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1"""Helper functions that are used to simplify testing.""" 

2import logging 

3import re 

4from typing import Union, Pattern, List 

5import inspect 


7import numpy as np 

8import xarray as xr 


10from mlair.helpers.helpers import remove_items, to_list 



13class PyTestRegex: 

14 r""" 

15 Assert that a given string meets some expectations. 


17 Use like 


19 >>> PyTestRegex(r"TestString\d+") == "TestString" 

20 False 

21 >>> PyTestRegex(r"TestString\d+") == "TestString2" 

22 True 



25 :param pattern: pattern or string to use for regular expresssion 

26 :param flags: python re flags 

27 """ 


29 def __init__(self, pattern: Union[str, Pattern], flags: int = 0): 

30 """Construct PyTestRegex.""" 

31 self._regex = re.compile(pattern, flags) 


33 def __eq__(self, actual: str) -> bool: 

34 """Return whether regex matches given string actual or not.""" 

35 return bool(self._regex.match(actual)) 


37 def __repr__(self) -> str: 

38 """Show regex pattern.""" 

39 return self._regex.pattern 



42def PyTestAllEqual(check_list: List): 

43 class PyTestAllEqualClass: 

44 """ 

45 Check if all elements in list are the same. 


47 :param check_list: list with elements to check 

48 """ 


50 def __init__(self, check_list: List): 

51 """Construct class.""" 

52 self._list = check_list 

53 self._test_function = None 


55 def _set_test_function(self, _list): 

56 if isinstance(_list[0], list): 

57 _test_function = self._set_test_function(_list[0]) 

58 self._test_function = lambda r, s: all(map(lambda x, y: _test_function(x, y) is None, r, s)) 

59 elif isinstance(_list[0], np.ndarray): 

60 self._test_function = np.testing.assert_array_equal 

61 elif isinstance(_list[0], xr.DataArray): 

62 self._test_function = xr.testing.assert_equal 

63 else: 

64 self._test_function = lambda x, y: self._assert(x, y) 

65 # raise TypeError(f"given type {type(_list[0])} is not supported by PyTestAllEqual.") 

66 return self._test_function 


68 @staticmethod 

69 def _assert(x, y): 

70 assert x == y 


72 def _check_all_equal(self) -> bool: 

73 """ 

74 Check if all elements are equal. 


76 :return boolean if elements are equal 

77 """ 

78 equal = True 

79 self._set_test_function(self._list) 

80 for b in self._list: 

81 equal *= self._test_function(self._list[0], b) in [None, True] 

82 return bool(equal == 1) 


84 def is_true(self) -> bool: 

85 """ 

86 Start equality check. 


88 :return: true if equality test is passed, false otherwise 

89 """ 

90 return self._check_all_equal() 


92 return PyTestAllEqualClass(check_list).is_true() 



95def get_all_args(*args, remove=None, add=None): 

96 res = [] 

97 for a in args: 

98 arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(a) 

99 res.extend(arg_spec.args) 

100 res.extend(arg_spec.kwonlyargs) 

101 res = sorted(list(set(res))) 

102 if remove is not None: 

103 res = remove_items(res, remove) 

104 if add is not None: 104 ↛ 105line 104 didn't jump to line 105, because the condition on line 104 was never true

105 res += to_list(add) 

106 return res 



109def check_nested_equality(obj1, obj2, precision=None, skip_args=None): 

110 """Check for equality in nested structures. Use precision to indicate number of decimals to check for consistency""" 


112 assert precision is None or isinstance(precision, int) 

113 message = "" 

114 try: 

115 # print(f"check type {type(obj1)} and {type(obj2)}") 

116 message = f"{type(obj1)}!={type(obj2)}\n{obj1} and {obj2} do not match" 

117 assert type(obj1) == type(obj2) 

118 if isinstance(obj1, (tuple, list)): 

119 # print(f"check length {len(obj1)} and {len(obj2)}") 

120 message = f"{len(obj1)}!={len(obj2)}\nlengths of {obj1} and {obj2} do not match" 

121 assert len(obj1) == len(obj2) 

122 for pos in range(len(obj1)): 

123 # print(f"check pos {obj1[pos]} and {obj2[pos]}") 

124 message = f"{obj1[pos]}!={obj2[pos]}\nobjects on pos {pos} of {obj1} and {obj2} do not match" 

125 assert check_nested_equality(obj1[pos], obj2[pos], precision=precision, skip_args=skip_args) is True 

126 elif isinstance(obj1, dict): 

127 obj1_keys, obj2_keys = obj1.keys(), obj2.keys() 

128 if skip_args is not None and isinstance(skip_args, (str, list)): 128 ↛ 129line 128 didn't jump to line 129, because the condition on line 128 was never true

129 skip_args = to_list(skip_args) 

130 obj1_keys = list(set(obj1_keys).difference(skip_args)) 

131 obj2_keys = list(set(obj2_keys).difference(skip_args)) 

132 # print(f"check keys {obj1.keys()} and {obj2.keys()}") 

133 message = f"{sorted(obj1_keys)}!={sorted(obj2_keys)}\n{set(obj1_keys).symmetric_difference(obj2_keys)} " \ 

134 f"are not in both sorted key lists" 

135 assert sorted(obj1_keys) == sorted(obj2_keys) 

136 for k in obj1_keys: 

137 # print(f"check pos {obj1[k]} and {obj2[k]}") 

138 message = f"{obj1[k]}!={obj2[k]}\nobjects for key {k} of {obj1} and {obj2} do not match" 

139 assert check_nested_equality(obj1[k], obj2[k], precision=precision, skip_args=skip_args) is True 

140 elif isinstance(obj1, xr.DataArray): 

141 if precision is None: 

142 # print(f"check xr {obj1} and {obj2}") 

143 message = f"{obj1}!={obj2}\n{obj1} and {obj2} do not match" 

144 assert xr.testing.assert_equal(obj1, obj2) is None 

145 else: 

146 # print(f"check xr {obj1} and {obj2} with precision {precision}") 

147 message = f"{obj1}!={obj2} with precision {precision}\n{obj1} and {obj2} do not match" 

148 assert xr.testing.assert_allclose(obj1, obj2, atol=10**(-precision)) is None 

149 elif isinstance(obj1, np.ndarray): 

150 if precision is None: 

151 # print(f"check np {obj1} and {obj2}") 

152 message = f"{obj1}!={obj2}\n{obj1} and {obj2} do not match" 

153 assert np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj1, obj2) is None 

154 else: 

155 # print(f"check np {obj1} and {obj2} with precision {precision}") 

156 message = f"{obj1}!={obj2} with precision {precision}\n{obj1} and {obj2} do not match" 

157 assert np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(obj1, obj2, decimal=precision) is None 

158 else: 

159 if isinstance(obj1, (int, float)) and isinstance(obj2, (int, float)): 

160 if precision is None: 

161 # print(f"check number equal {obj1} and {obj2}") 

162 message = f"{obj1}!={obj2}\n{obj1} and {obj2} do not match" 

163 assert np.testing.assert_equal(obj1, obj2) is None 

164 else: 

165 # print(f"check number equal {obj1} and {obj2} with precision {precision}") 

166 message = f"{obj1}!={obj2} with precision {precision}\n{obj1} and {obj2} do not match" 

167 assert np.testing.assert_almost_equal(obj1, obj2, decimal=precision) is None 

168 else: 

169 # print(f"check equal {obj1} and {obj2}") 

170 message = f"{obj1}!={obj2}\n{obj1} and {obj2} do not match" 

171 assert obj1 == obj2 

172 except AssertionError: 


174 return False 

175 return True