Brito, Othman A. Llewellyn, Anthony G. Miller, Annette Patzelt, Shahina A. Ghazanfar, Jonathan Timberlake, Heinz Klöser, Yara Shennan-Farpon, Roeland Kindt, Jens-Peter Barnekow Lilleso, Paulo van Breugel, Lars Graudal, Maianna Voge, Khalaf F. Al-Shammari, Muhammad Saleem, An Ecoregion-Based Approach to Protecting Half the Terrestrial Realm, BioScience, Volume 67, Issue 6, June 2017, Pages 534–545,'} (see controlled vocabulary: Station ECO Region Type) Yes
distance_to_major_road_year2020 number value for the year 2020 of the following data: {'version': 0.6, 'generator': 'Overpass API ab41fea6', 'copyright': '', 'timestamp': ''} Yes
mean_nightlight_1km_year2013 number mean value within a radius of 1 km around station location of the following data of the year 2013: {'units': 'None', 'data_source': 'NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)', 'citation': 'None'} Yes
mean_nightlight_5km_year2013 number mean value within a radius of 5 km around station location of the following data of the year 2013: {'units': 'None', 'data_source': 'NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)', 'citation': 'None'} Yes
max_nightlight_25km_year2013 number maximum value within a radius of 5 km around station location of the following data of the year 2013: {'units': 'None', 'data_source': 'NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)', 'citation': 'None'} Yes
max_nightlight_25km_year1992 number maximum value within a radius of 25 km around station location of the following data of the year 2013: {'units': 'None', 'data_source': 'NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)', 'citation': 'None'} Yes
mean_population_density_250m_year2015 number mean value within a radius of 250 m around station location of the following data of the year 2015: {'data_source': 'The European Commission, Joint Research Centre', 'citation': 'Schiavina, Marcello; Freire, Sergio; MacManus, Kytt (2019): GHS-POP R2019A - GHS population grid multitemporal (1975-1990-2000-2015). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] doi:10.2905/0C6B9751-A71F-4062-830B-43C9F432370F PID:'} Yes
mean_population_density_5km_year2015 number mean value within a radius of 5 km around station location of the following data of the year 2015: {'data_source': 'The European Commission, Joint Research Centre', 'citation': 'Schiavina, Marcello; Freire, Sergio; MacManus, Kytt (2019): GHS-POP R2019A - GHS population grid multitemporal (1975-1990-2000-2015). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] doi:10.2905/0C6B9751-A71F-4062-830B-43C9F432370F PID:'} Yes
max_population_density_25km_year2015 number maximum value within a radius of 25 km around station location of the following data of the year 2015: {'data_source': 'The European Commission, Joint Research Centre', 'citation': 'Schiavina, Marcello; Freire, Sergio; MacManus, Kytt (2019): GHS-POP R2019A - GHS population grid multitemporal (1975-1990-2000-2015). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] doi:10.2905/0C6B9751-A71F-4062-830B-43C9F432370F PID:'} Yes
mean_population_density_250m_year1990 number human population on a square of 250 m for the year 1990 (residents km-2) Yes
mean_population_density_5km_year1990 number mean value within a radius of 250 m around station location of the following data of the year 1990: {'data_source': 'The European Commission, Joint Research Centre', 'citation': 'Schiavina, Marcello; Freire, Sergio; MacManus, Kytt (2019): GHS-POP R2019A - GHS population grid multitemporal (1975-1990-2000-2015). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] doi:10.2905/0C6B9751-A71F-4062-830B-43C9F432370F PID:'} Yes
max_population_density_25km_year1990 number maximum value within a radius of 25 km around station location of the following data of the year 1990: {'data_source': 'The European Commission, Joint Research Centre', 'citation': 'Schiavina, Marcello; Freire, Sergio; MacManus, Kytt (2019): GHS-POP R2019A - GHS population grid multitemporal (1975-1990-2000-2015). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] doi:10.2905/0C6B9751-A71F-4062-830B-43C9F432370F PID:'} Yes
mean_nox_emissions_10km_year2015 number mean value within a radius of 10 km around station location of the following data of the year 2015: {'units': 'kg m-2 s-1', 'data_source': '', 'citation': "Granier, C., S. Darras, H. Denier van der Gon, J. Doubalova, N. Elguindi, B. Galle, M. Gauss, M. Guevara, J.-P. Jalkanen, J. Kuenen, C. Liousse, B. Quack, D. Simpson, K. Sindelarova The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service global and regional emissions (April 2019 version) Report April 2019 version null 2019 Elguindi, Granier, Stavrakou, Darras et al. Analysis of recent anthropogenic surface emissions from bottom-up inventories and top-down estimates: are future emission scenarios valid for the recent past? Earth's Future null submitted 2020"} Yes
mean_nox_emissions_10km_year2000 number mean value within a radius of 10 km around station location of the following data of the year 2000: {'units': 'kg m-2 s-1', 'data_source': '', 'citation': "Granier, C., S. Darras, H. Denier van der Gon, J. Doubalova, N. Elguindi, B. Galle, M. Gauss, M. Guevara, J.-P. Jalkanen, J. Kuenen, C. Liousse, B. Quack, D. Simpson, K. Sindelarova The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service global and regional emissions (April 2019 version) Report April 2019 version null 2019 Elguindi, Granier, Stavrakou, Darras et al. Analysis of recent anthropogenic surface emissions from bottom-up inventories and top-down estimates: are future emission scenarios valid for the recent past? Earth's Future null submitted 2020"} Yes
wheat_production_year2000 number no wheat production metadata stored yet Yes
rice_production_year2000 number no rice production metadata stored yet Yes
omi_no2_column_years2011to2015 number no OMI NO2 column metadata stored yet Yes
toar1_category string The station classification for the Tropsopheric Ozone Assessment Report based on the station proxy data that are stored in the TOAR database (see controlled vocabulary: Station TOAR Category) Yes
station_id integer internal station_id to which these global data belong Yes


Name Type Description Required
id integer for internal use only Yes
role string Role of contact (see controlled vocabulary: Role Code) Yes
status string Status of contact (see controlled vocabulary: Role Status) Yes
contact Contact Contact for this role Yes


Name Type Description Required
id integer Yes
label string a short string to distinguish this timeseries from others with the same combination of station and variable Yes
order integer indicates position of this timeseries in a list when several timeseries share the same station and variable combination Yes
sampling_frequency string Sampling frequency of data in this timeseries (see controlled vocabulary: Sampling Frequency) Yes
aggregation string Aggregation type in this timeseries (see controlled vocabulary: Aggregation Type) Yes
data_start_date dateTime Start date of the variable data available for this station Yes
data_end_date dateTime End date of the variable data available for this station Yes
data_origin string origin of data (model name or instrument) (see controlled vocabulary: Data Origin) Yes
data_origin_type string type of data origin (see controlled vocabulary: Data Origin Type) Yes
provider_version string provider data version No
sampling_height number Height above the ground of the inlet/instrument/sampler (in m) Yes
additional_metadata string (json-string) No
station Stationmeta Yes
variable Variable Yes
programme TimeseriesProgramme Yes
roles [ TimeseriesRole ] No
annotations [ TimeseriesAnnotation ] No
changelog [ TimeseriesChangelog ] No


Name Type Description Required
id integer for internal use only Yes
kind integer kind of annotation (see controlled vocabulary: Kind Of Annotation) Yes
text string text of annotation Yes
date_added dateTime timestamp when annotation was added Yes
approved boolean Flag indicating whether the annotation of a time-series has been verified Yes
contributor_id integer ID of contributor who added the annotation Yes
timeseries_id integer internal timeseries_id to which this annotation belongs Yes


Name Type Description Required
datetime dateTime Date of change to the TOAR database Yes
description string Description of change Yes
old_value string value that has been changed in the TOAR database Yes
new_value string new, changed value Yes
timeseries_id integer internal ID of time-series to which this change belongs Yes
author_id integer internal ID of person who submitted the change to the TOAR database Yes
type_of_change integer Type of change (see controlled vocabulary: Type Of Change) Yes
period_start dateTime for changes on data: start date from which changes were applied No
period_end dateTime for changes on data: end date to which changes were applied No
version string version that results from this change No


Name Type Description Required
id integer for internal use only Yes
name string (Short) name of programme Yes
longname string (Long) name of programme Yes
homepage string Homepage (URL) of programme Yes
description string Description of programme Yes


Name Type Description Required
id integer for internal use only Yes
role string Role of contact (see controlled vocabulary: Role Code) Yes
status string Status of contact (see controlled vocabulary: Role Status) Yes
contact Contact Contact for this role Yes


Name Type Description Required
name string Name. Short variable-like name of the variable Yes
longname string Longname. Long (explicit) name of the variable Yes
displayname string Displayname. Display name of the variable Yes
cf_standardname string Cf standardname. CF standard name of the variable if defined Yes
units string Units. Physical units of variable Yes
chemical_formula string Chemical formula. Chemical formula of variable(if applicable) Yes
id integer Yes

Geolocation URLs

variable_name service_url
mean_srtm_alt_90m_year1994 {base_url}/topography_srtm/?relative=false&agg=mean&radius=90&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
mean_srtm_alt_1km_year1994 {base_url}/topography_srtm/?relative=false&agg=mean&radius=1000&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
max_srtm_relative_alt_5km_year1994 {base_url}/topography_srtm/?relative=true&agg=max&radius=5000&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
min_srtm_relative_alt_5km_year1994 {base_url}/topography_srtm/?relative=true&agg=min&radius=5000&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
stddev_srtm_relative_alt_5km_year1994 {base_url}/topography_srtm/?relative=true&agg=stddev&radius=5000&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
climatic_zone_year2016 {base_url}/climatic_zone/?lat={lat}&lon={lon}
dominant_landcover_year2012 {base_url}/landcover/?lat={lat}&lon={lon}
landcover_description_25km_year2012 {base_url}/landcover/?description=true&radius=25000&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
dominant_ecoregion_year2017 {base_url}/ecoregion/?lat={lat}&lon={lon}
ecoregion_description_25km_year2017 {base_url}/ecoregion/?description=true&radius=25000&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
distance_to_major_road_year2020 {base_url}/major_road/?lat={lat}&lon={lon}
mean_population_density_250m_year2015 {base_url}/population_density/?agg=mean&radius=250&year=2015&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
mean_population_density_5km_year2015 {base_url}/population_density/?agg=mean&radius=5000&year=2015&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
max_population_density_25km_year2015 {base_url}/population_density/?agg=max&radius=25000&year=2015&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
mean_population_density_250m_year1990 {base_url}/population_density/?agg=mean&radius=250&year=1990&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
mean_population_density_5km_year1990 {base_url}/population_density/?agg=mean&radius=5000&year=1990&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
max_population_density_25km_year1990 {base_url}/population_density/?agg=max&radius=25000&year=1990&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
mean_nox_emissions_10km_year2015 {base_url}/nox_emissions/?agg=mean&radius=25000&year=2015&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
mean_nightlight_1km_year2013 {base_url}/stable_nightlights/?agg=mean&radius=1000&year=2013&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
mean_nightlight_5km_year2013 {base_url}/stable_nightlights/?agg=mean&radius=5000&year=2013&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
max_nightlight_25km_year2013 {base_url}/stable_nightlights/?agg=max&radius=25000&year=2013&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
max_nightlight_25km_year1992 {base_url}/stable_nightlights/?agg=max&radius=25000&year=1992&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
mean_nox_emissions_10km_year2000 {base_url}/nox_emissions/?agg=mean&radius=25000&year=2000&lat={lat}&lon={lon}
htap_region_tier1_year2010 {base_url}/htap_region_tier1/?lat={lat}&country={country}

Controlled Vocabulary

Role Code

  • Role Code: [
    [0, ‘PointOfContact’, ‘point of contact’],
    [1, ‘PrincipalInvestigator’, ‘principal investigator’],
    [2, ‘Originator’, ‘originator’],
    [3, ‘Contributor’, ‘contributor’],
    [4, ‘Collaborator’, ‘collaborator’],
    [5, ‘ResourceProvider’, ‘resource provider’],
    [6, ‘Custodian’, ‘custodian’],
    [7, ‘Stakeholder’, ‘stakeholder’],
    [8, ‘RightsHolder’, ‘rights holder’]]

Role Status

  • Role Status: [
    [0, ‘Active’, ‘active’],
    [1, ‘Inactive’, ‘inactive’],
    [2, ‘Unknown’, ‘unknown’]]

Kind Of Annotation

  • Kind Of Annotation: [
    [0, ‘User’, ‘user comment’],
    [1, ‘Provider’, ‘provider comment’],
    [2, ‘Curator’, ‘curator comment’]]

Kind Of Organization

  • Kind Of Organization: [
    [1, ‘Government’, ‘government’],
    [2, ‘Research’, ‘research’],
    [3, ‘University’, ‘university’],
    [4, ‘International’, ‘international’],
    [5, ‘NonProfit’, ‘non-profit’],
    [6, ‘Commercial’, ‘commercial’],
    [7, ‘Individual’, ‘individual’],
    [8, ‘Other’, ‘other’]]

Sampling Frequency

  • Sampling Frequency: [
    [0, ‘Hourly’, ‘hourly’],
    [1, ‘TenMinutes’, ‘10-minutes’],
    [2, ‘FifteenMinutes’, ‘15-minutes’],
    [3, ‘TwentyMinutes’, ‘20-minutes’],
    [4, ‘ThirtyMinutes’, ‘30-minutes’],
    [5, ‘ThreeHourly’, ‘3-hourly’],
    [6, ‘SixHourly’, ‘6-hourly’],
    [7, ‘Daily’, ‘daily’],
    [8, ‘Weekly’, ‘weekly’],
    [9, ‘Monthly’, ‘monthly’],
    [10, ‘Yearly’, ‘yearly’],
    [11, ‘Irregular’, ‘irregular data samples of constant length’],
    [12, ‘Irregular2’, ‘irregular data samples of varying length’]]

Aggregation Type

  • Aggregation Type: [
    [0, ‘Mean’, ‘mean’],
    [1, ‘MeanOf2’, ‘mean of two values’],
    [2, ‘MeanOfWeek’, ‘weekly mean’],
    [3, ‘MeanOf4Samples’, ‘mean out of 4 samples’],
    [4, ‘MeanOfMonth’, ‘monthly mean’],
    [5, ‘None’, ‘none’],
    [6, ‘Unknown’, ‘unknown’]]

Data Origin Type

  • Data Origin Type: [
    [0, ‘Measurement’, ‘measurement’],
    [1, ‘Model’, ‘model’]]

Data Origin

  • Data Origin: [
    [0, ‘Instrument’, ‘instrument’],
    [1, ‘COSMOREA6’, ‘COSMO REA 6’],
    [2, ‘ERA5’, ‘ERA 5’]]

Climatic Zone 2019

  • Climatic Zone 2019: [
    [-1, ‘Undefined’, ‘undefined’],
    [0, ‘Unclassified’, ‘unclassified’],
    [1, ‘TropicalMontane’, ‘1 (tropical montane)’],
    [2, ‘TropicalWet’, ‘2 (tropical wet)’],
    [3, ‘TropicalMoist’, ‘3 (tropical moist)’],
    [4, ‘TropicalDry’, ‘4 (tropical dry)’],
    [5, ‘WarmTemperateMoist’, ‘5 (warm temperate moist)’],
    [6, ‘WarmTemperateDry’, ‘6 (warm temperate dry)’],
    [7, ‘CoolTemperateMoist’, ‘7 (cool temperate moist)’],
    [8, ‘CoolTemperateDry’, ‘8 (cool temperate dry)’],
    [9, ‘BorealMoist’, ‘9 (boreal moist)’],
    [10, ‘BorealDry’, ‘10 (boreal dry)’],
    [11, ‘PolarMoist’, ‘11 (polar moist)’],
    [12, ‘PolarDry’, ‘12 (polar dry)’]]

Country Code

  • Country Code: [
    [-1, ‘N/A’, ‘N/A’],
    [0, ‘AF’, ‘Afghanistan’],
    [1, ‘AX’, ‘Åland Islands’],
    [2, ‘AL’, ‘Albania’],
    [3, ‘DZ’, ‘Algeria’],
    [4, ‘AS’, ‘American Samoa’],
    [5, ‘AD’, ‘Andorra’],
    [6, ‘AO’, ‘Angola’],
    [7, ‘AI’, ‘Anguilla’],
    [8, ‘AQ’, ‘Antarctica’],
    [9, ‘AG’, ‘Antigua and Barbuda’],
    [10, ‘AR’, ‘Argentina’],
    [11, ‘AM’, ‘Armenia’],
    [12, ‘AW’, ‘Aruba’],
    [13, ‘AU’, ‘Australia’],
    [14, ‘AT’, ‘Austria’],
    [15, ‘AZ’, ‘Azerbaijan’],
    [16, ‘BS’, ‘Bahamas’],
    [17, ‘BH’, ‘Bahrain’],
    [18, ‘BD’, ‘Bangladesh’],
    [19, ‘BB’, ‘Barbados’],
    [20, ‘BY’, ‘Belarus’],
    [21, ‘BE’, ‘Belgium’],
    [22, ‘BZ’, ‘Belize’],
    [23, ‘BJ’, ‘Benin’],
    [24, ‘BM’, ‘Bermuda’],
    [25, ‘BT’, ‘Bhutan’],
    [26, ‘BO’, ‘Plurinational State of Bolivia’],
    [27, ‘BQ’, ‘Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba’],
    [28, ‘BA’, ‘Bosnia and Herzegovina’],
    [29, ‘BW’, ‘Botswana’],
    [30, ‘BV’, ‘Bouvet Island’],
    [31, ‘BR’, ‘Brazil’],
    [32, ‘IO’, ‘British Indian Ocean Territory’],
    [33, ‘UM’, ‘United States Minor Outlying Islands’],
    [34, ‘VG’, ‘British Virgin Islands’],
    [35, ‘VI’, ‘U.S. Virgin Islands’],
    [36, ‘BN’, ‘Brunei Darussalam’],
    [37, ‘BG’, ‘Bulgaria’],
    [38, ‘BF’, ‘Burkina Faso’],
    [39, ‘BI’, ‘Burundi’],
    [40, ‘KH’, ‘Cambodia’],
    [41, ‘CM’, ‘Cameroon’],
    [42, ‘CA’, ‘Canada’],
    [43, ‘CV’, ‘Cabo Verde’],
    [44, ‘KY’, ‘Cayman Islands’],
    [45, ‘CF’, ‘Central African Republic’],
    [46, ‘TD’, ‘Chad’],
    [47, ‘CL’, ‘Chile’],
    [48, ‘CN’, ‘China’],
    [49, ‘CX’, ‘Christmas Island’],
    [50, ‘CC’, ‘Cocos (Keeling) Islands’],
    [51, ‘CO’, ‘Colombia’],
    [52, ‘KM’, ‘Comoros’],
    [53, ‘CG’, ‘Congo’],
    [54, ‘CD’, ‘Democratic Republic of the Congo’],
    [55, ‘CK’, ‘Cook Islands’],
    [56, ‘CR’, ‘Costa Rica’],
    [57, ‘HR’, ‘Croatia’],
    [58, ‘CU’, ‘Cuba’],
    [59, ‘CW’, ‘Curaçao’],
    [60, ‘CY’, ‘Cyprus’],
    [61, ‘CZ’, ‘Czech Republic’],
    [62, ‘DK’, ‘Denmark’],
    [63, ‘DJ’, ‘Djibouti’],
    [64, ‘DM’, ‘Dominica’],
    [65, ‘DO’, ‘Dominican Republic’],
    [66, ‘EC’, ‘Ecuador’],
    [67, ‘EG’, ‘Egypt’],
    [68, ‘SV’, ‘El Salvador’],
    [69, ‘GQ’, ‘Equatorial Guinea’],
    [70, ‘ER’, ‘Eritrea’],
    [71, ‘EE’, ‘Estonia’],
    [72, ‘ET’, ‘Ethiopia’],
    [73, ‘FK’, ‘Falkland Islands (Malvinas)’],
    [74, ‘FO’, ‘Faroe Islands’],
    [75, ‘FJ’, ‘Fiji’],
    [76, ‘FI’, ‘Finland’],
    [77, ‘FR’, ‘France’],
    [78, ‘GF’, ‘French Guiana’],
    [79, ‘PF’, ‘French Polynesia’],
    [80, ‘TF’, ‘French Southern Territories’],
    [81, ‘GA’, ‘Gabon’],
    [82, ‘GM’, ‘Gambia’],
    [83, ‘GE’, ‘Georgia’],
    [84, ‘DE’, ‘Germany’],
    [85, ‘GH’, ‘Ghana’],
    [86, ‘GI’, ‘Gibraltar’],
    [87, ‘GR’, ‘Greece’],
    [88, ‘GL’, ‘Greenland’],
    [89, ‘GD’, ‘Grenada’],
    [90, ‘GP’, ‘Guadeloupe’],
    [91, ‘GU’, ‘Guam’],
    [92, ‘GT’, ‘Guatemala’],
    [93, ‘GG’, ‘Guernsey’],
    [94, ‘GN’, ‘Guinea’],
    [95, ‘GW’, ‘Guinea-Bissau’],
    [96, ‘GY’, ‘Guyana’],
    [97, ‘HT’, ‘Haiti’],
    [98, ‘HM’, ‘Heard Island and McDonald Islands’],
    [99, ‘VA’, ‘Holy See’],
    [100, ‘HN’, ‘Honduras’],
    [101, ‘HK’, ‘Hong Kong’],
    [102, ‘HU’, ‘Hungary’],
    [103, ‘IS’, ‘Iceland’],
    [104, ‘IN’, ‘India’],
    [105, ‘ID’, ‘Indonesia’],
    [106, ‘CI’, “Côte d’Ivoire”],
    [107, ‘IR’, ‘Islamic Republic of Iran’],
    [108, ‘IQ’, ‘Iraq’],
    [109, ‘IE’, ‘Ireland’],
    [110, ‘IM’, ‘Isle of Man’],
    [111, ‘IL’, ‘Israel’],
    [112, ‘IT’, ‘Italy’],
    [113, ‘JM’, ‘Jamaica’],
    [114, ‘JP’, ‘Japan’],
    [115, ‘JE’, ‘Jersey’],
    [116, ‘JO’, ‘Jordan’],
    [117, ‘KZ’, ‘Kazakhstan’],
    [118, ‘KE’, ‘Kenya’],
    [119, ‘KI’, ‘Kiribati’],
    [120, ‘KW’, ‘Kuwait’],
    [121, ‘KG’, ‘Kyrgyzstan’],
    [122, ‘LA’, “Lao People’s Democratic Republic”],
    [123, ‘LV’, ‘Latvia’],
    [124, ‘LB’, ‘Lebanon’],
    [125, ‘LS’, ‘Lesotho’],
    [126, ‘LR’, ‘Liberia’],
    [127, ‘LY’, ‘Libya’],
    [128, ‘LI’, ‘Liechtenstein’],
    [129, ‘LT’, ‘Lithuania’],
    [130, ‘LU’, ‘Luxembourg’],
    [131, ‘MO’, ‘Macao’],
    [132, ‘MK’, ‘North Macedonia’],
    [133, ‘MG’, ‘Madagascar’],
    [134, ‘MW’, ‘Malawi’],
    [135, ‘MY’, ‘Malaysia’],
    [136, ‘MV’, ‘Maldives’],
    [137, ‘ML’, ‘Mali’],
    [138, ‘MT’, ‘Malta’],
    [139, ‘MH’, ‘Marshall Islands’],
    [140, ‘MQ’, ‘Martinique’],
    [141, ‘MR’, ‘Mauritania’],
    [142, ‘MU’, ‘Mauritius’],
    [143, ‘YT’, ‘Mayotte’],
    [144, ‘MX’, ‘Mexico’],
    [145, ‘FM’, ‘Federated States of Micronesia’],
    [146, ‘MD’, ‘Republic of Moldova’],
    [147, ‘MC’, ‘Monaco’],
    [148, ‘MN’, ‘Mongolia’],
    [149, ‘ME’, ‘Montenegro’],
    [150, ‘MS’, ‘Montserrat’],
    [151, ‘MA’, ‘Morocco’],
    [152, ‘MZ’, ‘Mozambique’],
    [153, ‘MM’, ‘Myanmar’],
    [154, ‘NA’, ‘Namibia’],
    [155, ‘NR’, ‘Nauru’],
    [156, ‘NP’, ‘Nepal’],
    [157, ‘NL’, ‘Netherlands’],
    [158, ‘NC’, ‘New Caledonia’],
    [159, ‘NZ’, ‘New Zealand’],
    [160, ‘NI’, ‘Nicaragua’],
    [161, ‘NE’, ‘Niger’],
    [162, ‘NG’, ‘Nigeria’],
    [163, ‘NU’, ‘Niue’],
    [164, ‘NF’, ‘Norfolk Island’],
    [165, ‘KP’, “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”],
    [166, ‘MP’, ‘Northern Mariana Islands’],
    [167, ‘NO’, ‘Norway’],
    [168, ‘OM’, ‘Oman’],
    [169, ‘PK’, ‘Pakistan’],
    [170, ‘PW’, ‘Palau’],
    [171, ‘PS’, ‘State of Palestine’],
    [172, ‘PA’, ‘Panama’],
    [173, ‘PG’, ‘Papua New Guinea’],
    [174, ‘PY’, ‘Paraguay’],
    [175, ‘PE’, ‘Peru’],
    [176, ‘PH’, ‘Philippines’],
    [177, ‘PN’, ‘Pitcairn’],
    [178, ‘PL’, ‘Poland’],
    [179, ‘PT’, ‘Portugal’],
    [180, ‘PR’, ‘Puerto Rico’],
    [181, ‘QA’, ‘Qatar’],
    [182, ‘XK’, ‘Republic of Kosovo’],
    [183, ‘RE’, ‘Réunion’],
    [184, ‘RO’, ‘Romania’],
    [185, ‘RU’, ‘Russian Federation’],
    [186, ‘RW’, ‘Rwanda’],
    [187, ‘BL’, ‘Saint Barthélemy’],
    [188, ‘SH’, ‘Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha’],
    [189, ‘KN’, ‘Saint Kitts and Nevis’],
    [190, ‘LC’, ‘Saint Lucia’],
    [191, ‘MF’, ‘Saint Martin (French part)’],
    [192, ‘PM’, ‘Saint Pierre and Miquelon’],
    [193, ‘VC’, ‘Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’],
    [194, ‘WS’, ‘Samoa’],
    [195, ‘SM’, ‘San Marino’],
    [196, ‘ST’, ‘Sao Tome and Principe’],
    [197, ‘SA’, ‘Saudi Arabia’],
    [198, ‘SN’, ‘Senegal’],
    [199, ‘RS’, ‘Serbia’],
    [200, ‘SC’, ‘Seychelles’],
    [201, ‘SL’, ‘Sierra Leone’],
    [202, ‘SG’, ‘Singapore’],
    [203, ‘SX’, ‘Sint Maarten (Dutch part)’],
    [204, ‘SK’, ‘Slovakia’],
    [205, ‘SI’, ‘Slovenia’],
    [206, ‘SB’, ‘Solomon Islands’],
    [207, ‘SO’, ‘Somalia’],
    [208, ‘ZA’, ‘South Africa’],
    [209, ‘GS’, ‘South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands’],
    [210, ‘KR’, ‘Republic of Korea’],
    [211, ‘SS’, ‘South Sudan’],
    [212, ‘ES’, ‘Spain’],
    [213, ‘LK’, ‘Sri Lanka’],
    [214, ‘SD’, ‘Sudan’],
    [215, ‘SR’, ‘Suriname’],
    [216, ‘SJ’, ‘Svalbard and Jan Mayen’],
    [217, ‘SZ’, ‘Swaziland’],
    [218, ‘SE’, ‘Sweden’],
    [219, ‘CH’, ‘Switzerland’],
    [220, ‘SY’, ‘Syrian Arab Republic’],
    [221, ‘TW’, ‘Taiwan’],
    [222, ‘TJ’, ‘Tajikistan’],
    [223, ‘TZ’, ‘United Republic of Tanzania’],
    [224, ‘TH’, ‘Thailand’],
    [225, ‘TL’, ‘Timor-Leste’],
    [226, ‘TG’, ‘Togo’],
    [227, ‘TK’, ‘Tokelau’],
    [228, ‘TO’, ‘Tonga’],
    [229, ‘TT’, ‘Trinidad and Tobago’],
    [230, ‘TN’, ‘Tunisia’],
    [231, ‘TR’, ‘Turkey’],
    [232, ‘TM’, ‘Turkmenistan’],
    [233, ‘TC’, ‘Turks and Caicos Islands’],
    [234, ‘TV’, ‘Tuvalu’],
    [235, ‘UG’, ‘Uganda’],
    [236, ‘UA’, ‘Ukraine’],
    [237, ‘AE’, ‘United Arab Emirates’],
    [238, ‘GB’, ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’],
    [239, ‘US’, ‘United States of America’],
    [240, ‘UY’, ‘Uruguay’],
    [241, ‘UZ’, ‘Uzbekistan’],
    [242, ‘VU’, ‘Vanuatu’],
    [243, ‘VE’, ‘Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela’],
    [244, ‘VN’, ‘Viet Nam’],
    [245, ‘WF’, ‘Wallis and Futuna’],
    [246, ‘EH’, ‘Western Sahara’],
    [247, ‘YE’, ‘Yemen’],
    [248, ‘ZM’, ‘Zambia’],
    [249, ‘ZW’, ‘Zimbabwe’]]


  • Timezone: [
    [-1, ‘N/A’, ‘N/A’],
    [0, ‘Africa/Abidjan’, ‘Africa/Abidjan’],
    [1, ‘Africa/Accra’, ‘Africa/Accra’],
    [2, ‘Africa/Addis_Ababa’, ‘Africa/Addis_Ababa’],
    [3, ‘Africa/Algiers’, ‘Africa/Algiers’],
    [4, ‘Africa/Asmara’, ‘Africa/Asmara’],
    [5, ‘Africa/Asmera’, ‘Africa/Asmera’],
    [6, ‘Africa/Bamako’, ‘Africa/Bamako’],
    [7, ‘Africa/Bangui’, ‘Africa/Bangui’],
    [8, ‘Africa/Banjul’, ‘Africa/Banjul’],
    [9, ‘Africa/Bissau’, ‘Africa/Bissau’],
    [10, ‘Africa/Blantyre’, ‘Africa/Blantyre’],
    [11, ‘Africa/Brazzaville’, ‘Africa/Brazzaville’],
    [12, ‘Africa/Bujumbura’, ‘Africa/Bujumbura’],
    [13, ‘Africa/Cairo’, ‘Africa/Cairo’],
    [14, ‘Africa/Casablanca’, ‘Africa/Casablanca’],
    [15, ‘Africa/Ceuta’, ‘Africa/Ceuta’],
    [16, ‘Africa/Conakry’, ‘Africa/Conakry’],
    [17, ‘Africa/Dakar’, ‘Africa/Dakar’],
    [18, ‘Africa/Dar_es_Salaam’, ‘Africa/Dar_es_Salaam’],
    [19, ‘Africa/Djibouti’, ‘Africa/Djibouti’],
    [20, ‘Africa/Douala’, ‘Africa/Douala’],
    [21, ‘Africa/El_Aaiun’, ‘Africa/El_Aaiun’],
    [22, ‘Africa/Freetown’, ‘Africa/Freetown’],
    [23, ‘Africa/Gaborone’, ‘Africa/Gaborone’],
    [24, ‘Africa/Harare’, ‘Africa/Harare’],
    [25, ‘Africa/Johannesburg’, ‘Africa/Johannesburg’],
    [26, ‘Africa/Juba’, ‘Africa/Juba’],
    [27, ‘Africa/Kampala’, ‘Africa/Kampala’],
    [28, ‘Africa/Khartoum’, ‘Africa/Khartoum’],
    [29, ‘Africa/Kigali’, ‘Africa/Kigali’],
    [30, ‘Africa/Kinshasa’, ‘Africa/Kinshasa’],
    [31, ‘Africa/Lagos’, ‘Africa/Lagos’],
    [32, ‘Africa/Libreville’, ‘Africa/Libreville’],
    [33, ‘Africa/Lome’, ‘Africa/Lome’],
    [34, ‘Africa/Luanda’, ‘Africa/Luanda’],
    [35, ‘Africa/Lubumbashi’, ‘Africa/Lubumbashi’],
    [36, ‘Africa/Lusaka’, ‘Africa/Lusaka’],
    [37, ‘Africa/Malabo’, ‘Africa/Malabo’],
    [38, ‘Africa/Maputo’, ‘Africa/Maputo’],
    [39, ‘Africa/Maseru’, ‘Africa/Maseru’],
    [40, ‘Africa/Mbabane’, ‘Africa/Mbabane’],
    [41, ‘Africa/Mogadishu’, ‘Africa/Mogadishu’],
    [42, ‘Africa/Monrovia’, ‘Africa/Monrovia’],
    [43, ‘Africa/Nairobi’, ‘Africa/Nairobi’],
    [44, ‘Africa/Ndjamena’, ‘Africa/Ndjamena’],
    [45, ‘Africa/Niamey’, ‘Africa/Niamey’],
    [46, ‘Africa/Nouakchott’, ‘Africa/Nouakchott’],
    [47, ‘Africa/Ouagadougou’, ‘Africa/Ouagadougou’],
    [48, ‘Africa/Porto-Novo’, ‘Africa/Porto-Novo’],
    [49, ‘Africa/Sao_Tome’, ‘Africa/Sao_Tome’],
    [50, ‘Africa/Timbuktu’, ‘Africa/Timbuktu’],
    [51, ‘Africa/Tripoli’, ‘Africa/Tripoli’],
    [52, ‘Africa/Tunis’, ‘Africa/Tunis’],
    [53, ‘Africa/Windhoek’, ‘Africa/Windhoek’],
    [54, ‘America/Adak’, ‘America/Adak’],
    [55, ‘America/Anchorage’, ‘America/Anchorage’],
    [56, ‘America/Anguilla’, ‘America/Anguilla’],
    [57, ‘America/Antigua’, ‘America/Antigua’],
    [58, ‘America/Araguaina’, ‘America/Araguaina’],
    [59, ‘America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires’, ‘America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires’],
    [60, ‘America/Argentina/Catamarca’, ‘America/Argentina/Catamarca’],
    [61, ‘America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia’, ‘America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia’],
    [62, ‘America/Argentina/Cordoba’, ‘America/Argentina/Cordoba’],
    [63, ‘America/Argentina/Jujuy’, ‘America/Argentina/Jujuy’],
    [64, ‘America/Argentina/La_Rioja’, ‘America/Argentina/La_Rioja’],
    [65, ‘America/Argentina/Mendoza’, ‘America/Argentina/Mendoza’],
    [66, ‘America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos’, ‘America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos’],
    [67, ‘America/Argentina/Salta’, ‘America/Argentina/Salta’],
    [68, ‘America/Argentina/San_Juan’, ‘America/Argentina/San_Juan’],
    [69, ‘America/Argentina/San_Luis’, ‘America/Argentina/San_Luis’],
    [70, ‘America/Argentina/Tucuman’, ‘America/Argentina/Tucuman’],
    [71, ‘America/Argentina/Ushuaia’, ‘America/Argentina/Ushuaia’],
    [72, ‘America/Aruba’, ‘America/Aruba’],
    [73, ‘America/Asuncion’, ‘America/Asuncion’],
    [74, ‘America/Atikokan’, ‘America/Atikokan’],
    [75, ‘America/Atka’, ‘America/Atka’],
    [76, ‘America/Bahia’, ‘America/Bahia’],
    [77, ‘America/Bahia_Banderas’, ‘America/Bahia_Banderas’],
    [78, ‘America/Barbados’, ‘America/Barbados’],
    [79, ‘America/Belem’, ‘America/Belem’],
    [80, ‘America/Belize’, ‘America/Belize’],
    [81, ‘America/Blanc-Sablon’, ‘America/Blanc-Sablon’],
    [82, ‘America/Boa_Vista’, ‘America/Boa_Vista’],
    [83, ‘America/Bogota’, ‘America/Bogota’],
    [84, ‘America/Boise’, ‘America/Boise’],
    [85, ‘America/Buenos_Aires’, ‘America/Buenos_Aires’],
    [86, ‘America/Cambridge_Bay’, ‘America/Cambridge_Bay’],
    [87, ‘America/Campo_Grande’, ‘America/Campo_Grande’],
    [88, ‘America/Cancun’, ‘America/Cancun’],
    [89, ‘America/Caracas’, ‘America/Caracas’],
    [90, ‘America/Catamarca’, ‘America/Catamarca’],
    [91, ‘America/Cayenne’, ‘America/Cayenne’],
    [92, ‘America/Cayman’, ‘America/Cayman’],
    [93, ‘America/Chicago’, ‘America/Chicago’],
    [94, ‘America/Chihuahua’, ‘America/Chihuahua’],
    [95, ‘America/Coral_Harbour’, ‘America/Coral_Harbour’],
    [96, ‘America/Cordoba’, ‘America/Cordoba’],
    [97, ‘America/Costa_Rica’, ‘America/Costa_Rica’],
    [98, ‘America/Creston’, ‘America/Creston’],
    [99, ‘America/Cuiaba’, ‘America/Cuiaba’],
    [100, ‘America/Curacao’, ‘America/Curacao’],
    [101, ‘America/Danmarkshavn’, ‘America/Danmarkshavn’],
    [102, ‘America/Dawson’, ‘America/Dawson’],
    [103, ‘America/Dawson_Creek’, ‘America/Dawson_Creek’],
    [104, ‘America/Denver’, ‘America/Denver’],
    [105, ‘America/Detroit’, ‘America/Detroit’],
    [106, ‘America/Dominica’, ‘America/Dominica’],
    [107, ‘America/Edmonton’, ‘America/Edmonton’],
    [108, ‘America/Eirunepe’, ‘America/Eirunepe’],
    [109, ‘America/El_Salvador’, ‘America/El_Salvador’],
    [110, ‘America/Ensenada’, ‘America/Ensenada’],
    [111, ‘America/Fort_Nelson’, ‘America/Fort_Nelson’],
    [112, ‘America/Fort_Wayne’, ‘America/Fort_Wayne’],
    [113, ‘America/Fortaleza’, ‘America/Fortaleza’],
    [114, ‘America/Glace_Bay’, ‘America/Glace_Bay’],
    [115, ‘America/Godthab’, ‘America/Godthab’],
    [116, ‘America/Goose_Bay’, ‘America/Goose_Bay’],
    [117, ‘America/Grand_Turk’, ‘America/Grand_Turk’],
    [118, ‘America/Grenada’, ‘America/Grenada’],
    [119, ‘America/Guadeloupe’, ‘America/Guadeloupe’],
    [120, ‘America/Guatemala’, ‘America/Guatemala’],
    [121, ‘America/Guayaquil’, ‘America/Guayaquil’],
    [122, ‘America/Guyana’, ‘America/Guyana’],
    [123, ‘America/Halifax’, ‘America/Halifax’],
    [124, ‘America/Havana’, ‘America/Havana’],
    [125, ‘America/Hermosillo’, ‘America/Hermosillo’],
    [126, ‘America/Indiana/Indianapolis’, ‘America/Indiana/Indianapolis’],
    [127, ‘America/Indiana/Knox’, ‘America/Indiana/Knox’],
    [128, ‘America/Indiana/Marengo’, ‘America/Indiana/Marengo’],
    [129, ‘America/Indiana/Petersburg’, ‘America/Indiana/Petersburg’],
    [130, ‘America/Indiana/Tell_City’, ‘America/Indiana/Tell_City’],
    [131, ‘America/Indiana/Vevay’, ‘America/Indiana/Vevay’],
    [132, ‘America/Indiana/Vincennes’, ‘America/Indiana/Vincennes’],
    [133, ‘America/Indiana/Winamac’, ‘America/Indiana/Winamac’],
    [134, ‘America/Indianapolis’, ‘America/Indianapolis’],
    [135, ‘America/Inuvik’, ‘America/Inuvik’],
    [136, ‘America/Iqaluit’, ‘America/Iqaluit’],
    [137, ‘America/Jamaica’, ‘America/Jamaica’],
    [138, ‘America/Jujuy’, ‘America/Jujuy’],
    [139, ‘America/Juneau’, ‘America/Juneau’],
    [140, ‘America/Kentucky/Louisville’, ‘America/Kentucky/Louisville’],
    [141, ‘America/Kentucky/Monticello’, ‘America/Kentucky/Monticello’],
    [142, ‘America/Knox_IN’, ‘America/Knox_IN’],
    [143, ‘America/Kralendijk’, ‘America/Kralendijk’],
    [144, ‘America/La_Paz’, ‘America/La_Paz’],
    [145, ‘America/Lima’, ‘America/Lima’],
    [146, ‘America/Los_Angeles’, ‘America/Los_Angeles’],
    [147, ‘America/Louisville’, ‘America/Louisville’],
    [148, ‘America/Lower_Princes’, ‘America/Lower_Princes’],
    [149, ‘America/Maceio’, ‘America/Maceio’],
    [150, ‘America/Managua’, ‘America/Managua’],
    [151, ‘America/Manaus’, ‘America/Manaus’],
    [152, ‘America/Marigot’, ‘America/Marigot’],
    [153, ‘America/Martinique’, ‘America/Martinique’],
    [154, ‘America/Matamoros’, ‘America/Matamoros’],
    [155, ‘America/Mazatlan’, ‘America/Mazatlan’],
    [156, ‘America/Mendoza’, ‘America/Mendoza’],
    [157, ‘America/Menominee’, ‘America/Menominee’],
    [158, ‘America/Merida’, ‘America/Merida’],
    [159, ‘America/Metlakatla’, ‘America/Metlakatla’],
    [160, ‘America/Mexico_City’, ‘America/Mexico_City’],
    [161, ‘America/Miquelon’, ‘America/Miquelon’],
    [162, ‘America/Moncton’, ‘America/Moncton’],
    [163, ‘America/Monterrey’, ‘America/Monterrey’],
    [164, ‘America/Montevideo’, ‘America/Montevideo’],
    [165, ‘America/Montreal’, ‘America/Montreal’],
    [166, ‘America/Montserrat’, ‘America/Montserrat’],
    [167, ‘America/Nassau’, ‘America/Nassau’],
    [168, ‘America/New_York’, ‘America/New_York’],
    [169, ‘America/Nipigon’, ‘America/Nipigon’],
    [170, ‘America/Nome’, ‘America/Nome’],
    [171, ‘America/Noronha’, ‘America/Noronha’],
    [172, ‘America/North_Dakota/Beulah’, ‘America/North_Dakota/Beulah’],
    [173, ‘America/North_Dakota/Center’, ‘America/North_Dakota/Center’],
    [174, ‘America/North_Dakota/New_Salem’, ‘America/North_Dakota/New_Salem’],
    [175, ‘America/Nuuk’, ‘America/Nuuk’],
    [176, ‘America/Ojinaga’, ‘America/Ojinaga’],
    [177, ‘America/Panama’, ‘America/Panama’],
    [178, ‘America/Pangnirtung’, ‘America/Pangnirtung’],
    [179, ‘America/Paramaribo’, ‘America/Paramaribo’],
    [180, ‘America/Phoenix’, ‘America/Phoenix’],
    [181, ‘America/Port-au-Prince’, ‘America/Port-au-Prince’],
    [182, ‘America/Port_of_Spain’, ‘America/Port_of_Spain’],
    [183, ‘America/Porto_Acre’, ‘America/Porto_Acre’],
    [184, ‘America/Porto_Velho’, ‘America/Porto_Velho’],
    [185, ‘America/Puerto_Rico’, ‘America/Puerto_Rico’],
    [186, ‘America/Punta_Arenas’, ‘America/Punta_Arenas’],
    [187, ‘America/Rainy_River’, ‘America/Rainy_River’],
    [188, ‘America/Rankin_Inlet’, ‘America/Rankin_Inlet’],
    [189, ‘America/Recife’, ‘America/Recife’],
    [190, ‘America/Regina’, ‘America/Regina’],
    [191, ‘America/Resolute’, ‘America/Resolute’],
    [192, ‘America/Rio_Branco’, ‘America/Rio_Branco’],
    [193, ‘America/Rosario’, ‘America/Rosario’],
    [194, ‘America/Santa_Isabel’, ‘America/Santa_Isabel’],
    [195, ‘America/Santarem’, ‘America/Santarem’],
    [196, ‘America/Santiago’, ‘America/Santiago’],
    [197, ‘America/Santo_Domingo’, ‘America/Santo_Domingo’],
    [198, ‘America/Sao_Paulo’, ‘America/Sao_Paulo’],
    [199, ‘America/Scoresbysund’, ‘America/Scoresbysund’],
    [200, ‘America/Shiprock’, ‘America/Shiprock’],
    [201, ‘America/Sitka’, ‘America/Sitka’],
    [202, ‘America/St_Barthelemy’, ‘America/St_Barthelemy’],
    [203, ‘America/St_Johns’, ‘America/St_Johns’],
    [204, ‘America/St_Kitts’, ‘America/St_Kitts’],
    [205, ‘America/St_Lucia’, ‘America/St_Lucia’],
    [206, ‘America/St_Thomas’, ‘America/St_Thomas’],
    [207, ‘America/St_Vincent’, ‘America/St_Vincent’],
    [208, ‘America/Swift_Current’, ‘America/Swift_Current’],
    [209, ‘America/Tegucigalpa’, ‘America/Tegucigalpa’],
    [210, ‘America/Thule’, ‘America/Thule’],
    [211, ‘America/Thunder_Bay’, ‘America/Thunder_Bay’],
    [212, ‘America/Tijuana’, ‘America/Tijuana’],
    [213, ‘America/Toronto’, ‘America/Toronto’],
    [214, ‘America/Tortola’, ‘America/Tortola’],
    [215, ‘America/Vancouver’, ‘America/Vancouver’],
    [216, ‘America/Virgin’, ‘America/Virgin’],
    [217, ‘America/Whitehorse’, ‘America/Whitehorse’],
    [218, ‘America/Winnipeg’, ‘America/Winnipeg’],
    [219, ‘America/Yakutat’, ‘America/Yakutat’],
    [220, ‘America/Yellowknife’, ‘America/Yellowknife’],
    [221, ‘Antarctica/Casey’, ‘Antarctica/Casey’],
    [222, ‘Antarctica/Davis’, ‘Antarctica/Davis’],
    [223, ‘Antarctica/DumontDUrville’, ‘Antarctica/DumontDUrville’],
    [224, ‘Antarctica/Macquarie’, ‘Antarctica/Macquarie’],
    [225, ‘Antarctica/Mawson’, ‘Antarctica/Mawson’],
    [226, ‘Antarctica/McMurdo’, ‘Antarctica/McMurdo’],
    [227, ‘Antarctica/Palmer’, ‘Antarctica/Palmer’],
    [228, ‘Antarctica/Rothera’, ‘Antarctica/Rothera’],
    [229, ‘Antarctica/South_Pole’, ‘Antarctica/South_Pole’],
    [230, ‘Antarctica/Syowa’, ‘Antarctica/Syowa’],
    [231, ‘Antarctica/Troll’, ‘Antarctica/Troll’],
    [232, ‘Antarctica/Vostok’, ‘Antarctica/Vostok’],
    [233, ‘Arctic/Longyearbyen’, ‘Arctic/Longyearbyen’],
    [234, ‘Asia/Aden’, ‘Asia/Aden’],
    [235, ‘Asia/Almaty’, ‘Asia/Almaty’],
    [236, ‘Asia/Amman’, ‘Asia/Amman’],
    [237, ‘Asia/Anadyr’, ‘Asia/Anadyr’],
    [238, ‘Asia/Aqtau’, ‘Asia/Aqtau’],
    [239, ‘Asia/Aqtobe’, ‘Asia/Aqtobe’],
    [240, ‘Asia/Ashgabat’, ‘Asia/Ashgabat’],
    [241, ‘Asia/Ashkhabad’, ‘Asia/Ashkhabad’],
    [242, ‘Asia/Atyrau’, ‘Asia/Atyrau’],
    [243, ‘Asia/Baghdad’, ‘Asia/Baghdad’],
    [244, ‘Asia/Bahrain’, ‘Asia/Bahrain’],
    [245, ‘Asia/Baku’, ‘Asia/Baku’],
    [246, ‘Asia/Bangkok’, ‘Asia/Bangkok’],
    [247, ‘Asia/Barnaul’, ‘Asia/Barnaul’],
    [248, ‘Asia/Beirut’, ‘Asia/Beirut’],
    [249, ‘Asia/Bishkek’, ‘Asia/Bishkek’],
    [250, ‘Asia/Brunei’, ‘Asia/Brunei’],
    [251, ‘Asia/Calcutta’, ‘Asia/Calcutta’],
    [252, ‘Asia/Chita’, ‘Asia/Chita’],
    [253, ‘Asia/Choibalsan’, ‘Asia/Choibalsan’],
    [254, ‘Asia/Chongqing’, ‘Asia/Chongqing’],
    [255, ‘Asia/Chungking’, ‘Asia/Chungking’],
    [256, ‘Asia/Colombo’, ‘Asia/Colombo’],
    [257, ‘Asia/Dacca’, ‘Asia/Dacca’],
    [258, ‘Asia/Damascus’, ‘Asia/Damascus’],
    [259, ‘Asia/Dhaka’, ‘Asia/Dhaka’],
    [260, ‘Asia/Dili’, ‘Asia/Dili’],
    [261, ‘Asia/Dubai’, ‘Asia/Dubai’],
    [262, ‘Asia/Dushanbe’, ‘Asia/Dushanbe’],
    [263, ‘Asia/Famagusta’, ‘Asia/Famagusta’],
    [264, ‘Asia/Gaza’, ‘Asia/Gaza’],
    [265, ‘Asia/Harbin’, ‘Asia/Harbin’],
    [266, ‘Asia/Hebron’, ‘Asia/Hebron’],
    [267, ‘Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh’, ‘Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh’],
    [268, ‘Asia/Hong_Kong’, ‘Asia/Hong_Kong’],
    [269, ‘Asia/Hovd’, ‘Asia/Hovd’],
    [270, ‘Asia/Irkutsk’, ‘Asia/Irkutsk’],
    [271, ‘Asia/Istanbul’, ‘Asia/Istanbul’],
    [272, ‘Asia/Jakarta’, ‘Asia/Jakarta’],
    [273, ‘Asia/Jayapura’, ‘Asia/Jayapura’],
    [274, ‘Asia/Jerusalem’, ‘Asia/Jerusalem’],
    [275, ‘Asia/Kabul’, ‘Asia/Kabul’],
    [276, ‘Asia/Kamchatka’, ‘Asia/Kamchatka’],
    [277, ‘Asia/Karachi’, ‘Asia/Karachi’],
    [278, ‘Asia/Kashgar’, ‘Asia/Kashgar’],
    [279, ‘Asia/Kathmandu’, ‘Asia/Kathmandu’],
    [280, ‘Asia/Katmandu’, ‘Asia/Katmandu’],
    [281, ‘Asia/Khandyga’, ‘Asia/Khandyga’],
    [282, ‘Asia/Kolkata’, ‘Asia/Kolkata’],
    [283, ‘Asia/Krasnoyarsk’, ‘Asia/Krasnoyarsk’],
    [284, ‘Asia/Kuala_Lumpur’, ‘Asia/Kuala_Lumpur’],
    [285, ‘Asia/Kuching’, ‘Asia/Kuching’],
    [286, ‘Asia/Kuwait’, ‘Asia/Kuwait’],
    [287, ‘Asia/Macao’, ‘Asia/Macao’],
    [288, ‘Asia/Macau’, ‘Asia/Macau’],
    [289, ‘Asia/Magadan’, ‘Asia/Magadan’],
    [290, ‘Asia/Makassar’, ‘Asia/Makassar’],
    [291, ‘Asia/Manila’, ‘Asia/Manila’],
    [292, ‘Asia/Muscat’, ‘Asia/Muscat’],
    [293, ‘Asia/Nicosia’, ‘Asia/Nicosia’],
    [294, ‘Asia/Novokuznetsk’, ‘Asia/Novokuznetsk’],
    [295, ‘Asia/Novosibirsk’, ‘Asia/Novosibirsk’],
    [296, ‘Asia/Omsk’, ‘Asia/Omsk’],
    [297, ‘Asia/Oral’, ‘Asia/Oral’],
    [298, ‘Asia/Phnom_Penh’, ‘Asia/Phnom_Penh’],
    [299, ‘Asia/Pontianak’, ‘Asia/Pontianak’],
    [300, ‘Asia/Pyongyang’, ‘Asia/Pyongyang’],
    [301, ‘Asia/Qatar’, ‘Asia/Qatar’],
    [302, ‘Asia/Qostanay’, ‘Asia/Qostanay’],
    [303, ‘Asia/Qyzylorda’, ‘Asia/Qyzylorda’],
    [304, ‘Asia/Rangoon’, ‘Asia/Rangoon’],
    [305, ‘Asia/Riyadh’, ‘Asia/Riyadh’],
    [306, ‘Asia/Saigon’, ‘Asia/Saigon’],
    [307, ‘Asia/Sakhalin’, ‘Asia/Sakhalin’],
    [308, ‘Asia/Samarkand’, ‘Asia/Samarkand’],
    [309, ‘Asia/Seoul’, ‘Asia/Seoul’],
    [310, ‘Asia/Shanghai’, ‘Asia/Shanghai’],
    [311, ‘Asia/Singapore’, ‘Asia/Singapore’],
    [312, ‘Asia/Srednekolymsk’, ‘Asia/Srednekolymsk’],
    [313, ‘Asia/Taipei’, ‘Asia/Taipei’],
    [314, ‘Asia/Tashkent’, ‘Asia/Tashkent’],
    [315, ‘Asia/Tbilisi’, ‘Asia/Tbilisi’],
    [316, ‘Asia/Tehran’, ‘Asia/Tehran’],
    [317, ‘Asia/Tel_Aviv’, ‘Asia/Tel_Aviv’],
    [318, ‘Asia/Thimbu’, ‘Asia/Thimbu’],
    [319, ‘Asia/Thimphu’, ‘Asia/Thimphu’],
    [320, ‘Asia/Tokyo’, ‘Asia/Tokyo’],
    [321, ‘Asia/Tomsk’, ‘Asia/Tomsk’],
    [322, ‘Asia/Ujung_Pandang’, ‘Asia/Ujung_Pandang’],
    [323, ‘Asia/Ulaanbaatar’, ‘Asia/Ulaanbaatar’],
    [324, ‘Asia/Ulan_Bator’, ‘Asia/Ulan_Bator’],
    [325, ‘Asia/Urumqi’, ‘Asia/Urumqi’],
    [326, ‘Asia/Ust-Nera’, ‘Asia/Ust-Nera’],
    [327, ‘Asia/Vientiane’, ‘Asia/Vientiane’],
    [328, ‘Asia/Vladivostok’, ‘Asia/Vladivostok’],
    [329, ‘Asia/Yakutsk’, ‘Asia/Yakutsk’],
    [330, ‘Asia/Yangon’, ‘Asia/Yangon’],
    [331, ‘Asia/Yekaterinburg’, ‘Asia/Yekaterinburg’],
    [332, ‘Asia/Yerevan’, ‘Asia/Yerevan’],
    [333, ‘Atlantic/Azores’, ‘Atlantic/Azores’],
    [334, ‘Atlantic/Bermuda’, ‘Atlantic/Bermuda’],
    [335, ‘Atlantic/Canary’, ‘Atlantic/Canary’],
    [336, ‘Atlantic/Cape_Verde’, ‘Atlantic/Cape_Verde’],
    [337, ‘Atlantic/Faeroe’, ‘Atlantic/Faeroe’],
    [338, ‘Atlantic/Faroe’, ‘Atlantic/Faroe’],
    [339, ‘Atlantic/Jan_Mayen’, ‘Atlantic/Jan_Mayen’],
    [340, ‘Atlantic/Madeira’, ‘Atlantic/Madeira’],
    [341, ‘Atlantic/Reykjavik’, ‘Atlantic/Reykjavik’],
    [342, ‘Atlantic/South_Georgia’, ‘Atlantic/South_Georgia’],
    [343, ‘Atlantic/St_Helena’, ‘Atlantic/St_Helena’],
    [344, ‘Atlantic/Stanley’, ‘Atlantic/Stanley’],
    [345, ‘Australia/ACT’, ‘Australia/ACT’],
    [346, ‘Australia/Adelaide’, ‘Australia/Adelaide’],
    [347, ‘Australia/Brisbane’, ‘Australia/Brisbane’],
    [348, ‘Australia/Broken_Hill’, ‘Australia/Broken_Hill’],
    [349, ‘Australia/Canberra’, ‘Australia/Canberra’],
    [350, ‘Australia/Currie’, ‘Australia/Currie’],
    [351, ‘Australia/Darwin’, ‘Australia/Darwin’],
    [352, ‘Australia/Eucla’, ‘Australia/Eucla’],
    [353, ‘Australia/Hobart’, ‘Australia/Hobart’],
    [354, ‘Australia/LHI’, ‘Australia/LHI’],
    [355, ‘Australia/Lindeman’, ‘Australia/Lindeman’],
    [356, ‘Australia/Lord_Howe’, ‘Australia/Lord_Howe’],
    [357, ‘Australia/Melbourne’, ‘Australia/Melbourne’],
    [358, ‘Australia/NSW’, ‘Australia/NSW’],
    [359, ‘Australia/North’, ‘Australia/North’],
    [360, ‘Australia/Perth’, ‘Australia/Perth’],
    [361, ‘Australia/Queensland’, ‘Australia/Queensland’],
    [362, ‘Australia/South’, ‘Australia/South’],
    [363, ‘Australia/Sydney’, ‘Australia/Sydney’],
    [364, ‘Australia/Tasmania’, ‘Australia/Tasmania’],
    [365, ‘Australia/Victoria’, ‘Australia/Victoria’],
    [366, ‘Australia/West’, ‘Australia/West’],
    [367, ‘Australia/Yancowinna’, ‘Australia/Yancowinna’],
    [368, ‘Brazil/Acre’, ‘Brazil/Acre’],
    [369, ‘Brazil/DeNoronha’, ‘Brazil/DeNoronha’],
    [370, ‘Brazil/East’, ‘Brazil/East’],
    [371, ‘Brazil/West’, ‘Brazil/West’],
    [372, ‘CET’, ‘CET’],
    [373, ‘CST6CDT’, ‘CST6CDT’],
    [374, ‘Canada/Atlantic’, ‘Canada/Atlantic’],
    [375, ‘Canada/Central’, ‘Canada/Central’],
    [376, ‘Canada/Eastern’, ‘Canada/Eastern’],
    [377, ‘Canada/Mountain’, ‘Canada/Mountain’],
    [378, ‘Canada/Newfoundland’, ‘Canada/Newfoundland’],
    [379, ‘Canada/Pacific’, ‘Canada/Pacific’],
    [380, ‘Canada/Saskatchewan’, ‘Canada/Saskatchewan’],
    [381, ‘Canada/Yukon’, ‘Canada/Yukon’],
    [382, ‘Chile/Continental’, ‘Chile/Continental’],
    [383, ‘Chile/EasterIsland’, ‘Chile/EasterIsland’],
    [384, ‘Cuba’, ‘Cuba’],
    [385, ‘EET’, ‘EET’],
    [386, ‘EST’, ‘EST’],
    [387, ‘EST5EDT’, ‘EST5EDT’],
    [388, ‘Egypt’, ‘Egypt’],
    [389, ‘Eire’, ‘Eire’],
    [390, ‘Etc/GMT’, ‘Etc/GMT’],
    [391, ‘Etc/GMT+0’, ‘Etc/GMT+0’],
    [392, ‘Etc/GMT+1’, ‘Etc/GMT+1’],
    [393, ‘Etc/GMT+10’, ‘Etc/GMT+10’],
    [394, ‘Etc/GMT+11’, ‘Etc/GMT+11’],
    [395, ‘Etc/GMT+12’, ‘Etc/GMT+12’],
    [396, ‘Etc/GMT+2’, ‘Etc/GMT+2’],
    [397, ‘Etc/GMT+3’, ‘Etc/GMT+3’],
    [398, ‘Etc/GMT+4’, ‘Etc/GMT+4’],
    [399, ‘Etc/GMT+5’, ‘Etc/GMT+5’],
    [400, ‘Etc/GMT+6’, ‘Etc/GMT+6’],
    [401, ‘Etc/GMT+7’, ‘Etc/GMT+7’],
    [402, ‘Etc/GMT+8’, ‘Etc/GMT+8’],
    [403, ‘Etc/GMT+9’, ‘Etc/GMT+9’],
    [404, ‘Etc/GMT-0’, ‘Etc/GMT-0’],
    [405, ‘Etc/GMT-1’, ‘Etc/GMT-1’],
    [406, ‘Etc/GMT-10’, ‘Etc/GMT-10’],
    [407, ‘Etc/GMT-11’, ‘Etc/GMT-11’],
    [408, ‘Etc/GMT-12’, ‘Etc/GMT-12’],
    [409, ‘Etc/GMT-13’, ‘Etc/GMT-13’],
    [410, ‘Etc/GMT-14’, ‘Etc/GMT-14’],
    [411, ‘Etc/GMT-2’, ‘Etc/GMT-2’],
    [412, ‘Etc/GMT-3’, ‘Etc/GMT-3’],
    [413, ‘Etc/GMT-4’, ‘Etc/GMT-4’],
    [414, ‘Etc/GMT-5’, ‘Etc/GMT-5’],
    [415, ‘Etc/GMT-6’, ‘Etc/GMT-6’],
    [416, ‘Etc/GMT-7’, ‘Etc/GMT-7’],
    [417, ‘Etc/GMT-8’, ‘Etc/GMT-8’],
    [418, ‘Etc/GMT-9’, ‘Etc/GMT-9’],
    [419, ‘Etc/GMT0’, ‘Etc/GMT0’],
    [420, ‘Etc/Greenwich’, ‘Etc/Greenwich’],
    [421, ‘Etc/UCT’, ‘Etc/UCT’],
    [422, ‘Etc/UTC’, ‘Etc/UTC’],
    [423, ‘Etc/Universal’, ‘Etc/Universal’],
    [424, ‘Etc/Zulu’, ‘Etc/Zulu’],
    [425, ‘Europe/Amsterdam’, ‘Europe/Amsterdam’],
    [426, ‘Europe/Andorra’, ‘Europe/Andorra’],
    [427, ‘Europe/Astrakhan’, ‘Europe/Astrakhan’],
    [428, ‘Europe/Athens’, ‘Europe/Athens’],
    [429, ‘Europe/Belfast’, ‘Europe/Belfast’],
    [430, ‘Europe/Belgrade’, ‘Europe/Belgrade’],
    [431, ‘Europe/Berlin’, ‘Europe/Berlin’],
    [432, ‘Europe/Bratislava’, ‘Europe/Bratislava’],
    [433, ‘Europe/Brussels’, ‘Europe/Brussels’],
    [434, ‘Europe/Bucharest’, ‘Europe/Bucharest’],
    [435, ‘Europe/Budapest’, ‘Europe/Budapest’],
    [436, ‘Europe/Busingen’, ‘Europe/Busingen’],
    [437, ‘Europe/Chisinau’, ‘Europe/Chisinau’],
    [438, ‘Europe/Copenhagen’, ‘Europe/Copenhagen’],
    [439, ‘Europe/Dublin’, ‘Europe/Dublin’],
    [440, ‘Europe/Gibraltar’, ‘Europe/Gibraltar’],
    [441, ‘Europe/Guernsey’, ‘Europe/Guernsey’],
    [442, ‘Europe/Helsinki’, ‘Europe/Helsinki’],
    [443, ‘Europe/Isle_of_Man’, ‘Europe/Isle_of_Man’],
    [444, ‘Europe/Istanbul’, ‘Europe/Istanbul’],
    [445, ‘Europe/Jersey’, ‘Europe/Jersey’],
    [446, ‘Europe/Kaliningrad’, ‘Europe/Kaliningrad’],
    [447, ‘Europe/Kiev’, ‘Europe/Kiev’],
    [448, ‘Europe/Kirov’, ‘Europe/Kirov’],
    [449, ‘Europe/Lisbon’, ‘Europe/Lisbon’],
    [450, ‘Europe/Ljubljana’, ‘Europe/Ljubljana’],
    [451, ‘Europe/London’, ‘Europe/London’],
    [452, ‘Europe/Luxembourg’, ‘Europe/Luxembourg’],
    [453, ‘Europe/Madrid’, ‘Europe/Madrid’],
    [454, ‘Europe/Malta’, ‘Europe/Malta’],
    [455, ‘Europe/Mariehamn’, ‘Europe/Mariehamn’],
    [456, ‘Europe/Minsk’, ‘Europe/Minsk’],
    [457, ‘Europe/Monaco’, ‘Europe/Monaco’],
    [458, ‘Europe/Moscow’, ‘Europe/Moscow’],
    [459, ‘Europe/Nicosia’, ‘Europe/Nicosia’],
    [460, ‘Europe/Oslo’, ‘Europe/Oslo’],
    [461, ‘Europe/Paris’, ‘Europe/Paris’],
    [462, ‘Europe/Podgorica’, ‘Europe/Podgorica’],
    [463, ‘Europe/Prague’, ‘Europe/Prague’],
    [464, ‘Europe/Riga’, ‘Europe/Riga’],
    [465, ‘Europe/Rome’, ‘Europe/Rome’],
    [466, ‘Europe/Samara’, ‘Europe/Samara’],
    [467, ‘Europe/San_Marino’, ‘Europe/San_Marino’],
    [468, ‘Europe/Sarajevo’, ‘Europe/Sarajevo’],
    [469, ‘Europe/Saratov’, ‘Europe/Saratov’],
    [470, ‘Europe/Simferopol’, ‘Europe/Simferopol’],
    [471, ‘Europe/Skopje’, ‘Europe/Skopje’],
    [472, ‘Europe/Sofia’, ‘Europe/Sofia’],
    [473, ‘Europe/Stockholm’, ‘Europe/Stockholm’],
    [474, ‘Europe/Tallinn’, ‘Europe/Tallinn’],
    [475, ‘Europe/Tirane’, ‘Europe/Tirane’],
    [476, ‘Europe/Tiraspol’, ‘Europe/Tiraspol’],
    [477, ‘Europe/Ulyanovsk’, ‘Europe/Ulyanovsk’],
    [478, ‘Europe/Uzhgorod’, ‘Europe/Uzhgorod’],
    [479, ‘Europe/Vaduz’, ‘Europe/Vaduz’],
    [480, ‘Europe/Vatican’, ‘Europe/Vatican’],
    [481, ‘Europe/Vienna’, ‘Europe/Vienna’],
    [482, ‘Europe/Vilnius’, ‘Europe/Vilnius’],
    [483, ‘Europe/Volgograd’, ‘Europe/Volgograd’],
    [484, ‘Europe/Warsaw’, ‘Europe/Warsaw’],
    [485, ‘Europe/Zagreb’, ‘Europe/Zagreb’],
    [486, ‘Europe/Zaporozhye’, ‘Europe/Zaporozhye’],
    [487, ‘Europe/Zurich’, ‘Europe/Zurich’],
    [488, ‘GB’, ‘GB’],
    [489, ‘GB-Eire’, ‘GB-Eire’],
    [490, ‘GMT’, ‘GMT’],
    [491, ‘GMT+0’, ‘GMT+0’],
    [492, ‘GMT-0’, ‘GMT-0’],
    [493, ‘GMT0’, ‘GMT0’],
    [494, ‘Greenwich’, ‘Greenwich’],
    [495, ‘HST’, ‘HST’],
    [496, ‘Hongkong’, ‘Hongkong’],
    [497, ‘Iceland’, ‘Iceland’],
    [498, ‘Indian/Antananarivo’, ‘Indian/Antananarivo’],
    [499, ‘Indian/Chagos’, ‘Indian/Chagos’],
    [500, ‘Indian/Christmas’, ‘Indian/Christmas’],
    [501, ‘Indian/Cocos’, ‘Indian/Cocos’],
    [502, ‘Indian/Comoro’, ‘Indian/Comoro’],
    [503, ‘Indian/Kerguelen’, ‘Indian/Kerguelen’],
    [504, ‘Indian/Mahe’, ‘Indian/Mahe’],
    [505, ‘Indian/Maldives’, ‘Indian/Maldives’],
    [506, ‘Indian/Mauritius’, ‘Indian/Mauritius’],
    [507, ‘Indian/Mayotte’, ‘Indian/Mayotte’],
    [508, ‘Indian/Reunion’, ‘Indian/Reunion’],
    [509, ‘Iran’, ‘Iran’],
    [510, ‘Israel’, ‘Israel’],
    [511, ‘Jamaica’, ‘Jamaica’],
    [512, ‘Japan’, ‘Japan’],
    [513, ‘Kwajalein’, ‘Kwajalein’],
    [514, ‘Libya’, ‘Libya’],
    [515, ‘MET’, ‘MET’],
    [516, ‘MST’, ‘MST’],
    [517, ‘MST7MDT’, ‘MST7MDT’],
    [518, ‘Mexico/BajaNorte’, ‘Mexico/BajaNorte’],
    [519, ‘Mexico/BajaSur’, ‘Mexico/BajaSur’],
    [520, ‘Mexico/General’, ‘Mexico/General’],
    [521, ‘NZ’, ‘NZ’],
    [522, ‘NZ-CHAT’, ‘NZ-CHAT’],
    [523, ‘Navajo’, ‘Navajo’],
    [524, ‘PRC’, ‘PRC’],
    [525, ‘PST8PDT’, ‘PST8PDT’],
    [526, ‘Pacific/Apia’, ‘Pacific/Apia’],
    [527, ‘Pacific/Auckland’, ‘Pacific/Auckland’],
    [528, ‘Pacific/Bougainville’, ‘Pacific/Bougainville’],
    [529, ‘Pacific/Chatham’, ‘Pacific/Chatham’],
    [530, ‘Pacific/Chuuk’, ‘Pacific/Chuuk’],
    [531, ‘Pacific/Easter’, ‘Pacific/Easter’],
    [532, ‘Pacific/Efate’, ‘Pacific/Efate’],
    [533, ‘Pacific/Enderbury’, ‘Pacific/Enderbury’],
    [534, ‘Pacific/Fakaofo’, ‘Pacific/Fakaofo’],
    [535, ‘Pacific/Fiji’, ‘Pacific/Fiji’],
    [536, ‘Pacific/Funafuti’, ‘Pacific/Funafuti’],
    [537, ‘Pacific/Galapagos’, ‘Pacific/Galapagos’],
    [538, ‘Pacific/Gambier’, ‘Pacific/Gambier’],
    [539, ‘Pacific/Guadalcanal’, ‘Pacific/Guadalcanal’],
    [540, ‘Pacific/Guam’, ‘Pacific/Guam’],
    [541, ‘Pacific/Honolulu’, ‘Pacific/Honolulu’],
    [542, ‘Pacific/Johnston’, ‘Pacific/Johnston’],
    [543, ‘Pacific/Kiritimati’, ‘Pacific/Kiritimati’],
    [544, ‘Pacific/Kosrae’, ‘Pacific/Kosrae’],
    [545, ‘Pacific/Kwajalein’, ‘Pacific/Kwajalein’],
    [546, ‘Pacific/Majuro’, ‘Pacific/Majuro’],
    [547, ‘Pacific/Marquesas’, ‘Pacific/Marquesas’],
    [548, ‘Pacific/Midway’, ‘Pacific/Midway’],
    [549, ‘Pacific/Nauru’, ‘Pacific/Nauru’],
    [550, ‘Pacific/Niue’, ‘Pacific/Niue’],
    [551, ‘Pacific/Norfolk’, ‘Pacific/Norfolk’],
    [552, ‘Pacific/Noumea’, ‘Pacific/Noumea’],
    [553, ‘Pacific/Pago_Pago’, ‘Pacific/Pago_Pago’],
    [554, ‘Pacific/Palau’, ‘Pacific/Palau’],
    [555, ‘Pacific/Pitcairn’, ‘Pacific/Pitcairn’],
    [556, ‘Pacific/Pohnpei’, ‘Pacific/Pohnpei’],
    [557, ‘Pacific/Ponape’, ‘Pacific/Ponape’],
    [558, ‘Pacific/Port_Moresby’, ‘Pacific/Port_Moresby’],
    [559, ‘Pacific/Rarotonga’, ‘Pacific/Rarotonga’],
    [560, ‘Pacific/Saipan’, ‘Pacific/Saipan’],
    [561, ‘Pacific/Samoa’, ‘Pacific/Samoa’],
    [562, ‘Pacific/Tahiti’, ‘Pacific/Tahiti’],
    [563, ‘Pacific/Tarawa’, ‘Pacific/Tarawa’],
    [564, ‘Pacific/Tongatapu’, ‘Pacific/Tongatapu’],
    [565, ‘Pacific/Truk’, ‘Pacific/Truk’],
    [566, ‘Pacific/Wake’, ‘Pacific/Wake’],
    [567, ‘Pacific/Wallis’, ‘Pacific/Wallis’],
    [568, ‘Pacific/Yap’, ‘Pacific/Yap’],
    [569, ‘Poland’, ‘Poland’],
    [570, ‘Portugal’, ‘Portugal’],
    [571, ‘ROC’, ‘ROC’],
    [572, ‘ROK’, ‘ROK’],
    [573, ‘Singapore’, ‘Singapore’],
    [574, ‘Turkey’, ‘Turkey’],
    [575, ‘UCT’, ‘UCT’],
    [576, ‘US/Alaska’, ‘US/Alaska’],
    [577, ‘US/Aleutian’, ‘US/Aleutian’],
    [578, ‘US/Arizona’, ‘US/Arizona’],
    [579, ‘US/Central’, ‘US/Central’],
    [580, ‘US/East-Indiana’, ‘US/East-Indiana’],
    [581, ‘US/Eastern’, ‘US/Eastern’],
    [582, ‘US/Hawaii’, ‘US/Hawaii’],
    [583, ‘US/Indiana-Starke’, ‘US/Indiana-Starke’],
    [584, ‘US/Michigan’, ‘US/Michigan’],
    [585, ‘US/Mountain’, ‘US/Mountain’],
    [586, ‘US/Pacific’, ‘US/Pacific’],
    [587, ‘US/Samoa’, ‘US/Samoa’],
    [588, ‘UTC’, ‘UTC’],
    [589, ‘Universal’, ‘Universal’],
    [590, ‘W-SU’, ‘W-SU’],
    [591, ‘WET’, ‘WET’],
    [592, ‘Zulu’, ‘Zulu’]]

Station Coordinate Validity

  • Station Coordinate Validity: [
    [0, ‘NotChecked’, ‘not checked’],
    [1, ‘Verified’, ‘verified’],
    [2, ‘Plausible’, ‘plausible’],
    [3, ‘Doubtful’, ‘doubtful’],
    [4, ‘Unverifyable’, ‘not verifyable’]]

Station Type

  • Station Type: [
    [0, ‘Unknown’, ‘unknown’],
    [1, ‘Background’, ‘background’],
    [2, ‘Traffic’, ‘traffic’],
    [3, ‘Industrial’, ‘industrial’]]

Station Type Of Area

  • Station Type Of Area: [
    [0, ‘Unknown’, ‘unknown’],
    [1, ‘Urban’, ‘urban’],
    [2, ‘Suburban’, ‘suburban’],
    [3, ‘Rural’, ‘rural’]]

Station Toar Category

  • Station TOAR Category: [
    [-1, ‘Unknown’, ‘unknown’],
    [0, ‘Unclassified’, ‘unclassified’],
    [1, ‘RuralLowElevation’, ‘rural low elevation’],
    [2, ‘RuralHighElevation’, ‘rural high elevation’],
    [3, ‘Urban’, ‘urban’]]

Station Htap Region

  • Station HTAP Region: [
    [-1, ‘HTAPTier1Undefined’, ‘-1 (undefined)’],
    [1, ‘HTAPTier1World’, ‘1 (World)’],
    [2, ‘HTAPTier1OCN’, ‘2 (OCN Non-arctic/Antarctic Ocean)’],
    [3, ‘HTAPTier1NAM’, ‘3 (NAM US+Canada (upto 66 N; polar circle))’],
    [4, ‘HTAPTier1EUR’, ‘4 (EUR Western + Eastern EU+Turkey (upto 66 N polar circle))’],
    [5, ‘HTAPTier1SAS’, ‘5 (SAS South Asia: India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangadesh, Sri Lanka)’],
    [6, ‘HTAPTier1EAS’, ‘6 (EAS East Asia: China, Korea, Japan)’],
    [7, ‘HTAPTier1SEA’, ‘7 (SEA South East Asia)’],
    [8, ‘HTAPTier1PAN’, ‘8 (PAN Pacific, Australia+ New Zealand)’],
    [9, ‘HTAPTier1NAF’, ‘9 (NAF Northern Africa+Sahara+Sahel)’],
    [10, ‘HTAPTier1SAF’, ‘10 (SAF Sub Saharan/sub Sahel Africa)’],
    [11, ‘HTAPTier1MDE’, ‘11 (MDE Middle East: S. Arabia, Oman, etc, Iran, Iraq)’],
    [12, ‘HTAPTier1MCA’, ‘12 (MCA Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, Guyanas, Venezuela, Columbia)’],
    [13, ‘HTAPTier1SAM’, ‘13 (SAM S. America)’],
    [14, ‘HTAPTier1RBU’, ‘14 (RBU Russia, Belarussia, Ukraine)’],
    [15, ‘HTAPTier1CAS’, ‘15 (CAS Central Asia)’],
    [16, ‘HTAPTier1NPO’, ‘16 (NPO Arctic Circle (North of 66 N) + Greenland)’],
    [17, ‘HTAPTier1SPO’, ‘17 (SPO Antarctic)’]]

Station Landcover Type

  • Station Landcover Type: [
    [-1, ‘Undefined’, ‘-1 (undefined)’],
    [0, ‘NoData’, ‘0 (No Data)’],
    [10, ‘CroplandRainfed’, ‘10 (Cropland, rainfed)’],
    [11, ‘CroplandRainfedHerbaceousCover’, ‘11 (Cropland, rainfed, herbaceous cover)’],
    [12, ‘CroplandRainfedTreeOrShrubCover’, ‘12 (Cropland, rainfed, tree or shrub cover)’],
    [20, ‘CroplandIrrigated’, ‘20 (Cropland, irrigated or post-flooding)’],
    [30, ‘MosaicCropland’, ‘30 (Mosaic cropland (>50%) / natural vegetation (tree, shrub, herbaceous cover) (<50%))’],
    [40, ‘MosaicNaturalVegetation’, ‘40 (Mosaic natural vegetation (tree, shrub, herbaceous cover) (>50%) / cropland (<50%))’],
    [50, ‘TreeBroadleavedEvergreenClosedToOpen’, ‘50 (Tree cover, broadleaved, evergreen, closed to open (>15%))’],
    [60, ‘TreeBroadleavedDeciduousClosedToOpen’, ‘60 (Tree cover, broadleaved, deciduous, closed to open (>15%))’],
    [61, ‘TreeBroadleavedDeciduousClosed’, ‘61 (Tree cover, broadleaved, deciduous, closed (>40%))’],
    [62, ‘TreeBroadleavedDeciduousOpen’, ‘62 (Tree cover, broadleaved, deciduous, open (15-40%))’],
    [70, ‘TreeNeedleleavedEvergreenClosedToOpen’, ‘70 (Tree cover, needleleaved, evergreen, closed to open (>15%))’],
    [71, ‘TreeNeedleleavedEvergreenClosed’, ‘71 (Tree cover, needleleaved, evergreen, closed (>40%))’],
    [72, ‘TreeNeedleleavedEvergreenOpen’, ‘72 (Tree cover, needleleaved, evergreen, open (15-40%))’],
    [80, ‘TreeNeedleleavedDeciduousClosedToOpen’, ‘80 (Tree cover, needleleaved, deciduous, closed to open (>15%))’],
    [81, ‘TreeNedleleavedDeciduousClosed’, ‘81 (Tree cover, needleleaved, deciduous, closed (>40%))’],
    [82, ‘TreeNeedleleavedDeciduousOpen’, ‘82 (Tree cover, needleleaved, deciduous, open (15-40%))’],
    [90, ‘TreeMixed’, ‘90 (Tree cover, mixed leaf type (broadleaved and needleleaved))’],
    [100, ‘MosaicTreeAndShrub’, ‘100 (Mosaic tree and shrub (>50%) / herbaceous cover (<50%))’],
    [110, ‘MosaicHerbaceous’, ‘110 (Mosaic herbaceous cover (>50%) / tree and shrub (<50%))’],
    [120, ‘Shrubland’, ‘120 (Shrubland)’],
    [121, ‘ShrublandEvergreen’, ‘121 (Evergreen shrubland)’],
    [122, ‘ShrublandDeciduous’, ‘122 (Deciduous shrubland)’],
    [130, ‘Grassland’, ‘130 (Grassland)’],
    [140, ‘LichensAndMosses’, ‘140 (Lichens and mosses)’],
    [150, ‘SparseVegetation’, ‘150 (Sparse vegetation (tree, shrub, herbaceous cover) (<15%))’],
    [151, ‘SparseTree’, ‘151 (Sparse tree (<15%))’],
    [152, ‘SparseShrub’, ‘152 (Sparse shrub (<15%))’],
    [153, ‘SparseHerbaceous’, ‘153 (Sparse herbaceous cover (<15%))’],
    [160, ‘TreeCoverFloodedFreshOrBrakishWater’, ‘160 (Tree cover, flooded, fresh or brakish water)’],
    [170, ‘TreeCoverFloodedSalineWater’, ‘170 (Tree cover, flooded, saline water)’],
    [180, ‘ShrubOrHerbaceousCoverFlooded’, ‘180 (Shrub or herbaceous cover, flooded, fresh/saline/brakish water)’],
    [190, ‘Urban’, ‘190 (Urban areas)’],
    [200, ‘BareAreas’, ‘200 (Bare areas)’],
    [201, ‘BareAreasConsolidated’, ‘201 (Consolidated bare areas)’],
    [202, ‘BareAreasUnconsolidated’, ‘202 (Unconsolidated bare areas)’],
    [210, ‘Water’, ‘210 (Water bodies)’],
    [220, ‘SnowAndIce’, ‘220 (Permanent snow and ice)’]]

Station Eco Region Type

  • Station ECO Region Type: [
    [-1, ‘Undefined’, ‘-1 (undefined)’],
    [0, ‘RockandIce’, ‘0 (Rock and Ice)’],
    [1, ‘AlbertineRiftmontaneforests’, ‘1 (Albertine Rift montane forests)’],
    [2, ‘CameroonHighlandsforests’, ‘2 (Cameroon Highlands forests)’],
    [3, ‘CentralCongolianlowlandforests’, ‘3 (Central Congolian lowland forests)’],
    [4, ‘Comorosforests’, ‘4 (Comoros forests)’],
    [5, ‘Congoliancoastalforests’, ‘5 (Congolian coastal forests)’],
    [6, ‘CrossNigertransitionforests’, ‘6 (Cross-Niger transition forests)’],
    [7, ‘CrossSanagaBiokocoastalforests’, ‘7 (Cross-Sanaga-Bioko coastal forests)’],
    [8, ‘EastAfricanmontaneforests’, ‘8 (East African montane forests)’],
    [9, ‘EasternArcforests’, ‘9 (Eastern Arc forests)’],
    [10, ‘EasternCongolianswampforests’, ‘10 (Eastern Congolian swamp forests)’],
    [11, ‘EasternGuineanforests’, ‘11 (Eastern Guinean forests)’],
    [12, ‘Ethiopianmontaneforests’, ‘12 (Ethiopian montane forests)’],
    [13, ‘GraniticSeychellesforests’, ‘13 (Granitic Seychelles forests)’],
    [14, ‘Guineanmontaneforests’, ‘14 (Guinean montane forests)’],
    [15, ‘KnysnaAmatolemontaneforests’, ‘15 (Knysna-Amatole montane forests)’],
    [16, ‘KwazuluNatalCapecoastalforests’, ‘16 (Kwazulu Natal-Cape coastal forests)’],
    [17, ‘Madagascarhumidforests’, ‘17 (Madagascar humid forests)’],
    [18, ‘Madagascarsubhumidforests’, ‘18 (Madagascar subhumid forests)’],
    [19, ‘Maputalandcoastalforestsandwoodlands’, ‘19 (Maputaland coastal forests and woodlands)’],
    [20, ‘Mascareneforests’, ‘20 (Mascarene forests)’],
    [21, ‘MountCameroonandBiokomontaneforests’, ‘21 (Mount Cameroon and Bioko montane forests)’],
    [22, ‘NigerDeltaswampforests’, ‘22 (Niger Delta swamp forests)’],
    [23, ‘Nigerianlowlandforests’, ‘23 (Nigerian lowland forests)’],
    [24, ‘NortheastCongolianlowlandforests’, ‘24 (Northeast Congolian lowland forests)’],
    [25, ‘NorthernSwahilicoastalforests’, ‘25 (Northern Swahili coastal forests)’],
    [26, ‘NorthwestCongolianlowlandforests’, ‘26 (Northwest Congolian lowland forests)’],
    [27, ‘SaoTomePrincipeandAnnobonforests’, ‘27 (São Tomé, Príncipe, and Annobón forests)’],
    [28, ‘SouthernSwahilicoastalforestsandwoodlands’, ‘28 (Southern Swahili coastal forests and woodlands)’],
    [29, ‘WesternCongolianswampforests’, ‘29 (Western Congolian swamp forests)’],
    [30, ‘WesternGuineanlowlandforests’, ‘30 (Western Guinean lowland forests)’],
    [31, ‘CapeVerdeIslandsdryforests’, ‘31 (Cape Verde Islands dry forests)’],
    [32, ‘Madagascardrydeciduousforests’, ‘32 (Madagascar dry deciduous forests)’],
    [33, ‘Zambezianevergreendryforests’, ‘33 (Zambezian evergreen dry forests)’],
    [34, ‘Angolanmopanewoodlands’, ‘34 (Angolan mopane woodlands)’],
    [35, ‘Angolanscarpsavannaandwoodlands’, ‘35 (Angolan scarp savanna and woodlands)’],
    [36, ‘Angolanwetmiombowoodlands’, ‘36 (Angolan wet miombo woodlands)’],
    [37, ‘Ascensionscrubandgrasslands’, ‘37 (Ascension scrub and grasslands)’],
    [38, ‘Centralbushveld’, ‘38 (Central bushveld)’],
    [39, ‘CentralZambezianwetmiombowoodlands’, ‘39 (Central Zambezian wet miombo woodlands)’],
    [40, ‘DrakensbergEscarpmentsavannaandthicket’, ‘40 (Drakensberg Escarpment savanna and thicket)’],
    [41, ‘Drakensberggrasslands’, ‘41 (Drakensberg grasslands)’],
    [42, ‘Drymiombowoodlands’, ‘42 (Dry miombo woodlands)’],
    [43, ‘EastSudaniansavanna’, ‘43 (East Sudanian savanna)’],
    [44, ‘Guineanforestsavanna’, ‘44 (Guinean forest-savanna)’],
    [45, ‘HornofAfricaxericbushlands’, ‘45 (Horn of Africa xeric bushlands)’],
    [46, ‘ItigiSumbuthicket’, ‘46 (Itigi-Sumbu thicket)’],
    [47, ‘KalahariAcaciawoodlands’, ‘47 (Kalahari Acacia woodlands)’],
    [48, ‘Limpopolowveld’, ‘48 (Limpopo lowveld)’],
    [49, ‘MandaraPlateauwoodlands’, ‘49 (Mandara Plateau woodlands)’],
    [50, ‘Masaixericgrasslandsandshrublands’, ‘50 (Masai xeric grasslands and shrublands)’],
    [51, ‘NorthernAcaciaCommiphorabushlandsandthickets’, ‘51 (Northern Acacia-Commiphora bushlands and thickets)’],
    [52, ‘NorthernCongolianForestSavanna’, ‘52 (Northern Congolian Forest-Savanna)’],
    [53, ‘SahelianAcaciasavanna’, ‘53 (Sahelian Acacia savanna)’],
    [54, ‘Serengetivolcanicgrasslands’, ‘54 (Serengeti volcanic grasslands)’],
    [55, ‘SomaliAcaciaCommiphorabushlandsandthickets’, ‘55 (Somali Acacia-Commiphora bushlands and thickets)’],
    [56, ‘SouthArabianfogwoodlandsshrublandsanddune’, ‘56 (South Arabian fog woodlands, shrublands, and dune)’],
    [57, ‘SouthernAcaciaCommiphorabushlandsandthickets’, ‘57 (Southern Acacia-Commiphora bushlands and thickets)’],
    [58, ‘SouthernCongolianforestsavanna’, ‘58 (Southern Congolian forest-savanna)’],
    [59, ‘SouthwestArabianmontanewoodlandsandgrasslands’, ‘59 (Southwest Arabian montane woodlands and grasslands)’],
    [60, ‘StHelenascrubandwoodlands’, ‘60 (St. Helena scrub and woodlands)’],
    [61, ‘VictoriaBasinforestsavanna’, ‘61 (Victoria Basin forest-savanna)’],
    [62, ‘WestSudaniansavanna’, ‘62 (West Sudanian savanna)’],
    [63, ‘WesternCongolianforestsavanna’, ‘63 (Western Congolian forest-savanna)’],
    [64, ‘ZambezianBaikiaeawoodlands’, ‘64 (Zambezian Baikiaea woodlands)’],
    [65, ‘Zambezianmopanewoodlands’, ‘65 (Zambezian mopane woodlands)’],
    [66, ‘ZambezianLimpopomixedwoodlands’, ‘66 (Zambezian-Limpopo mixed woodlands)’],
    [67, ‘AmsterdamSaintPaulIslandstemperategrasslands’, ‘67 (Amsterdam-Saint Paul Islands temperate grasslands)’],
    [68, ‘TristanDaCunhaGoughIslandsshrubandgrasslands’, ‘68 (Tristan Da Cunha-Gough Islands shrub and grasslands)’],
    [69, ‘EastAfricanhalophytics’, ‘69 (East African halophytics)’],
    [70, ‘EtoshaPanhalophytics’, ‘70 (Etosha Pan halophytics)’],
    [71, ‘InnerNigerDeltafloodedsavanna’, ‘71 (Inner Niger Delta flooded savanna)’],
    [72, ‘LakeChadfloodedsavanna’, ‘72 (Lake Chad flooded savanna)’],
    [73, ‘Makgadikgadihalophytics’, ‘73 (Makgadikgadi halophytics)’],
    [74, ‘Suddfloodedgrasslands’, ‘74 (Sudd flooded grasslands)’],
    [75, ‘Zambeziancoastalfloodedsavanna’, ‘75 (Zambezian coastal flooded savanna)’],
    [76, ‘Zambezianfloodedgrasslands’, ‘76 (Zambezian flooded grasslands)’],
    [77, ‘Angolanmontaneforestgrassland’, ‘77 (Angolan montane forest-grassland)’],
    [78, ‘EastAfricanmontanemoorlands’, ‘78 (East African montane moorlands)’],
    [79, ‘Ethiopianmontanegrasslandsandwoodlands’, ‘79 (Ethiopian montane grasslands and woodlands)’],
    [80, ‘Ethiopianmontanemoorlands’, ‘80 (Ethiopian montane moorlands)’],
    [81, ‘Highveldgrasslands’, ‘81 (Highveld grasslands)’],
    [82, ‘JosPlateauforestgrassland’, ‘82 (Jos Plateau forest-grassland)’],
    [83, ‘Madagascarericoidthickets’, ‘83 (Madagascar ericoid thickets)’],
    [84, ‘MulanjeMontaneforestgrassland’, ‘84 (Mulanje Montane forest-grassland)’],
    [85, ‘NyangaChimanimaniMontaneforestgrassland’, ‘85 (Nyanga-Chimanimani Montane forest-grassland)’],
    [86, ‘RwenzoriVirungamontanemoorlands’, ‘86 (Rwenzori-Virunga montane moorlands)’],
    [87, ‘SouthernRiftMontaneforestgrassland’, ‘87 (Southern Rift Montane forest-grassland)’],
    [88, ‘Albanythickets’, ‘88 (Albany thickets)’],
    [89, ‘Fynbosshrubland’, ‘89 (Fynbos shrubland)’],
    [90, ‘Renosterveldshrubland’, ‘90 (Renosterveld shrubland)’],
    [91, ‘AldabraIslandxericscrub’, ‘91 (Aldabra Island xeric scrub)’],
    [92, ‘Djiboutixericshrublands’, ‘92 (Djibouti xeric shrublands)’],
    [93, ‘Eritreancoastaldesert’, ‘93 (Eritrean coastal desert)’],
    [94, ‘GariepKaroo’, ‘94 (Gariep Karoo)’],
    [95, ‘Hobyograsslandsandshrublands’, ‘95 (Hobyo grasslands and shrublands)’],
    [96, ‘IleEuropaandBassasdaIndiaxericscrub’, ‘96 (Ile Europa and Bassas da India xeric scrub)’],
    [97, ‘Kalaharixericsavanna’, ‘97 (Kalahari xeric savanna)’],
    [98, ‘Kaokovelddesert’, ‘98 (Kaokoveld desert)’],
    [99, ‘Madagascarspinythickets’, ‘99 (Madagascar spiny thickets)’],
    [100, ‘Madagascarsucculentwoodlands’, ‘100 (Madagascar succulent woodlands)’],
    [101, ‘NamaKarooshrublands’, ‘101 (Nama Karoo shrublands)’],
    [102, ‘NamaqualandRichtersveldsteppe’, ‘102 (Namaqualand-Richtersveld steppe)’],
    [103, ‘NamibDesert’, ‘103 (Namib Desert)’],
    [104, ‘Namibiansavannawoodlands’, ‘104 (Namibian savanna woodlands)’],
    [105, ‘SocotraIslandxericshrublands’, ‘105 (Socotra Island xeric shrublands)’],
    [106, ‘Somalimontanexericwoodlands’, ‘106 (Somali montane xeric woodlands)’],
    [107, ‘SouthwestArabiancoastalxericshrublands’, ‘107 (Southwest Arabian coastal xeric shrublands)’],
    [108, ‘SouthwestArabianEscarpmentshrublandsandwoodlands’, ‘108 (Southwest Arabian Escarpment shrublands and woodlands)’],
    [109, ‘SouthwestArabianhighlandxericscrub’, ‘109 (Southwest Arabian highland xeric scrub)’],
    [110, ‘SucculentKarooxericshrublands’, ‘110 (Succulent Karoo xeric shrublands)’],
    [111, ‘CentralAfricanmangroves’, ‘111 (Central African mangroves)’],
    [112, ‘EastAfricanmangroves’, ‘112 (East African mangroves)’],
    [113, ‘Guineanmangroves’, ‘113 (Guinean mangroves)’],
    [114, ‘Madagascarmangroves’, ‘114 (Madagascar mangroves)’],
    [115, ‘RedSeamangroves’, ‘115 (Red Sea mangroves)’],
    [116, ‘SouthernAfricamangroves’, ‘116 (Southern Africa mangroves)’],
    [117, ‘AdelieLandtundra’, ‘117 (Adelie Land tundra)’],
    [118, ‘CentralSouthAntarcticPeninsulatundra’, ‘118 (Central South Antarctic Peninsula tundra)’],
    [119, ‘DronningMaudLandtundra’, ‘119 (Dronning Maud Land tundra)’],
    [120, ‘EastAntarctictundra’, ‘120 (East Antarctic tundra)’],
    [121, ‘EllsworthLandtundra’, ‘121 (Ellsworth Land tundra)’],
    [122, ‘EllsworthMountainstundra’, ‘122 (Ellsworth Mountains tundra)’],
    [123, ‘EnderbyLandtundra’, ‘123 (Enderby Land tundra)’],
    [124, ‘MarieByrdLandtundra’, ‘124 (Marie Byrd Land tundra)’],
    [125, ‘NorthVictoriaLandtundra’, ‘125 (North Victoria Land tundra)’],
    [126, ‘NortheastAntarcticPeninsulatundra’, ‘126 (Northeast Antarctic Peninsula tundra)’],
    [127, ‘NorthwestAntarcticPeninsulatundra’, ‘127 (Northwest Antarctic Peninsula tundra)’],
    [128, ‘PrinceCharlesMountainstundra’, ‘128 (Prince Charles Mountains tundra)’],
    [129, ‘ScotiaSeaIslandstundra’, ‘129 (Scotia Sea Islands tundra)’],
    [130, ‘SouthAntarcticPeninsulatundra’, ‘130 (South Antarctic Peninsula tundra)’],
    [131, ‘SouthOrkneyIslandstundra’, ‘131 (South Orkney Islands tundra)’],
    [132, ‘SouthVictoriaLandtundra’, ‘132 (South Victoria Land tundra)’],
    [133, ‘SouthernIndianOceanIslandstundra’, ‘133 (Southern Indian Ocean Islands tundra)’],
    [134, ‘TransantarcticMountainstundra’, ‘134 (Transantarctic Mountains tundra)’],
    [135, ‘AdmiraltyIslandslowlandrainforests’, ‘135 (Admiralty Islands lowland rain forests)’],
    [136, ‘BandaSeaIslandsmoistdeciduousforests’, ‘136 (Banda Sea Islands moist deciduous forests)’],
    [137, ‘BiakNumfoorrainforests’, ‘137 (Biak-Numfoor rain forests)’],
    [138, ‘Bururainforests’, ‘138 (Buru rain forests)’],
    [139, ‘CentralRangePapuanmontanerainforests’, ‘139 (Central Range Papuan montane rain forests)’],
    [140, ‘Halmaherarainforests’, ‘140 (Halmahera rain forests)’],
    [141, ‘HuonPeninsulamontanerainforests’, ‘141 (Huon Peninsula montane rain forests)’],
    [142, ‘LordHoweIslandsubtropicalforests’, ‘142 (Lord Howe Island subtropical forests)’],
    [143, ‘LouisiadeArchipelagorainforests’, ‘143 (Louisiade Archipelago rain forests)’],
    [144, ‘NewBritainNewIrelandlowlandrainforests’, ‘144 (New Britain-New Ireland lowland rain forests)’],
    [145, ‘NewBritainNewIrelandmontanerainforests’, ‘145 (New Britain-New Ireland montane rain forests)’],
    [146, ‘NewCaledoniarainforests’, ‘146 (New Caledonia rain forests)’],
    [147, ‘NorfolkIslandsubtropicalforests’, ‘147 (Norfolk Island subtropical forests)’],
    [148, ‘NorthernNewGuinealowlandrainandfreshwaterswampforests’, ‘148 (Northern New Guinea lowland rain and freshwater swamp forests)’],
    [149, ‘NorthernNewGuineamontanerainforests’, ‘149 (Northern New Guinea montane rain forests)’],
    [150, ‘Queenslandtropicalrainforests’, ‘150 (Queensland tropical rain forests)’],
    [151, ‘Seramrainforests’, ‘151 (Seram rain forests)’],
    [152, ‘SolomonIslandsrainforests’, ‘152 (Solomon Islands rain forests)’],
    [153, ‘SoutheastPapuanrainforests’, ‘153 (Southeast Papuan rain forests)’],
    [154, ‘SouthernNewGuineafreshwaterswampforests’, ‘154 (Southern New Guinea freshwater swamp forests)’],
    [155, ‘SouthernNewGuinealowlandrainforests’, ‘155 (Southern New Guinea lowland rain forests)’],
    [156, ‘Sulawesilowlandrainforests’, ‘156 (Sulawesi lowland rain forests)’],
    [157, ‘Sulawesimontanerainforests’, ‘157 (Sulawesi montane rain forests)’],
    [158, ‘TrobriandIslandsrainforests’, ‘158 (Trobriand Islands rain forests)’],
    [159, ‘Vanuaturainforests’, ‘159 (Vanuatu rain forests)’],
    [160, ‘Vogelkopmontanerainforests’, ‘160 (Vogelkop montane rain forests)’],
    [161, ‘VogelkopArulowlandrainforests’, ‘161 (Vogelkop-Aru lowland rain forests)’],
    [162, ‘Yapenrainforests’, ‘162 (Yapen rain forests)’],
    [163, ‘LesserSundasdeciduousforests’, ‘163 (Lesser Sundas deciduous forests)’],
    [164, ‘NewCaledoniadryforests’, ‘164 (New Caledonia dry forests)’],
    [165, ‘Sumbadeciduousforests’, ‘165 (Sumba deciduous forests)’],
    [166, ‘TimorandWetardeciduousforests’, ‘166 (Timor and Wetar deciduous forests)’],
    [167, ‘ChathamIslandtemperateforests’, ‘167 (Chatham Island temperate forests)’],
    [168, ‘EasternAustraliantemperateforests’, ‘168 (Eastern Australian temperate forests)’],
    [169, ‘Fiordlandtemperateforests’, ‘169 (Fiordland temperate forests)’],
    [170, ‘NelsonCoasttemperateforests’, ‘170 (Nelson Coast temperate forests)’],
    [171, ‘NewZealandNorthIslandtemperateforests’, ‘171 (New Zealand North Island temperate forests)’],
    [172, ‘NewZealandSouthIslandtemperateforests’, ‘172 (New Zealand South Island temperate forests)’],
    [173, ‘Northlandtemperatekauriforests’, ‘173 (Northland temperate kauri forests)’],
    [174, ‘RakiuraIslandtemperateforests’, ‘174 (Rakiura Island temperate forests)’],
    [175, ‘Richmondtemperateforests’, ‘175 (Richmond temperate forests)’],
    [176, ‘SoutheastAustraliatemperateforests’, ‘176 (Southeast Australia temperate forests)’],
    [177, ‘TasmanianCentralHighlandforests’, ‘177 (Tasmanian Central Highland forests)’],
    [178, ‘Tasmaniantemperateforests’, ‘178 (Tasmanian temperate forests)’],
    [179, ‘Tasmaniantemperaterainforests’, ‘179 (Tasmanian temperate rain forests)’],
    [180, ‘Westlandtemperateforests’, ‘180 (Westland temperate forests)’],
    [181, ‘ArnhemLandtropicalsavanna’, ‘181 (Arnhem Land tropical savanna)’],
    [182, ‘Brigalowtropicalsavanna’, ‘182 (Brigalow tropical savanna)’],
    [183, ‘CapeYorkPeninsulatropicalsavanna’, ‘183 (Cape York Peninsula tropical savanna)’],
    [184, ‘Carpentariatropicalsavanna’, ‘184 (Carpentaria tropical savanna)’],
    [185, ‘Einasleighuplandsavanna’, ‘185 (Einasleigh upland savanna)’],
    [186, ‘Kimberlytropicalsavanna’, ‘186 (Kimberly tropical savanna)’],
    [187, ‘MitchellGrassDowns’, ‘187 (Mitchell Grass Downs)’],
    [188, ‘TransFlysavannaandgrasslands’, ‘188 (Trans Fly savanna and grasslands)’],
    [189, ‘VictoriaPlainstropicalsavanna’, ‘189 (Victoria Plains tropical savanna)’],
    [190, ‘CanterburyOtagotussockgrasslands’, ‘190 (Canterbury-Otago tussock grasslands)’],
    [191, ‘EasternAustraliamulgashrublands’, ‘191 (Eastern Australia mulga shrublands)’],
    [192, ‘SoutheastAustraliatemperatesavanna’, ‘192 (Southeast Australia temperate savanna)’],
    [193, ‘AustralianAlpsmontanegrasslands’, ‘193 (Australian Alps montane grasslands)’],
    [194, ‘NewZealandSouthIslandmontanegrasslands’, ‘194 (New Zealand South Island montane grasslands)’],
    [195, ‘PapuanCentralRangesubalpinegrasslands’, ‘195 (Papuan Central Range sub-alpine grasslands)’],
    [196, ‘AntipodesSubantarcticIslandstundra’, ‘196 (Antipodes Subantarctic Islands tundra)’],
    [197, ‘Coolgardiewoodlands’, ‘197 (Coolgardie woodlands)’],
    [198, ‘Esperancemallee’, ‘198 (Esperance mallee)’],
    [199, ‘EyreandYorkmallee’, ‘199 (Eyre and York mallee)’],
    [200, ‘FlindersLoftymontanewoodlands’, ‘200 (Flinders-Lofty montane woodlands)’],
    [201, ‘Hamptonmalleeandwoodlands’, ‘201 (Hampton mallee and woodlands)’],
    [202, ‘JarrahKarriforestandshrublands’, ‘202 (Jarrah-Karri forest and shrublands)’],
    [203, ‘MurrayDarlingwoodlandsandmallee’, ‘203 (Murray-Darling woodlands and mallee)’],
    [204, ‘Naracoortewoodlands’, ‘204 (Naracoorte woodlands)’],
    [205, ‘SouthwestAustraliasavanna’, ‘205 (Southwest Australia savanna)’],
    [206, ‘SouthwestAustraliawoodlands’, ‘206 (Southwest Australia woodlands)’],
    [207, ‘Carnarvonxericshrublands’, ‘207 (Carnarvon xeric shrublands)’],
    [208, ‘CentralRangesxericscrub’, ‘208 (Central Ranges xeric scrub)’],
    [209, ‘Gibsondesert’, ‘209 (Gibson desert)’],
    [210, ‘GreatSandyTanamidesert’, ‘210 (Great Sandy-Tanami desert)’],
    [211, ‘GreatVictoriadesert’, ‘211 (Great Victoria desert)’],
    [212, ‘NullarborPlainsxericshrublands’, ‘212 (Nullarbor Plains xeric shrublands)’],
    [213, ‘Pilbarashrublands’, ‘213 (Pilbara shrublands)’],
    [214, ‘Simpsondesert’, ‘214 (Simpson desert)’],
    [215, ‘TirariSturtstonydesert’, ‘215 (Tirari-Sturt stony desert)’],
    [216, ‘WesternAustralianMulgashrublands’, ‘216 (Western Australian Mulga shrublands)’],
    [217, ‘NewGuineamangroves’, ‘217 (New Guinea mangroves)’],
    [218, ‘AndamanIslandsrainforests’, ‘218 (Andaman Islands rain forests)’],
    [219, ‘Borneolowlandrainforests’, ‘219 (Borneo lowland rain forests)’],
    [220, ‘Borneomontanerainforests’, ‘220 (Borneo montane rain forests)’],
    [221, ‘Borneopeatswampforests’, ‘221 (Borneo peat swamp forests)’],
    [222, ‘BrahmaputraValleysemievergreenforests’, ‘222 (Brahmaputra Valley semi-evergreen forests)’],
    [223, ‘CardamomMountainsrainforests’, ‘223 (Cardamom Mountains rain forests)’],
    [224, ‘ChaoPhrayafreshwaterswampforests’, ‘224 (Chao Phraya freshwater swamp forests)’],
    [225, ‘ChaoPhrayalowlandmoistdeciduousforests’, ‘225 (Chao Phraya lowland moist deciduous forests)’],
    [226, ‘ChinHillsArakanYomamontaneforests’, ‘226 (Chin Hills-Arakan Yoma montane forests)’],
    [227, ‘ChristmasandCocosIslandstropicalforests’, ‘227 (Christmas and Cocos Islands tropical forests)’],
    [228, ‘EastDeccanmoistdeciduousforests’, ‘228 (East Deccan moist deciduous forests)’],
    [229, ‘EasternJavaBalimontanerainforests’, ‘229 (Eastern Java-Bali montane rain forests)’],
    [230, ‘EasternJavaBalirainforests’, ‘230 (Eastern Java-Bali rain forests)’],
    [231, ‘GreaterNegrosPanayrainforests’, ‘231 (Greater Negros-Panay rain forests)’],
    [232, ‘HainanIslandmonsoonrainforests’, ‘232 (Hainan Island monsoon rain forests)’],
    [233, ‘Himalayansubtropicalbroadleafforests’, ‘233 (Himalayan subtropical broadleaf forests)’],
    [234, ‘Irrawaddyfreshwaterswampforests’, ‘234 (Irrawaddy freshwater swamp forests)’],
    [235, ‘Irrawaddymoistdeciduousforests’, ‘235 (Irrawaddy moist deciduous forests)’],
    [236, ‘JianNansubtropicalevergreenforests’, ‘236 (Jian Nan subtropical evergreen forests)’],
    [237, ‘KayahKarenmontanerainforests’, ‘237 (Kayah-Karen montane rain forests)’],
    [238, ‘LowerGangeticPlainsmoistdeciduousforests’, ‘238 (Lower Gangetic Plains moist deciduous forests)’],
    [239, ‘LuangPrabangmontanerainforests’, ‘239 (Luang Prabang montane rain forests)’],
    [240, ‘Luzonmontanerainforests’, ‘240 (Luzon montane rain forests)’],
    [241, ‘Luzonrainforests’, ‘241 (Luzon rain forests)’],
    [242, ‘MalabarCoastmoistforests’, ‘242 (Malabar Coast moist forests)’],
    [243, ‘MaldivesLakshadweepChagosArchipelagotropicalmoistforests’, ‘243 (Maldives-Lakshadweep-Chagos Archipelago tropical moist forests)’],
    [244, ‘Meghalayasubtropicalforests’, ‘244 (Meghalaya subtropical forests)’],
    [245, ‘MentawaiIslandsrainforests’, ‘245 (Mentawai Islands rain forests)’],
    [246, ‘Mindanaomontanerainforests’, ‘246 (Mindanao montane rain forests)’],
    [247, ‘MindanaoEasternVisayasrainforests’, ‘247 (Mindanao-Eastern Visayas rain forests)’],
    [248, ‘Mindororainforests’, ‘248 (Mindoro rain forests)’],
    [249, ‘MizoramManipurKachinrainforests’, ‘249 (Mizoram-Manipur-Kachin rain forests)’],
    [250, ‘Myanmarcoastalrainforests’, ‘250 (Myanmar coastal rain forests)’],
    [251, ‘NanseiIslandssubtropicalevergreenforests’, ‘251 (Nansei Islands subtropical evergreen forests)’],
    [252, ‘NicobarIslandsrainforests’, ‘252 (Nicobar Islands rain forests)’],
    [253, ‘NorthWesternGhatsmoistdeciduousforests’, ‘253 (North Western Ghats moist deciduous forests)’],
    [254, ‘NorthWesternGhatsmontanerainforests’, ‘254 (North Western Ghats montane rain forests)’],
    [255, ‘NorthernAnnamitesrainforests’, ‘255 (Northern Annamites rain forests)’],
    [256, ‘NorthernIndochinasubtropicalforests’, ‘256 (Northern Indochina subtropical forests)’],
    [257, ‘NorthernKhoratPlateaumoistdeciduousforests’, ‘257 (Northern Khorat Plateau moist deciduous forests)’],
    [258, ‘NorthernThailandLaosmoistdeciduousforests’, ‘258 (Northern Thailand-Laos moist deciduous forests)’],
    [259, ‘NorthernTrianglesubtropicalforests’, ‘259 (Northern Triangle subtropical forests)’],
    [260, ‘NorthernVietnamlowlandrainforests’, ‘260 (Northern Vietnam lowland rain forests)’],
    [261, ‘Orissasemievergreenforests’, ‘261 (Orissa semi-evergreen forests)’],
    [262, ‘Palawanrainforests’, ‘262 (Palawan rain forests)’],
    [263, ‘PeninsularMalaysianmontanerainforests’, ‘263 (Peninsular Malaysian montane rain forests)’],
    [264, ‘PeninsularMalaysianpeatswampforests’, ‘264 (Peninsular Malaysian peat swamp forests)’],
    [265, ‘PeninsularMalaysianrainforests’, ‘265 (Peninsular Malaysian rain forests)’],
    [266, ‘RedRiverfreshwaterswampforests’, ‘266 (Red River freshwater swamp forests)’],
    [267, ‘SouthChinaSeaIslands’, ‘267 (South China Sea Islands)’],
    [268, ‘SouthChinaVietnamsubtropicalevergreenforests’, ‘268 (South China-Vietnam subtropical evergreen forests)’],
    [269, ‘SouthTaiwanmonsoonrainforests’, ‘269 (South Taiwan monsoon rain forests)’],
    [270, ‘SouthWesternGhatsmoistdeciduousforests’, ‘270 (South Western Ghats moist deciduous forests)’],
    [271, ‘SouthWesternGhatsmontanerainforests’, ‘271 (South Western Ghats montane rain forests)’],
    [272, ‘SouthernAnnamitesmontanerainforests’, ‘272 (Southern Annamites montane rain forests)’],
    [273, ‘SouthwestBorneofreshwaterswampforests’, ‘273 (Southwest Borneo freshwater swamp forests)’],
    [274, ‘SriLankalowlandrainforests’, ‘274 (Sri Lanka lowland rain forests)’],
    [275, ‘SriLankamontanerainforests’, ‘275 (Sri Lanka montane rain forests)’],
    [276, ‘SuluArchipelagorainforests’, ‘276 (Sulu Archipelago rain forests)’],
    [277, ‘Sumatranfreshwaterswampforests’, ‘277 (Sumatran freshwater swamp forests)’],
    [278, ‘Sumatranlowlandrainforests’, ‘278 (Sumatran lowland rain forests)’],
    [279, ‘Sumatranmontanerainforests’, ‘279 (Sumatran montane rain forests)’],
    [280, ‘Sumatranpeatswampforests’, ‘280 (Sumatran peat swamp forests)’],
    [281, ‘Sundalandheathforests’, ‘281 (Sundaland heath forests)’],
    [282, ‘Sundarbansfreshwaterswampforests’, ‘282 (Sundarbans freshwater swamp forests)’],
    [283, ‘Taiwansubtropicalevergreenforests’, ‘283 (Taiwan subtropical evergreen forests)’],
    [284, ‘TenasserimSouthThailandsemievergreenrainforests’, ‘284 (Tenasserim-South Thailand semi-evergreen rain forests)’],
    [285, ‘TonleSapfreshwaterswampforests’, ‘285 (Tonle Sap freshwater swamp forests)’],
    [286, ‘TonleSapMekongpeatswampforests’, ‘286 (Tonle Sap-Mekong peat swamp forests)’],
    [287, ‘UpperGangeticPlainsmoistdeciduousforests’, ‘287 (Upper Gangetic Plains moist deciduous forests)’],
    [288, ‘WesternJavamontanerainforests’, ‘288 (Western Java montane rain forests)’],
    [289, ‘WesternJavarainforests’, ‘289 (Western Java rain forests)’],
    [290, ‘CentralDeccanPlateaudrydeciduousforests’, ‘290 (Central Deccan Plateau dry deciduous forests)’],
    [291, ‘CentralIndochinadryforests’, ‘291 (Central Indochina dry forests)’],
    [292, ‘ChhotaNagpurdrydeciduousforests’, ‘292 (Chhota-Nagpur dry deciduous forests)’],
    [293, ‘EastDeccandryevergreenforests’, ‘293 (East Deccan dry-evergreen forests)’],
    [294, ‘Irrawaddydryforests’, ‘294 (Irrawaddy dry forests)’],
    [295, ‘KhathiarGirdrydeciduousforests’, ‘295 (Khathiar-Gir dry deciduous forests)’],
    [296, ‘NarmadaValleydrydeciduousforests’, ‘296 (Narmada Valley dry deciduous forests)’],
    [297, ‘NorthDeccandrydeciduousforests’, ‘297 (North Deccan dry deciduous forests)’],
    [298, ‘SouthDeccanPlateaudrydeciduousforests’, ‘298 (South Deccan Plateau dry deciduous forests)’],
    [299, ‘SoutheastIndochinadryevergreenforests’, ‘299 (Southeast Indochina dry evergreen forests)’],
    [300, ‘SouthernVietnamlowlanddryforests’, ‘300 (Southern Vietnam lowland dry forests)’],
    [301, ‘SriLankadryzonedryevergreenforests’, ‘301 (Sri Lanka dry-zone dry evergreen forests)’],
    [302, ‘Himalayansubtropicalpineforests’, ‘302 (Himalayan subtropical pine forests)’],
    [303, ‘Luzontropicalpineforests’, ‘303 (Luzon tropical pine forests)’],
    [304, ‘NortheastIndiaMyanmarpineforests’, ‘304 (Northeast India-Myanmar pine forests)’],
    [305, ‘Sumatrantropicalpineforests’, ‘305 (Sumatran tropical pine forests)’],
    [306, ‘EasternHimalayanbroadleafforests’, ‘306 (Eastern Himalayan broadleaf forests)’],
    [307, ‘NorthernTriangletemperateforests’, ‘307 (Northern Triangle temperate forests)’],
    [308, ‘WesternHimalayanbroadleafforests’, ‘308 (Western Himalayan broadleaf forests)’],
    [309, ‘EasternHimalayansubalpineconiferforests’, ‘309 (Eastern Himalayan subalpine conifer forests)’],
    [310, ‘WesternHimalayansubalpineconiferforests’, ‘310 (Western Himalayan subalpine conifer forests)’],
    [311, ‘TeraiDuarsavannaandgrasslands’, ‘311 (Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands)’],
    [312, ‘RannofKutchseasonalsaltmarsh’, ‘312 (Rann of Kutch seasonal salt marsh)’],
    [313, ‘Kinabalumontanealpinemeadows’, ‘313 (Kinabalu montane alpine meadows)’],
    [314, ‘Aravalliwestthornscrubforests’, ‘314 (Aravalli west thorn scrub forests)’],
    [315, ‘Deccanthornscrubforests’, ‘315 (Deccan thorn scrub forests)’],
    [316, ‘GodavariKrishnamangroves’, ‘316 (Godavari-Krishna mangroves)’],
    [317, ‘IndusValleydesert’, ‘317 (Indus Valley desert)’],
    [318, ‘Thardesert’, ‘318 (Thar desert)’],
    [319, ‘Indochinamangroves’, ‘319 (Indochina mangroves)’],
    [320, ‘IndusRiverDeltaArabianSeamangroves’, ‘320 (Indus River Delta-Arabian Sea mangroves)’],
    [321, ‘MyanmarCoastmangroves’, ‘321 (Myanmar Coast mangroves)’],
    [322, ‘SundaShelfmangroves’, ‘322 (Sunda Shelf mangroves)’],
    [323, ‘Sundarbansmangroves’, ‘323 (Sundarbans mangroves)’],
    [324, ‘SonoranSinaloansubtropicaldryforest’, ‘324 (Sonoran-Sinaloan subtropical dry forest)’],
    [325, ‘Bermudasubtropicalconiferforests’, ‘325 (Bermuda subtropical conifer forests)’],
    [326, ‘SierraMadreOccidentalpineoakforests’, ‘326 (Sierra Madre Occidental pine-oak forests)’],
    [327, ‘SierraMadreOrientalpineoakforests’, ‘327 (Sierra Madre Oriental pine-oak forests)’],
    [328, ‘AlleghenyHighlandsforests’, ‘328 (Allegheny Highlands forests)’],
    [329, ‘Appalachianmixedmesophyticforests’, ‘329 (Appalachian mixed mesophytic forests)’],
    [330, ‘AppalachianPiedmontforests’, ‘330 (Appalachian Piedmont forests)’],
    [331, ‘AppalachianBlueRidgeforests’, ‘331 (Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests)’],
    [332, ‘EastCentralTexasforests’, ‘332 (East Central Texas forests)’],
    [333, ‘EasternCanadianForestBorealtransition’, ‘333 (Eastern Canadian Forest-Boreal transition)’],
    [334, ‘EasternGreatLakeslowlandforests’, ‘334 (Eastern Great Lakes lowland forests)’],
    [335, ‘GulfofStLawrencelowlandforests’, ‘335 (Gulf of St. Lawrence lowland forests)’],
    [336, ‘InteriorPlateauUSHardwoodForests’, ‘336 (Interior Plateau US Hardwood Forests)’],
    [337, ‘Mississippilowlandforests’, ‘337 (Mississippi lowland forests)’],
    [338, ‘NewEnglandAcadianforests’, ‘338 (New England-Acadian forests)’],
    [339, ‘NortheastUSCoastalforests’, ‘339 (Northeast US Coastal forests)’],
    [340, ‘OzarkHighlandsmixedforests’, ‘340 (Ozark Highlands mixed forests)’],
    [341, ‘OzarkMountainforests’, ‘341 (Ozark Mountain forests)’],
    [342, ‘SouthernGreatLakesforests’, ‘342 (Southern Great Lakes forests)’],
    [343, ‘UpperMidwestUSforestsavannatransition’, ‘343 (Upper Midwest US forest-savanna transition)’],
    [344, ‘WesternGreatLakesforests’, ‘344 (Western Great Lakes forests)’],
    [345, ‘AlbertaBritishColumbiafoothillsforests’, ‘345 (Alberta-British Columbia foothills forests)’],
    [346, ‘ArizonaMountainsforests’, ‘346 (Arizona Mountains forests)’],
    [347, ‘Atlanticcoastalpinebarrens’, ‘347 (Atlantic coastal pine barrens)’],
    [348, ‘BlueMountainsforests’, ‘348 (Blue Mountains forests)’],
    [349, ‘BritishColumbiacoastalconiferforests’, ‘349 (British Columbia coastal conifer forests)’],
    [350, ‘CentralBritishColumbiaMountainforests’, ‘350 (Central British Columbia Mountain forests)’],
    [351, ‘CentralPacificNorthwestcoastalforests’, ‘351 (Central Pacific Northwest coastal forests)’],
    [352, ‘CentralSouthernCascadesForests’, ‘352 (Central-Southern Cascades Forests)’],
    [353, ‘ColoradoRockiesforests’, ‘353 (Colorado Rockies forests)’],
    [354, ‘EasternCascadesforests’, ‘354 (Eastern Cascades forests)’],
    [355, ‘FraserPlateauandBasinconiferforests’, ‘355 (Fraser Plateau and Basin conifer forests)’],
    [356, ‘GreatBasinmontaneforests’, ‘356 (Great Basin montane forests)’],
    [357, ‘KlamathSiskiyouforests’, ‘357 (Klamath-Siskiyou forests)’],
    [358, ‘NorthCascadesconiferforests’, ‘358 (North Cascades conifer forests)’],
    [359, ‘NorthernCaliforniacoastalforests’, ‘359 (Northern California coastal forests)’],
    [360, ‘NorthernPacificAlaskancoastalforests’, ‘360 (Northern Pacific Alaskan coastal forests)’],
    [361, ‘NorthernRockiesconiferforests’, ‘361 (Northern Rockies conifer forests)’],
    [362, ‘Okanogandryforests’, ‘362 (Okanogan dry forests)’],
    [363, ‘PineyWoods’, ‘363 (Piney Woods)’],
    [364, ‘Pugetlowlandforests’, ‘364 (Puget lowland forests)’],
    [365, ‘QueenCharlotteIslandsconiferforests’, ‘365 (Queen Charlotte Islands conifer forests)’],
    [366, ‘SierraNevadaforests’, ‘366 (Sierra Nevada forests)’],
    [367, ‘SouthCentralRockiesforests’, ‘367 (South Central Rockies forests)’],
    [368, ‘WasatchandUintamontaneforests’, ‘368 (Wasatch and Uinta montane forests)’],
    [369, ‘AlaskaPeninsulamontanetaiga’, ‘369 (Alaska Peninsula montane taiga)’],
    [370, ‘CentralCanadianShieldforests’, ‘370 (Central Canadian Shield forests)’],
    [371, ‘CookInlettaiga’, ‘371 (Cook Inlet taiga)’],
    [372, ‘CopperPlateautaiga’, ‘372 (Copper Plateau taiga)’],
    [373, ‘EasternCanadianforests’, ‘373 (Eastern Canadian forests)’],
    [374, ‘EasternCanadianShieldtaiga’, ‘374 (Eastern Canadian Shield taiga)’],
    [375, ‘InteriorAlaskaYukonlowlandtaiga’, ‘375 (Interior Alaska-Yukon lowland taiga)’],
    [376, ‘MidCanadaBorealPlainsforests’, ‘376 (Mid-Canada Boreal Plains forests)’],
    [377, ‘MidwestCanadianShieldforests’, ‘377 (Midwest Canadian Shield forests)’],
    [378, ‘MuskwaSlaveLaketaiga’, ‘378 (Muskwa-Slave Lake taiga)’],
    [379, ‘NorthernCanadianShieldtaiga’, ‘379 (Northern Canadian Shield taiga)’],
    [380, ‘NorthernCordilleraforests’, ‘380 (Northern Cordillera forests)’],
    [381, ‘NorthwestTerritoriestaiga’, ‘381 (Northwest Territories taiga)’],
    [382, ‘SouthernHudsonBaytaiga’, ‘382 (Southern Hudson Bay taiga)’],
    [383, ‘WatsonHighlandstaiga’, ‘383 (Watson Highlands taiga)’],
    [384, ‘WesternGulfcoastalgrasslands’, ‘384 (Western Gulf coastal grasslands)’],
    [385, ‘CaliforniaCentralValleygrasslands’, ‘385 (California Central Valley grasslands)’],
    [386, ‘CanadianAspenforestsandparklands’, ‘386 (Canadian Aspen forests and parklands)’],
    [387, ‘CentralUSforestgrasslandstransition’, ‘387 (Central US forest-grasslands transition)’],
    [388, ‘CentralTallgrassprairie’, ‘388 (Central Tallgrass prairie)’],
    [389, ‘CentralSouthernUSmixedgrasslands’, ‘389 (Central-Southern US mixed grasslands)’],
    [390, ‘CrossTimberssavannawoodland’, ‘390 (Cross-Timbers savanna-woodland)’],
    [391, ‘EdwardsPlateausavanna’, ‘391 (Edwards Plateau savanna)’],
    [392, ‘FlintHillstallgrassprairie’, ‘392 (Flint Hills tallgrass prairie)’],
    [393, ‘MidAtlanticUScoastalsavannas’, ‘393 (Mid-Atlantic US coastal savannas)’],
    [394, ‘MontanaValleyandFoothillgrasslands’, ‘394 (Montana Valley and Foothill grasslands)’],
    [395, ‘NebraskaSandHillsmixedgrasslands’, ‘395 (Nebraska Sand Hills mixed grasslands)’],
    [396, ‘NorthernShortgrassprairie’, ‘396 (Northern Shortgrass prairie)’],
    [397, ‘NorthernTallgrassprairie’, ‘397 (Northern Tallgrass prairie)’],
    [398, ‘Palouseprairie’, ‘398 (Palouse prairie)’],
    [399, ‘SoutheastUSconifersavannas’, ‘399 (Southeast US conifer savannas)’],
    [400, ‘SoutheastUSmixedwoodlandsandsavannas’, ‘400 (Southeast US mixed woodlands and savannas)’],
    [401, ‘Texasblacklandprairies’, ‘401 (Texas blackland prairies)’],
    [402, ‘Westernshortgrassprairie’, ‘402 (Western shortgrass prairie)’],
    [403, ‘WillametteValleyoaksavanna’, ‘403 (Willamette Valley oak savanna)’],
    [404, ‘AhklunandKilbuckUplandTundra’, ‘404 (Ahklun and Kilbuck Upland Tundra)’],
    [405, ‘AlaskaStEliasRangetundra’, ‘405 (Alaska-St. Elias Range tundra)’],
    [406, ‘AleutianIslandstundra’, ‘406 (Aleutian Islands tundra)’],
    [407, ‘Arcticcoastaltundra’, ‘407 (Arctic coastal tundra)’],
    [408, ‘Arcticfoothillstundra’, ‘408 (Arctic foothills tundra)’],
    [409, ‘Beringialowlandtundra’, ‘409 (Beringia lowland tundra)’],
    [410, ‘Beringiauplandtundra’, ‘410 (Beringia upland tundra)’],
    [411, ‘BrooksBritishRangetundra’, ‘411 (Brooks-British Range tundra)’],
    [412, ‘CanadianHighArctictundra’, ‘412 (Canadian High Arctic tundra)’],
    [413, ‘CanadianLowArctictundra’, ‘413 (Canadian Low Arctic tundra)’],
    [414, ‘CanadianMiddleArcticTundra’, ‘414 (Canadian Middle Arctic Tundra)’],
    [415, ‘DavisHighlandstundra’, ‘415 (Davis Highlands tundra)’],
    [416, ‘InteriorYukonAlaskaalpinetundra’, ‘416 (Interior Yukon-Alaska alpine tundra)’],
    [417, ‘KalaallitNunaatArcticsteppe’, ‘417 (Kalaallit Nunaat Arctic steppe)’],
    [418, ‘KalaallitNunaatHighArctictundra’, ‘418 (Kalaallit Nunaat High Arctic tundra)’],
    [419, ‘OgilvieMacKenziealpinetundra’, ‘419 (Ogilvie-MacKenzie alpine tundra)’],
    [420, ‘PacificCoastalMountainicefieldsandtundra’, ‘420 (Pacific Coastal Mountain icefields and tundra)’],
    [421, ‘TorngatMountaintundra’, ‘421 (Torngat Mountain tundra)’],
    [422, ‘Californiacoastalsageandchaparral’, ‘422 (California coastal sage and chaparral)’],
    [423, ‘Californiainteriorchaparralandwoodlands’, ‘423 (California interior chaparral and woodlands)’],
    [424, ‘Californiamontanechaparralandwoodlands’, ‘424 (California montane chaparral and woodlands)’],
    [425, ‘SantaLuciaMontaneChaparralAndWoodlands’, ‘425 (Santa Lucia Montane Chaparral & Woodlands)’],
    [426, ‘BajaCaliforniadesert’, ‘426 (Baja California desert)’],
    [427, ‘CentralMexicanmatorral’, ‘427 (Central Mexican matorral)’],
    [428, ‘Chihuahuandesert’, ‘428 (Chihuahuan desert)’],
    [429, ‘ColoradoPlateaushrublands’, ‘429 (Colorado Plateau shrublands)’],
    [430, ‘GreatBasinshrubsteppe’, ‘430 (Great Basin shrub steppe)’],
    [431, ‘GulfofCaliforniaxericscrub’, ‘431 (Gulf of California xeric scrub)’],
    [432, ‘MesetaCentralmatorral’, ‘432 (Meseta Central matorral)’],
    [433, ‘Mojavedesert’, ‘433 (Mojave desert)’],
    [434, ‘SnakeColumbiashrubsteppe’, ‘434 (Snake-Columbia shrub steppe)’],
    [435, ‘Sonorandesert’, ‘435 (Sonoran desert)’],
    [436, ‘Tamaulipanmatorral’, ‘436 (Tamaulipan matorral)’],
    [437, ‘Tamaulipanmezquital’, ‘437 (Tamaulipan mezquital)’],
    [438, ‘WyomingBasinshrubsteppe’, ‘438 (Wyoming Basin shrub steppe)’],
    [439, ‘AltoParanaAtlanticforests’, ‘439 (Alto Paraná Atlantic forests)’],
    [440, ‘Araucariamoistforests’, ‘440 (Araucaria moist forests)’],
    [441, ‘AtlanticCoastrestingas’, ‘441 (Atlantic Coast restingas)’],
    [442, ‘Bahiacoastalforests’, ‘442 (Bahia coastal forests)’],
    [443, ‘Bahiainteriorforests’, ‘443 (Bahia interior forests)’],
    [444, ‘BolivianYungas’, ‘444 (Bolivian Yungas)’],
    [445, ‘CaatingaEnclavesmoistforests’, ‘445 (Caatinga Enclaves moist forests)’],
    [446, ‘Caquetamoistforests’, ‘446 (Caqueta moist forests)’],
    [447, ‘Catatumbomoistforests’, ‘447 (Catatumbo moist forests)’],
    [448, ‘CaucaValleymontaneforests’, ‘448 (Cauca Valley montane forests)’],
    [449, ‘CayosMiskitosSanAndresandProvidenciamoistforests’, ‘449 (Cayos Miskitos-San Andrés and Providencia moist forests)’],
    [450, ‘CentralAmericanAtlanticmoistforests’, ‘450 (Central American Atlantic moist forests)’],
    [451, ‘CentralAmericanmontaneforests’, ‘451 (Central American montane forests)’],
    [452, ‘Chiapasmontaneforests’, ‘452 (Chiapas montane forests)’],
    [453, ‘Chimalapasmontaneforests’, ‘453 (Chimalapas montane forests)’],
    [454, ‘ChocoDarienmoistforests’, ‘454 (Chocó-Darién moist forests)’],
    [455, ‘CocosIslandmoistforests’, ‘455 (Cocos Island moist forests)’],
    [456, ‘CordilleraLaCostamontaneforests’, ‘456 (Cordillera La Costa montane forests)’],
    [457, ‘CordilleraOrientalmontaneforests’, ‘457 (Cordillera Oriental montane forests)’],
    [458, ‘CostaRicanseasonalmoistforests’, ‘458 (Costa Rican seasonal moist forests)’],
    [459, ‘Cubanmoistforests’, ‘459 (Cuban moist forests)’],
    [460, ‘EasternCordilleraRealmontaneforests’, ‘460 (Eastern Cordillera Real montane forests)’],
    [461, ‘EasternPanamanianmontaneforests’, ‘461 (Eastern Panamanian montane forests)’],
    [462, ‘FernandodeNoronhaAtoldasRocasmoistforests’, ‘462 (Fernando de Noronha-Atol das Rocas moist forests)’],
    [463, ‘Guiananfreshwaterswampforests’, ‘463 (Guianan freshwater swamp forests)’],
    [464, ‘GuiananHighlandsmoistforests’, ‘464 (Guianan Highlands moist forests)’],
    [465, ‘Guiananlowlandmoistforests’, ‘465 (Guianan lowland moist forests)’],
    [466, ‘Guiananpiedmontmoistforests’, ‘466 (Guianan piedmont moist forests)’],
    [467, ‘Gurupavarzea’, ‘467 (Gurupa várzea)’],
    [468, ‘Hispaniolanmoistforests’, ‘468 (Hispaniolan moist forests)’],
    [469, ‘Iquitosvarzea’, ‘469 (Iquitos várzea)’],
    [470, ‘IsthmianAtlanticmoistforests’, ‘470 (Isthmian-Atlantic moist forests)’],
    [471, ‘IsthmianPacificmoistforests’, ‘471 (Isthmian-Pacific moist forests)’],
    [472, ‘Jamaicanmoistforests’, ‘472 (Jamaican moist forests)’],
    [473, ‘JapuraSolimoesNegromoistforests’, ‘473 (Japurá-Solimões-Negro moist forests)’],
    [474, ‘JuruaPurusmoistforests’, ‘474 (Juruá-Purus moist forests)’],
    [475, ‘LeewardIslandsmoistforests’, ‘475 (Leeward Islands moist forests)’],
    [476, ‘MadeiraTapajosmoistforests’, ‘476 (Madeira-Tapajós moist forests)’],
    [477, ‘MagdalenaValleymontaneforests’, ‘477 (Magdalena Valley montane forests)’],
    [478, ‘MagdalenaUrabamoistforests’, ‘478 (Magdalena-Urabá moist forests)’],
    [479, ‘Maranondryforests’, ‘479 (Marañón dry forests)’],
    [480, ‘Marajovarzea’, ‘480 (Marajó várzea)’],
    [481, ‘MatoGrossotropicaldryforests’, ‘481 (Mato Grosso tropical dry forests)’],
    [482, ‘MonteAlegrevarzea’, ‘482 (Monte Alegre várzea)’],
    [483, ‘Napomoistforests’, ‘483 (Napo moist forests)’],
    [484, ‘NegroBrancomoistforests’, ‘484 (Negro-Branco moist forests)’],
    [485, ‘NortheastBrazilrestingas’, ‘485 (Northeast Brazil restingas)’],
    [486, ‘NorthwestAndeanmontaneforests’, ‘486 (Northwest Andean montane forests)’],
    [487, ‘Oaxacanmontaneforests’, ‘487 (Oaxacan montane forests)’],
    [488, ‘OrinocoDeltaswampforests’, ‘488 (Orinoco Delta swamp forests)’],
    [489, ‘PantanosdeCentla’, ‘489 (Pantanos de Centla)’],
    [490, ‘PantepuiforestsAndshrublands’, ‘490 (Pantepui forests & shrublands)’],
    [491, ‘Pernambucocoastalforests’, ‘491 (Pernambuco coastal forests)’],
    [492, ‘Pernambucointeriorforests’, ‘492 (Pernambuco interior forests)’],
    [493, ‘PeruvianYungas’, ‘493 (Peruvian Yungas)’],
    [494, ‘PetenVeracruzmoistforests’, ‘494 (Petén-Veracruz moist forests)’],
    [495, ‘PuertoRicanmoistforests’, ‘495 (Puerto Rican moist forests)’],
    [496, ‘Purusvarzea’, ‘496 (Purus várzea)’],
    [497, ‘PurusMadeiramoistforests’, ‘497 (Purus-Madeira moist forests)’],
    [498, ‘RioNegrocampinarana’, ‘498 (Rio Negro campinarana)’],
    [499, ‘SantaMartamontaneforests’, ‘499 (Santa Marta montane forests)’],
    [500, ‘SerradoMarcoastalforests’, ‘500 (Serra do Mar coastal forests)’],
    [501, ‘SierradelosTuxtlas’, ‘501 (Sierra de los Tuxtlas)’],
    [502, ‘SierraMadredeChiapasmoistforests’, ‘502 (Sierra Madre de Chiapas moist forests)’],
    [503, ‘SolimoesJapuramoistforests’, ‘503 (Solimões-Japurá moist forests)’],
    [504, ‘SouthernAndeanYungas’, ‘504 (Southern Andean Yungas)’],
    [505, ‘SouthwestAmazonmoistforests’, ‘505 (Southwest Amazon moist forests)’],
    [506, ‘Talamancanmontaneforests’, ‘506 (Talamancan montane forests)’],
    [507, ‘TapajosXingumoistforests’, ‘507 (Tapajós-Xingu moist forests)’],
    [508, ‘TocantinsPindaremoistforests’, ‘508 (Tocantins/Pindare moist forests)’],
    [509, ‘TrindadeMartinVazIslandstropicalforests’, ‘509 (Trindade-Martin Vaz Islands tropical forests)’],
    [510, ‘TrinidadandTobagomoistforest’, ‘510 (Trinidad and Tobago moist forest)’],
    [511, ‘UatumaTrombetasmoistforests’, ‘511 (Uatumã-Trombetas moist forests)’],
    [512, ‘Ucayalimoistforests’, ‘512 (Ucayali moist forests)’],
    [513, ‘VenezuelanAndesmontaneforests’, ‘513 (Venezuelan Andes montane forests)’],
    [514, ‘Veracruzmoistforests’, ‘514 (Veracruz moist forests)’],
    [515, ‘Veracruzmontaneforests’, ‘515 (Veracruz montane forests)’],
    [516, ‘WesternEcuadormoistforests’, ‘516 (Western Ecuador moist forests)’],
    [517, ‘WindwardIslandsmoistforests’, ‘517 (Windward Islands moist forests)’],
    [518, ‘XinguTocantinsAraguaiamoistforests’, ‘518 (Xingu-Tocantins-Araguaia moist forests)’],
    [519, ‘Yucatanmoistforests’, ‘519 (Yucatán moist forests)’],
    [520, ‘ApureVillavicenciodryforests’, ‘520 (Apure-Villavicencio dry forests)’],
    [521, ‘Bajiodryforests’, ‘521 (Bajío dry forests)’],
    [522, ‘Balsasdryforests’, ‘522 (Balsas dry forests)’],
    [523, ‘Bolivianmontanedryforests’, ‘523 (Bolivian montane dry forests)’],
    [524, ‘BrazilianAtlanticdryforests’, ‘524 (Brazilian Atlantic dry forests)’],
    [525, ‘Caatinga’, ‘525 (Caatinga)’],
    [526, ‘CaucaValleydryforests’, ‘526 (Cauca Valley dry forests)’],
    [527, ‘CentralAmericandryforests’, ‘527 (Central American dry forests)’],
    [528, ‘ChiapasDepressiondryforests’, ‘528 (Chiapas Depression dry forests)’],
    [529, ‘Chiquitanodryforests’, ‘529 (Chiquitano dry forests)’],
    [530, ‘Cubandryforests’, ‘530 (Cuban dry forests)’],
    [531, ‘Ecuadoriandryforests’, ‘531 (Ecuadorian dry forests)’],
    [532, ‘Hispaniolandryforests’, ‘532 (Hispaniolan dry forests)’],
    [533, ‘IslasRevillagigedodryforests’, ‘533 (Islas Revillagigedo dry forests)’],
    [534, ‘Jaliscodryforests’, ‘534 (Jalisco dry forests)’],
    [535, ‘Jamaicandryforests’, ‘535 (Jamaican dry forests)’],
    [536, ‘LaraFalcondryforests’, ‘536 (Lara-Falcón dry forests)’],
    [537, ‘LesserAntilleandryforests’, ‘537 (Lesser Antillean dry forests)’],
    [538, ‘MagdalenaValleydryforests’, ‘538 (Magdalena Valley dry forests)’],
    [539, ‘Maracaibodryforests’, ‘539 (Maracaibo dry forests)’],
    [540, ‘MaranhaoBabacuforests’, ‘540 (Maranhão Babaçu forests)’],
    [541, ‘Panamaniandryforests’, ‘541 (Panamanian dry forests)’],
    [542, ‘Patiavalleydryforests’, ‘542 (Patía valley dry forests)’],
    [543, ‘PuertoRicandryforests’, ‘543 (Puerto Rican dry forests)’],
    [544, ‘SierradelaLagunadryforests’, ‘544 (Sierra de la Laguna dry forests)’],
    [545, ‘Sinaloandryforests’, ‘545 (Sinaloan dry forests)’],
    [546, ‘SinuValleydryforests’, ‘546 (Sinú Valley dry forests)’],
    [547, ‘SouthernPacificdryforests’, ‘547 (Southern Pacific dry forests)’],
    [548, ‘TrinidadandTobagodryforest’, ‘548 (Trinidad and Tobago dry forest)’],
    [549, ‘TumbesPiuradryforests’, ‘549 (Tumbes-Piura dry forests)’],
    [550, ‘Veracruzdryforests’, ‘550 (Veracruz dry forests)’],
    [551, ‘Yucatandryforests’, ‘551 (Yucatán dry forests)’],
    [552, ‘Bahamianpineyards’, ‘552 (Bahamian pineyards)’],
    [553, ‘CentralAmericanpineoakforests’, ‘553 (Central American pine-oak forests)’],
    [554, ‘Cubanpineforests’, ‘554 (Cuban pine forests)’],
    [555, ‘Hispaniolanpineforests’, ‘555 (Hispaniolan pine forests)’],
    [556, ‘SierradelaLagunapineoakforests’, ‘556 (Sierra de la Laguna pine-oak forests)’],
    [557, ‘SierraMadredeOaxacapineoakforests’, ‘557 (Sierra Madre de Oaxaca pine-oak forests)’],
    [558, ‘SierraMadredelSurpineoakforests’, ‘558 (Sierra Madre del Sur pine-oak forests)’],
    [559, ‘TransMexicanVolcanicBeltpineoakforests’, ‘559 (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt pine-oak forests)’],
    [560, ‘JuanFernandezIslandstemperateforests’, ‘560 (Juan Fernández Islands temperate forests)’],
    [561, ‘Magellanicsubpolarforests’, ‘561 (Magellanic subpolar forests)’],
    [562, ‘SanFelixSanAmbrosioIslandstemperateforests’, ‘562 (San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands temperate forests)’],
    [563, ‘Valdiviantemperateforests’, ‘563 (Valdivian temperate forests)’],
    [564, ‘Belizianpinesavannas’, ‘564 (Belizian pine savannas)’],
    [565, ‘Benisavanna’, ‘565 (Beni savanna)’],
    [566, ‘CamposRupestresmontanesavanna’, ‘566 (Campos Rupestres montane savanna)’],
    [567, ‘Cerrado’, ‘567 (Cerrado)’],
    [568, ‘ClippertonIslandshrubandgrasslands’, ‘568 (Clipperton Island shrub and grasslands)’],
    [569, ‘DryChaco’, ‘569 (Dry Chaco)’],
    [570, ‘Guianansavanna’, ‘570 (Guianan savanna)’],
    [571, ‘HumidChaco’, ‘571 (Humid Chaco)’],
    [572, ‘Llanos’, ‘572 (Llanos)’],
    [573, ‘Miskitopineforests’, ‘573 (Miskito pine forests)’],
    [574, ‘Uruguayansavanna’, ‘574 (Uruguayan savanna)’],
    [575, ‘Espinal’, ‘575 (Espinal)’],
    [576, ‘HumidPampas’, ‘576 (Humid Pampas)’],
    [577, ‘LowMonte’, ‘577 (Low Monte)’],
    [578, ‘Patagoniansteppe’, ‘578 (Patagonian steppe)’],
    [579, ‘Cubanwetlands’, ‘579 (Cuban wetlands)’],
    [580, ‘Enriquillowetlands’, ‘580 (Enriquillo wetlands)’],
    [581, ‘Evergladesfloodedgrasslands’, ‘581 (Everglades flooded grasslands)’],
    [582, ‘Guayaquilfloodedgrasslands’, ‘582 (Guayaquil flooded grasslands)’],
    [583, ‘Orinocowetlands’, ‘583 (Orinoco wetlands)’],
    [584, ‘Pantanal’, ‘584 (Pantanal)’],
    [585, ‘Paranafloodedsavanna’, ‘585 (Paraná flooded savanna)’],
    [586, ‘SouthernConeMesopotamiansavanna’, ‘586 (Southern Cone Mesopotamian savanna)’],
    [587, ‘CentralAndeandrypuna’, ‘587 (Central Andean dry puna)’],
    [588, ‘CentralAndeanpuna’, ‘588 (Central Andean puna)’],
    [589, ‘CentralAndeanwetpuna’, ‘589 (Central Andean wet puna)’],
    [590, ‘CordilleraCentralparamo’, ‘590 (Cordillera Central páramo)’],
    [591, ‘CordilleradeMeridaparamo’, ‘591 (Cordillera de Merida páramo)’],
    [592, ‘HighMonte’, ‘592 (High Monte)’],
    [593, ‘NorthernAndeanparamo’, ‘593 (Northern Andean páramo)’],
    [594, ‘SantaMartaparamo’, ‘594 (Santa Marta páramo)’],
    [595, ‘SouthernAndeansteppe’, ‘595 (Southern Andean steppe)’],
    [596, ‘ChileanMatorral’, ‘596 (Chilean Matorral)’],
    [597, ‘ArayaandPariaxericscrub’, ‘597 (Araya and Paria xeric scrub)’],
    [598, ‘Atacamadesert’, ‘598 (Atacama desert)’],
    [599, ‘Caribbeanshrublands’, ‘599 (Caribbean shrublands)’],
    [600, ‘Cubancactusscrub’, ‘600 (Cuban cactus scrub)’],
    [601, ‘GalapagosIslandsxericscrub’, ‘601 (Galápagos Islands xeric scrub)’],
    [602, ‘GuajiraBarranquillaxericscrub’, ‘602 (Guajira-Barranquilla xeric scrub)’],
    [603, ‘LaCostaxericshrublands’, ‘603 (La Costa xeric shrublands)’],
    [604, ‘MalpeloIslandxericscrub’, ‘604 (Malpelo Island xeric scrub)’],
    [605, ‘MotaguaValleythornscrub’, ‘605 (Motagua Valley thornscrub)’],
    [606, ‘Paraguanaxericscrub’, ‘606 (Paraguaná xeric scrub)’],
    [607, ‘SanLucanxericscrub’, ‘607 (San Lucan xeric scrub)’],
    [608, ‘Sechuradesert’, ‘608 (Sechura desert)’],
    [609, ‘StPeterandStPaulRocks’, ‘609 (St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks)’],
    [610, ‘TehuacanValleymatorral’, ‘610 (Tehuacán Valley matorral)’],
    [611, ‘AmazonOrinocoSouthernCaribbeanmangroves’, ‘611 (Amazon-Orinoco-Southern Caribbean mangroves)’],
    [612, ‘BahamianAntilleanmangroves’, ‘612 (Bahamian-Antillean mangroves)’],
    [613, ‘MesoamericanGulfCaribbeanmangroves’, ‘613 (Mesoamerican Gulf-Caribbean mangroves)’],
    [614, ‘NorthernMesoamericanPacificmangroves’, ‘614 (Northern Mesoamerican Pacific mangroves)’],
    [615, ‘SouthAmericanPacificmangroves’, ‘615 (South American Pacific mangroves)’],
    [616, ‘SouthernAtlanticBrazilianmangroves’, ‘616 (Southern Atlantic Brazilian mangroves)’],
    [617, ‘SouthernMesoamericanPacificmangroves’, ‘617 (Southern Mesoamerican Pacific mangroves)’],
    [618, ‘Carolinestropicalmoistforests’, ‘618 (Carolines tropical moist forests)’],
    [619, ‘CentralPolynesiantropicalmoistforests’, ‘619 (Central Polynesian tropical moist forests)’],
    [620, ‘CookIslandstropicalmoistforests’, ‘620 (Cook Islands tropical moist forests)’],
    [621, ‘EasternMicronesiatropicalmoistforests’, ‘621 (Eastern Micronesia tropical moist forests)’],
    [622, ‘Fijitropicalmoistforests’, ‘622 (Fiji tropical moist forests)’],
    [623, ‘Hawaiitropicalmoistforests’, “623 (Hawai’i tropical moist forests)”],
    [624, ‘KermadecIslandssubtropicalmoistforests’, ‘624 (Kermadec Islands subtropical moist forests)’],
    [625, ‘Marquesastropicalmoistforests’, ‘625 (Marquesas tropical moist forests)’],
    [626, ‘Ogasawarasubtropicalmoistforests’, ‘626 (Ogasawara subtropical moist forests)’],
    [627, ‘Palautropicalmoistforests’, ‘627 (Palau tropical moist forests)’],
    [628, ‘RapaNuiandSalayGomezsubtropicalforests’, ‘628 (Rapa Nui and Sala y Gómez subtropical forests)’],
    [629, ‘Samoantropicalmoistforests’, ‘629 (Samoan tropical moist forests)’],
    [630, ‘SocietyIslandstropicalmoistforests’, ‘630 (Society Islands tropical moist forests)’],
    [631, ‘Tongantropicalmoistforests’, ‘631 (Tongan tropical moist forests)’],
    [632, ‘Tuamotutropicalmoistforests’, ‘632 (Tuamotu tropical moist forests)’],
    [633, ‘Tubuaitropicalmoistforests’, ‘633 (Tubuai tropical moist forests)’],
    [634, ‘WesternPolynesiantropicalmoistforests’, ‘634 (Western Polynesian tropical moist forests)’],
    [635, ‘Fijitropicaldryforests’, ‘635 (Fiji tropical dry forests)’],
    [636, ‘Hawaiitropicaldryforests’, “636 (Hawai’i tropical dry forests)”],
    [637, ‘Marianastropicaldryforests’, ‘637 (Marianas tropical dry forests)’],
    [638, ‘Yaptropicaldryforests’, ‘638 (Yap tropical dry forests)’],
    [639, ‘Hawaiitropicalhighshrublands’, “639 (Hawai’i tropical high shrublands)”],
    [640, ‘Hawaiitropicallowshrublands’, “640 (Hawai’i tropical low shrublands)”],
    [641, ‘NorthwestHawaiiscrub’, “641 (Northwest Hawai’i scrub)”],
    [642, ‘GuizhouPlateaubroadleafandmixedforests’, ‘642 (Guizhou Plateau broadleaf and mixed forests)’],
    [643, ‘YunnanPlateausubtropicalevergreenforests’, ‘643 (Yunnan Plateau subtropical evergreen forests)’],
    [644, ‘Appeninedeciduousmontaneforests’, ‘644 (Appenine deciduous montane forests)’],
    [645, ‘Azorestemperatemixedforests’, ‘645 (Azores temperate mixed forests)’],
    [646, ‘Balkanmixedforests’, ‘646 (Balkan mixed forests)’],
    [647, ‘Balticmixedforests’, ‘647 (Baltic mixed forests)’],
    [648, ‘Cantabrianmixedforests’, ‘648 (Cantabrian mixed forests)’],
    [649, ‘CaspianHyrcanianmixedforests’, ‘649 (Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests)’],
    [650, ‘Caucasusmixedforests’, ‘650 (Caucasus mixed forests)’],
    [651, ‘Celticbroadleafforests’, ‘651 (Celtic broadleaf forests)’],
    [652, ‘CentralAnatoliansteppeandwoodlands’, ‘652 (Central Anatolian steppe and woodlands)’],
    [653, ‘CentralChinaLoessPlateaumixedforests’, ‘653 (Central China Loess Plateau mixed forests)’],
    [654, ‘CentralEuropeanmixedforests’, ‘654 (Central European mixed forests)’],
    [655, ‘CentralKoreandeciduousforests’, ‘655 (Central Korean deciduous forests)’],
    [656, ‘ChangbaiMountainsmixedforests’, ‘656 (Changbai Mountains mixed forests)’],
    [657, ‘ChangjiangPlainevergreenforests’, ‘657 (Changjiang Plain evergreen forests)’],
    [658, ‘CrimeanSubmediterraneanforestcomplex’, ‘658 (Crimean Submediterranean forest complex)’],
    [659, ‘DabaMountainsevergreenforests’, ‘659 (Daba Mountains evergreen forests)’],
    [660, ‘DinaricMountainsmixedforests’, ‘660 (Dinaric Mountains mixed forests)’],
    [661, ‘EastEuropeanforeststeppe’, ‘661 (East European forest steppe)’],
    [662, ‘EasternAnatoliandeciduousforests’, ‘662 (Eastern Anatolian deciduous forests)’],
    [663, ‘EnglishLowlandsbeechforests’, ‘663 (English Lowlands beech forests)’],
    [664, ‘EuropeanAtlanticmixedforests’, ‘664 (European Atlantic mixed forests)’],
    [665, ‘EuxineColchicbroadleafforests’, ‘665 (Euxine-Colchic broadleaf forests)’],
    [666, ‘Hokkaidodeciduousforests’, ‘666 (Hokkaido deciduous forests)’],
    [667, ‘HuangHePlainmixedforests’, ‘667 (Huang He Plain mixed forests)’],
    [668, ‘Madeiraevergreenforests’, ‘668 (Madeira evergreen forests)’],
    [669, ‘Manchurianmixedforests’, ‘669 (Manchurian mixed forests)’],
    [670, ‘Nihonkaievergreenforests’, ‘670 (Nihonkai evergreen forests)’],
    [671, ‘Nihonkaimontanedeciduousforests’, ‘671 (Nihonkai montane deciduous forests)’],
    [672, ‘NorthAtlanticmoistmixedforests’, ‘672 (North Atlantic moist mixed forests)’],
    [673, ‘NortheastChinaPlaindeciduousforests’, ‘673 (Northeast China Plain deciduous forests)’],
    [674, ‘Pannonianmixedforests’, ‘674 (Pannonian mixed forests)’],
    [675, ‘PoBasinmixedforests’, ‘675 (Po Basin mixed forests)’],
    [676, ‘Pyreneesconiferandmixedforests’, ‘676 (Pyrenees conifer and mixed forests)’],
    [677, ‘QinLingMountainsdeciduousforests’, ‘677 (Qin Ling Mountains deciduous forests)’],
    [678, ‘Rodopemontanemixedforests’, ‘678 (Rodope montane mixed forests)’],
    [679, ‘Sarmaticmixedforests’, ‘679 (Sarmatic mixed forests)’],
    [680, ‘SichuanBasinevergreenbroadleafforests’, ‘680 (Sichuan Basin evergreen broadleaf forests)’],
    [681, ‘SouthernKoreaevergreenforests’, ‘681 (Southern Korea evergreen forests)’],
    [682, ‘Taiheiyoevergreenforests’, ‘682 (Taiheiyo evergreen forests)’],
    [683, ‘Taiheiyomontanedeciduousforests’, ‘683 (Taiheiyo montane deciduous forests)’],
    [684, ‘TarimBasindeciduousforestsandsteppe’, ‘684 (Tarim Basin deciduous forests and steppe)’],
    [685, ‘Ussuribroadleafandmixedforests’, ‘685 (Ussuri broadleaf and mixed forests)’],
    [686, ‘WesternEuropeanbroadleafforests’, ‘686 (Western European broadleaf forests)’],
    [687, ‘WesternSiberianhemiborealforests’, ‘687 (Western Siberian hemiboreal forests)’],
    [688, ‘ZagrosMountainsforeststeppe’, ‘688 (Zagros Mountains forest steppe)’],
    [689, ‘Alpsconiferandmixedforests’, ‘689 (Alps conifer and mixed forests)’],
    [690, ‘Altaimontaneforestandforeststeppe’, ‘690 (Altai montane forest and forest steppe)’],
    [691, ‘Caledonconiferforests’, ‘691 (Caledon conifer forests)’],
    [692, ‘Carpathianmontaneforests’, ‘692 (Carpathian montane forests)’],
    [693, ‘DaHingganDzhagdyMountainsconiferforests’, ‘693 (Da Hinggan-Dzhagdy Mountains conifer forests)’],
    [694, ‘EastAfghanmontaneconiferforests’, ‘694 (East Afghan montane conifer forests)’],
    [695, ‘ElburzRangeforeststeppe’, ‘695 (Elburz Range forest steppe)’],
    [696, ‘Helanshanmontaneconiferforests’, ‘696 (Helanshan montane conifer forests)’],
    [697, ‘HengduanMountainssubalpineconiferforests’, ‘697 (Hengduan Mountains subalpine conifer forests)’],
    [698, ‘Hokkaidomontaneconiferforests’, ‘698 (Hokkaido montane conifer forests)’],
    [699, ‘Honshualpineconiferforests’, ‘699 (Honshu alpine conifer forests)’],
    [700, ‘KhangaiMountainsconiferforests’, ‘700 (Khangai Mountains conifer forests)’],
    [701, ‘Mediterraneanconiferandmixedforests’, ‘701 (Mediterranean conifer and mixed forests)’],
    [702, ‘NortheastHimalayansubalpineconiferforests’, ‘702 (Northeast Himalayan subalpine conifer forests)’],
    [703, ‘NorthernAnatolianconiferanddeciduousforests’, ‘703 (Northern Anatolian conifer and deciduous forests)’],
    [704, ‘NujiangLangcangGorgealpineconiferandmixedforests’, ‘704 (Nujiang Langcang Gorge alpine conifer and mixed forests)’],
    [705, ‘QilianMountainsconiferforests’, ‘705 (Qilian Mountains conifer forests)’],
    [706, ‘QionglaiMinshanconiferforests’, ‘706 (Qionglai-Minshan conifer forests)’],
    [707, ‘Sayanmontaneconiferforests’, ‘707 (Sayan montane conifer forests)’],
    [708, ‘Scandinaviancoastalconiferforests’, ‘708 (Scandinavian coastal conifer forests)’],
    [709, ‘TianShanmontaneconiferforests’, ‘709 (Tian Shan montane conifer forests)’],
    [710, ‘EastSiberiantaiga’, ‘710 (East Siberian taiga)’],
    [711, ‘Icelandborealbirchforestsandalpinetundra’, ‘711 (Iceland boreal birch forests and alpine tundra)’],
    [712, ‘Kamchatkataiga’, ‘712 (Kamchatka taiga)’],
    [713, ‘KamchatkaKurilemeadowsandsparseforests’, ‘713 (Kamchatka-Kurile meadows and sparse forests)’],
    [714, ‘NortheastSiberiantaiga’, ‘714 (Northeast Siberian taiga)’],
    [715, ‘OkhotskManchuriantaiga’, ‘715 (Okhotsk-Manchurian taiga)’],
    [716, ‘SakhalinIslandtaiga’, ‘716 (Sakhalin Island taiga)’],
    [717, ‘ScandinavianandRussiantaiga’, ‘717 (Scandinavian and Russian taiga)’],
    [718, ‘TransBaikalconiferforests’, ‘718 (Trans-Baikal conifer forests)’],
    [719, ‘Uralsmontaneforestandtaiga’, ‘719 (Urals montane forest and taiga)’],
    [720, ‘WestSiberiantaiga’, ‘720 (West Siberian taiga)’],
    [721, ‘AlaiWesternTianShansteppe’, ‘721 (Alai-Western Tian Shan steppe)’],
    [722, ‘AlHajarfoothillxericwoodlandsandshrublands’, ‘722 (Al-Hajar foothill xeric woodlands and shrublands)’],
    [723, ‘AlHajarmontanewoodlandsandshrublands’, ‘723 (Al-Hajar montane woodlands and shrublands)’],
    [724, ‘Altaisteppeandsemidesert’, ‘724 (Altai steppe and semi-desert)’],
    [725, ‘CentralAnatoliansteppe’, ‘725 (Central Anatolian steppe)’],
    [726, ‘Daurianforeststeppe’, ‘726 (Daurian forest steppe)’],
    [727, ‘EasternAnatolianmontanesteppe’, ‘727 (Eastern Anatolian montane steppe)’],
    [728, ‘EminValleysteppe’, ‘728 (Emin Valley steppe)’],
    [729, ‘FaroeIslandsborealgrasslands’, ‘729 (Faroe Islands boreal grasslands)’],
    [730, ‘GissaroAlaiopenwoodlands’, ‘730 (Gissaro-Alai open woodlands)’],
    [731, ‘Kazakhforeststeppe’, ‘731 (Kazakh forest steppe)’],
    [732, ‘Kazakhsteppe’, ‘732 (Kazakh steppe)’],
    [733, ‘Kazakhuplandsteppe’, ‘733 (Kazakh upland steppe)’],
    [734, ‘MongolianManchuriangrassland’, ‘734 (Mongolian-Manchurian grassland)’],
    [735, ‘Ponticsteppe’, ‘735 (Pontic steppe)’],
    [736, ‘SayanIntermontanesteppe’, ‘736 (Sayan Intermontane steppe)’],
    [737, ‘SelengeOrkhonforeststeppe’, ‘737 (Selenge-Orkhon forest steppe)’],
    [738, ‘SouthSiberianforeststeppe’, ‘738 (South Siberian forest steppe)’],
    [739, ‘Syrianxericgrasslandsandshrublands’, ‘739 (Syrian xeric grasslands and shrublands)’],
    [740, ‘TianShanfoothillaridsteppe’, ‘740 (Tian Shan foothill arid steppe)’],
    [741, ‘Amurmeadowsteppe’, ‘741 (Amur meadow steppe)’],
    [742, ‘BohaiSeasalinemeadow’, ‘742 (Bohai Sea saline meadow)’],
    [743, ‘NenjiangRivergrassland’, ‘743 (Nenjiang River grassland)’],
    [744, ‘NileDeltafloodedsavanna’, ‘744 (Nile Delta flooded savanna)’],
    [745, ‘Saharanhalophytics’, ‘745 (Saharan halophytics)’],
    [746, ‘SuiphunKhankameadowsandforestmeadows’, ‘746 (Suiphun-Khanka meadows and forest meadows)’],
    [747, ‘TigrisEuphratesalluvialsaltmarsh’, ‘747 (Tigris-Euphrates alluvial salt marsh)’],
    [748, ‘YellowSeasalinemeadow’, ‘748 (Yellow Sea saline meadow)’],
    [749, ‘Altaialpinemeadowandtundra’, ‘749 (Altai alpine meadow and tundra)’],
    [750, ‘CentralTibetanPlateaualpinesteppe’, ‘750 (Central Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe)’],
    [751, ‘EasternHimalayanalpineshrubandmeadows’, ‘751 (Eastern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows)’],
    [752, ‘GhoratHazarajatalpinemeadow’, ‘752 (Ghorat-Hazarajat alpine meadow)’],
    [753, ‘HinduKushalpinemeadow’, ‘753 (Hindu Kush alpine meadow)’],
    [754, ‘KarakoramWestTibetanPlateaualpinesteppe’, ‘754 (Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe)’],
    [755, ‘KhangaiMountainsalpinemeadow’, ‘755 (Khangai Mountains alpine meadow)’],
    [756, ‘KopetDagwoodlandsandforeststeppe’, ‘756 (Kopet Dag woodlands and forest steppe)’],
    [757, ‘KuhRudandEasternIranmontanewoodlands’, ‘757 (Kuh Rud and Eastern Iran montane woodlands)’],
    [758, ‘MediterraneanHighAtlasjunipersteppe’, ‘758 (Mediterranean High Atlas juniper steppe)’],
    [759, ‘NorthTibetanPlateauKunlunMountainsalpinedesert’, ‘759 (North Tibetan Plateau-Kunlun Mountains alpine desert)’],
    [760, ‘NorthwesternHimalayanalpineshrubandmeadows’, ‘760 (Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows)’],
    [761, ‘OrdosPlateausteppe’, ‘761 (Ordos Plateau steppe)’],
    [762, ‘Pamiralpinedesertandtundra’, ‘762 (Pamir alpine desert and tundra)’],
    [763, ‘QilianMountainssubalpinemeadows’, ‘763 (Qilian Mountains subalpine meadows)’],
    [764, ‘Sayanalpinemeadowsandtundra’, ‘764 (Sayan alpine meadows and tundra)’],
    [765, ‘SoutheastTibetshrublandsandmeadows’, ‘765 (Southeast Tibet shrublands and meadows)’],
    [766, ‘SulaimanRangealpinemeadows’, ‘766 (Sulaiman Range alpine meadows)’],
    [767, ‘TianShanmontanesteppeandmeadows’, ‘767 (Tian Shan montane steppe and meadows)’],
    [768, ‘TibetanPlateaualpineshrublandsandmeadows’, ‘768 (Tibetan Plateau alpine shrublands and meadows)’],
    [769, ‘WesternHimalayanalpineshrubandmeadows’, ‘769 (Western Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows)’],
    [770, ‘YarlungZanboaridsteppe’, ‘770 (Yarlung Zanbo arid steppe)’],
    [771, ‘CherskiiKolymamountaintundra’, ‘771 (Cherskii-Kolyma mountain tundra)’],
    [772, ‘ChukchiPeninsulatundra’, ‘772 (Chukchi Peninsula tundra)’],
    [773, ‘Kamchatkatundra’, ‘773 (Kamchatka tundra)’],
    [774, ‘KolaPeninsulatundra’, ‘774 (Kola Peninsula tundra)’],
    [775, ‘NortheastSiberiancoastaltundra’, ‘775 (Northeast Siberian coastal tundra)’],
    [776, ‘NorthwestRussianNovayaZemlyatundra’, ‘776 (Northwest Russian-Novaya Zemlya tundra)’],
    [777, ‘NovosibirskIslandsArcticdesert’, ‘777 (Novosibirsk Islands Arctic desert)’],
    [778, ‘RussianArcticdesert’, ‘778 (Russian Arctic desert)’],
    [779, ‘RussianBeringtundra’, ‘779 (Russian Bering tundra)’],
    [780, ‘ScandinavianMontaneBirchforestandgrasslands’, ‘780 (Scandinavian Montane Birch forest and grasslands)’],
    [781, ‘TaimyrCentralSiberiantundra’, ‘781 (Taimyr-Central Siberian tundra)’],
    [782, ‘TransBaikalBaldMountaintundra’, ‘782 (Trans-Baikal Bald Mountain tundra)’],
    [783, ‘WrangelIslandArcticdesert’, ‘783 (Wrangel Island Arctic desert)’],
    [784, ‘YamalGydantundra’, ‘784 (Yamal-Gydan tundra)’],
    [785, ‘AegeanandWesternTurkeysclerophyllousandmixedforests’, ‘785 (Aegean and Western Turkey sclerophyllous and mixed forests)’],
    [786, ‘Anatolianconiferanddeciduousmixedforests’, ‘786 (Anatolian conifer and deciduous mixed forests)’],
    [787, ‘CanaryIslandsdrywoodlandsandforests’, ‘787 (Canary Islands dry woodlands and forests)’],
    [788, ‘Corsicanmontanebroadleafandmixedforests’, ‘788 (Corsican montane broadleaf and mixed forests)’],
    [789, ‘CreteMediterraneanforests’, ‘789 (Crete Mediterranean forests)’],
    [790, ‘CyprusMediterraneanforests’, ‘790 (Cyprus Mediterranean forests)’],
    [791, ‘EasternMediterraneanconiferbroadleafforests’, ‘791 (Eastern Mediterranean conifer-broadleaf forests)’],
    [792, ‘Iberianconiferforests’, ‘792 (Iberian conifer forests)’],
    [793, ‘Iberiansclerophyllousandsemideciduousforests’, ‘793 (Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests)’],
    [794, ‘Illyriandeciduousforests’, ‘794 (Illyrian deciduous forests)’],
    [795, ‘Italiansclerophyllousandsemideciduousforests’, ‘795 (Italian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests)’],
    [796, ‘MediterraneanAcaciaArganiadrywoodlandsandsucculentthickets’, ‘796 (Mediterranean Acacia-Argania dry woodlands and succulent thickets)’],
    [797, ‘Mediterraneandrywoodlandsandsteppe’, ‘797 (Mediterranean dry woodlands and steppe)’],
    [798, ‘Mediterraneanwoodlandsandforests’, ‘798 (Mediterranean woodlands and forests)’],
    [799, ‘NortheastSpainandSouthernFranceMediterraneanforests’, ‘799 (Northeast Spain and Southern France Mediterranean forests)’],
    [800, ‘NorthwestIberianmontaneforests’, ‘800 (Northwest Iberian montane forests)’],
    [801, ‘PindusMountainsmixedforests’, ‘801 (Pindus Mountains mixed forests)’],
    [802, ‘SouthApenninemixedmontaneforests’, ‘802 (South Apennine mixed montane forests)’],
    [803, ‘SoutheastIberianshrubsandwoodlands’, ‘803 (Southeast Iberian shrubs and woodlands)’],
    [804, ‘SouthernAnatolianmontaneconiferanddeciduousforests’, ‘804 (Southern Anatolian montane conifer and deciduous forests)’],
    [805, ‘SouthwestIberianMediterraneansclerophyllousandmixedforests’, ‘805 (Southwest Iberian Mediterranean sclerophyllous and mixed forests)’],
    [806, ‘TyrrhenianAdriaticsclerophyllousandmixedforests’, ‘806 (Tyrrhenian-Adriatic sclerophyllous and mixed forests)’],
    [807, ‘AfghanMountainssemidesert’, ‘807 (Afghan Mountains semi-desert)’],
    [808, ‘AlashanPlateausemidesert’, ‘808 (Alashan Plateau semi-desert)’],
    [809, ‘Arabiandesert’, ‘809 (Arabian desert)’],
    [810, ‘Arabiansanddesert’, ‘810 (Arabian sand desert)’],
    [811, ‘ArabianPersianGulfcoastalplaindesert’, ‘811 (Arabian-Persian Gulf coastal plain desert)’],
    [812, ‘Azerbaijanshrubdesertandsteppe’, ‘812 (Azerbaijan shrub desert and steppe)’],
    [813, ‘BadghyzandKarabilsemidesert’, ‘813 (Badghyz and Karabil semi-desert)’],
    [814, ‘Baluchistanxericwoodlands’, ‘814 (Baluchistan xeric woodlands)’],
    [815, ‘Caspianlowlanddesert’, ‘815 (Caspian lowland desert)’],
    [816, ‘CentralAfghanMountainsxericwoodlands’, ‘816 (Central Afghan Mountains xeric woodlands)’],
    [817, ‘CentralAsiannortherndesert’, ‘817 (Central Asian northern desert)’],
    [818, ‘CentralAsianriparianwoodlands’, ‘818 (Central Asian riparian woodlands)’],
    [819, ‘CentralAsiansoutherndesert’, ‘819 (Central Asian southern desert)’],
    [820, ‘CentralPersiandesertbasins’, ‘820 (Central Persian desert basins)’],
    [821, ‘EastArabianfogshrublandsandsanddesert’, ‘821 (East Arabian fog shrublands and sand desert)’],
    [822, ‘EastSaharaDesert’, ‘822 (East Sahara Desert)’],
    [823, ‘EastSaharanmontanexericwoodlands’, ‘823 (East Saharan montane xeric woodlands)’],
    [824, ‘EasternGobidesertsteppe’, ‘824 (Eastern Gobi desert steppe)’],
    [825, ‘GobiLakesValleydesertsteppe’, ‘825 (Gobi Lakes Valley desert steppe)’],
    [826, ‘GreatLakesBasindesertsteppe’, ‘826 (Great Lakes Basin desert steppe)’],
    [827, ‘JunggarBasinsemidesert’, ‘827 (Junggar Basin semi-desert)’],
    [828, ‘Kazakhsemidesert’, ‘828 (Kazakh semi-desert)’],
    [829, ‘KopetDagsemidesert’, ‘829 (Kopet Dag semi-desert)’],
    [830, ‘Mesopotamianshrubdesert’, ‘830 (Mesopotamian shrub desert)’],
    [831, ‘NorthArabiandesert’, ‘831 (North Arabian desert)’],
    [832, ‘NorthArabianhighlandshrublands’, ‘832 (North Arabian highland shrublands)’],
    [833, ‘NorthSaharanXericSteppeandWoodland’, ‘833 (North Saharan Xeric Steppe and Woodland)’],
    [834, ‘Paropamisusxericwoodlands’, ‘834 (Paropamisus xeric woodlands)’],
    [835, ‘QaidamBasinsemidesert’, ‘835 (Qaidam Basin semi-desert)’],
    [836, ‘RedSeacoastaldesert’, ‘836 (Red Sea coastal desert)’],
    [837, ‘RedSeaArabianDesertshrublands’, ‘837 (Red Sea-Arabian Desert shrublands)’],
    [838, ‘RegistanNorthPakistansandydesert’, ‘838 (Registan-North Pakistan sandy desert)’],
    [839, ‘SaharanAtlanticcoastaldesert’, ‘839 (Saharan Atlantic coastal desert)’],
    [840, ‘SouthArabianplainsandplateaudesert’, ‘840 (South Arabian plains and plateau desert)’],
    [841, ‘SouthIranNuboSindiandesertandsemidesert’, ‘841 (South Iran Nubo-Sindian desert and semi-desert)’],
    [842, ‘SouthSaharadesert’, ‘842 (South Sahara desert)’],
    [843, ‘Taklimakandesert’, ‘843 (Taklimakan desert)’],
    [844, ‘TibestiJebelUweinatmontanexericwoodlands’, ‘844 (Tibesti-Jebel Uweinat montane xeric woodlands)’],
    [845, ‘WestSaharadesert’, ‘845 (West Sahara desert)’],
    [846, ‘WestSaharanmontanexericwoodlands’, ‘846 (West Saharan montane xeric woodlands)’]]

Result Type

  • Result Type: [
    [0, ‘String’, ‘str’],
    [1, ‘Integer’, ‘int’],
    [2, ‘Float’, ‘float’]]

Data Flag

  • Data Flag: [
    [0, ‘OKValidatedVerified’, ‘OK validated verified’],
    [1, ‘OKValidatedQCPassed’, ‘OK validated QC passed’],
    [2, ‘OKValidatedModified’, ‘OK validated modified’],
    [3, ‘OKPreliminaryVerified’, ‘OK preliminary verified’],
    [4, ‘OKPreliminaryQCPassed’, ‘OK preliminary QC passed’],
    [5, ‘OKPreliminaryModified’, ‘OK preliminary modified’],
    [6, ‘OKEstimated’, ‘OK estimated’],
    [7, ‘OKPreliminaryNotChecked’, ‘OK preliminary not checked’],
    [10, ‘QuestionableValidatedConfirmed’, ‘questionable validated confirmed’],
    [11, ‘QuestionableValidatedUnconfirmed’, ‘questionable validated unconfirmed’],
    [12, ‘QuestionableValidatedFlagged’, ‘questionable validated flagged’],
    [13, ‘QuestionablePreliminaryConfirmed’, ‘questionable preliminary confirmed’],
    [14, ‘QuestionablePreliminaryUnconfirmed’, ‘questionable preliminary unconfirmed’],
    [15, ‘QuestionablePreliminaryFlagged’, ‘questionable preliminary flagged’],
    [16, ‘QuestionablePreliminaryNotChecked’, ‘questionable preliminary not checked’],
    [20, ‘ErroneousValidatedConfirmed’, ‘erroneous validated confirmed’],
    [21, ‘ErroneousValidatedUnconfirmed’, ‘erroneous validated unconfirmed’],
    [22, ‘ErroneousValidatedFlagged1’, ‘erroneous validated flagged (1)’],
    [23, ‘ErroneousValidatedFlagged2’, ‘erroneous validated flagged (2)’],
    [24, ‘ErroneousPreliminaryConfirmed’, ‘erroneous preliminary confirmed’],
    [25, ‘ErroneousPreliminaryUnconfirmed’, ‘erroneous preliminary unconfirmed’],
    [26, ‘ErroneousPreliminaryFlagged1’, ‘erroneous preliminary flagged (1)’],
    [27, ‘ErroneousPreliminaryFlagged2’, ‘erroneous preliminary flagged (2)’],
    [28, ‘ErroneousPreliminaryNotChecked’, ‘erroneous preliminary not checked’],
    [90, ‘MissingValue’, ‘missing value’],
    [91, ‘UnknownQualityStatus’, ‘unknown quality status’],
    [100, ‘AllOK’, ‘all OK’],
    [101, ‘ValidatedOK’, ‘validated OK’],
    [102, ‘PreliminaryOK’, ‘preliminary OK’],
    [103, ‘NotModifiedOK’, ‘not modified OK’],
    [104, ‘ModifiedOK’, ‘modified OK’],
    [110, ‘AllQuestionable’, ‘all questionable’],
    [111, ‘ValidatedQuestionable’, ‘validated questionable’],
    [112, ‘PreliminaryQuestionable’, ‘preliminary questionable’],
    [120, ‘AllErroneous’, ‘all erroneous’],
    [121, ‘ValidatedErroneous’, ‘validated erroneous’],
    [122, ‘PreliminaryErroneous’, ‘preliminary erroneous’],
    [130, ‘AllQuestionableOrErroneous’, ‘all questionable or erroneous’],
    [131, ‘ValidatedQuestionableOrErroneous’, ‘validated questionable or erroneous’],
    [132, ‘PreliminaryQuestionableOrErroneous’, ‘preliminary questionable or erroneous’],
    [140, ‘NotChecked’, ‘not checked’]]

Type Of Change

  • Type Of Change: [
    [0, ‘Created’, ‘created’],
    [1, ‘SingleValue’, ‘single value correction in metadata’],
    [2, ‘Comprehensive’, ‘comprehensive metadata revision’],
    [3, ‘Typo’, ‘typographic correction of metadata’],
    [4, ‘UnspecifiedData’, ‘unspecified data value corrections’],
    [5, ‘Replaced’, ‘replaced data with a new version’],
    [6, ‘Flagging’, ‘data value flagging’]]

Absorption Cross Section

  • Absorption Cross Section: [
    [0, ‘Hearn1961’, ‘Hearn 1961’],
    [1, ‘CCQM.O3.2019’, ‘CCQM values of 2019 for O3’]]

Sampling Type

  • Sampling Type: [
    [0, ‘Continuous’, ‘continuous’],
    [1, ‘Filter’, ‘filter’],
    [2, ‘Flask’, ‘flask’]]

Calibration Type

  • Calibration Type: [
    [0, ‘Automatic’, ‘automatic’],
    [1, ‘Manual’, ‘manual’]]





Show Api

Code Description
200 Successful Response




Read Onto

Name Located in Description Required Schema
format query No string
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error





Code Description
200 Successful Response





Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Yes string
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error





Code Description
200 Successful Response





Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Yes string
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error





Code Description
200 Successful Response




Get Variables

Name Located in Description Required Schema
offset query No integer
limit query No integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Variable

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Yes string
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Variable

Name Located in Description Required Schema
variable_id path Yes integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get All Persons

Name Located in Description Required Schema
offset query No integer
limit query No integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Person

Name Located in Description Required Schema
person_id path Yes integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Person

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Yes string
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get All Organisations

Name Located in Description Required Schema
offset query No integer
limit query No integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Organisation

Name Located in Description Required Schema
organisation_id path Yes integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Organisation

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Yes string
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get All Contacts

Name Located in Description Required Schema
offset query No integer
limit query No integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get All Contacts

Name Located in Description Required Schema
contact_id path Yes integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get All Contacts

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Yes string
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get All Stationmeta

Code Description
200 Successful Response




Get Stationmeta

Name Located in Description Required Schema
station_code path Yes string
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Stationmeta By Id

Name Located in Description Required Schema
station_id path Yes integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Stationmeta Changelog

Name Located in Description Required Schema
station_id path Yes integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get All Timeseries

Code Description
200 Successful Response




Get Timeseries

Name Located in Description Required Schema
timeseries_id path Yes integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Timeseries2

Name Located in Description Required Schema
timeseries_id path Yes integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Citation

Name Located in Description Required Schema
timeseries_id path Yes integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Timeseries

Name Located in Description Required Schema
station_id query Yes integer
variable_id query Yes integer
resource_provider query No string
sampling_frequency query No string
provider_version query No string
data_origin_type query No string
data_origin query No string
sampling_height query No number
label query No string
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Timeseries Changelog

Name Located in Description Required Schema
timeseries_id path Yes integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get All Data

Name Located in Description Required Schema
offset query No integer
limit query No integer
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Data

Name Located in Description Required Schema
timeseries_id path Yes integer
flags query No string
format query No string
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error




Get Data2

Name Located in Description Required Schema
timeseries_id path Yes integer
flags query No string
format query No string
Code Description
200 Successful Response
422 Validation Error