
Module for neural models to use during experiment.

To work properly, each customised model needs to inherit from AbstractModelClass and needs an implementation of the set_model method.

In this module, you can find some exemplary model classes that have been build and were running in a experiment.

  • MyLittleModel: small model implementation with a single 1x1 Conv, and 4 Dense layers (64, 32, 16, window_lead_time).

  • MyBranchedModel: a model with single 1x1 Conv, and 4 Dense layers (64, 32, 16, window_lead_time), it has three output branches from different layers of the model.

  • MyTowerModel: a more complex model with inception blocks (called towers)

  • MyPaperModel: A model used for the publication: <Add Publication Title / Citation>

In addition, a short introduction how to create your own model is given hereinafter.

How to create a customised model?

  • Create a new class:

    class MyCustomisedModel(AbstractModelClass):
        def __init__(self, input_shape: list, output_shape: list):
            super().__init__(input_shape[0], output_shape[0])
            # settings
            self.dropout_rate = 0.1
            self.activation = keras.layers.PReLU
            # apply to model
  • Make sure to add the super().__init__() and at least set_model() and set_compile_options() to your custom init method.

  • If you have custom objects in your model, that are not part of keras, you need to add them to custom objects. To do this, call set_custom_objects with arbitrarily kwargs. In the shown example, the loss has been added, because it wasn’t a standard loss. Apart from this, we always encourage you to add the loss as custom object, to prevent potential errors when loading an already created model instead of training a new one.

  • Build your model inside set_model(), e.g.

    class MyCustomisedModel(AbstractModelClass):
        def set_model(self):
            x_input = keras.layers.Input(shape=self._input_shape)
            x_in = keras.layers.Conv2D(32, (1, 1), padding='same', name='{}_Conv_1x1'.format("major"))(x_input)
            x_in = self.activation(name='{}_conv_act'.format("major"))(x_in)
            x_in = keras.layers.Flatten(name='{}'.format("major"))(x_in)
            x_in = keras.layers.Dropout(self.dropout_rate, name='{}_Dropout_1'.format("major"))(x_in)
            x_in = keras.layers.Dense(16, name='{}_Dense_16'.format("major"))(x_in)
            x_in = self.activation()(x_in)
            x_in = keras.layers.Dense(self._output_shape, name='{}_Dense'.format("major"))(x_in)
            out_main = self.activation()(x_in)
            self.model = keras.Model(inputs=x_input, outputs=[out_main])
  • Your are free, how to design your model. Just make sure to save it in the class attribute model.

  • Additionally, set your custom compile options including the loss.

    class MyCustomisedModel(AbstractModelClass):
        def set_compile_options(self):
            self.initial_lr = 1e-2
            self.optimizer = keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=self.initial_lr, momentum=0.9)
            self.lr_decay = mlair.model_modules.keras_extensions.LearningRateDecay(base_lr=self.initial_lr,
            self.loss = keras.losses.mean_squared_error
            self.compile_options = {"metrics": ["mse", "mae"]}
  • If you have a branched model with multiple outputs, you need either set only a single loss for all branch outputs or to provide the same number of loss functions considering the right order. E.g.

    class MyCustomisedModel(AbstractModelClass):
        def set_model(self):
            self.model = keras.Model(inputs=x_input, outputs=[out_minor_1, out_minor_2, out_main])
        def set_compile_options(self):
            self.loss = [keras.losses.mean_absolute_error] +  # for out_minor_1
                        [keras.losses.mean_squared_error] +   # for out_minor_2
                        [keras.losses.mean_squared_error]     # for out_main

How to access my customised model?

If the customised model is created, you can easily access the model with

>>> MyCustomisedModel().model
<your custom model>

The loss is accessible via

>>> MyCustomisedModel().loss
<your custom loss>

You can treat the instance of your model as instance but also as the model itself. If you call a method, that refers to the model instead of the model instance, you can directly apply the command on the instance instead of adding the model parameter call.

>>> MyCustomisedModel().model.compile(**kwargs) == MyCustomisedModel().compile(**kwargs)

Module Contents



A customised model with a 1x1 Conv, and 4 Dense layers (64, 32, 16, window_lead_time), where the last layer is the


A customised model


The AbstractModelClass provides a unified skeleton for any model provided to the machine learning workflow.


The AbstractModelClass provides a unified skeleton for any model provided to the machine learning workflow.




mlair.model_modules.model_class.__author__ = Lukas Leufen, Felix Kleinert
mlair.model_modules.model_class.__date__ = 2020-05-12
class mlair.model_modules.model_class.MyLittleModelHourly(input_shape: list, output_shape: list)

Bases: mlair.model_modules.AbstractModelClass

A customised model with a 1x1 Conv, and 4 Dense layers (64, 32, 16, window_lead_time), where the last layer is the output layer depending on the window_lead_time parameter. Dropout is used between the Convolution and the first Dense layer.


Build the model.


This method only has to be defined in child class, when additional compile options should be used () (other options than optimizer and loss) Has to be set as dictionary: {‘optimizer’: None,

‘loss’: None, ‘metrics’: None, ‘loss_weights’: None, ‘sample_weight_mode’: None, ‘weighted_metrics’: None, ‘target_tensors’: None }


class mlair.model_modules.model_class.MyBranchedModel(input_shape: list, output_shape: list)

Bases: mlair.model_modules.AbstractModelClass

A customised model

with a 1x1 Conv, and 4 Dense layers (64, 32, 16, window_lead_time), where the last layer is the output layer depending on the window_lead_time parameter. Dropout is used between the Convolution and the first Dense layer.


Build the model.


This method only has to be defined in child class, when additional compile options should be used () (other options than optimizer and loss) Has to be set as dictionary: {‘optimizer’: None,

‘loss’: None, ‘metrics’: None, ‘loss_weights’: None, ‘sample_weight_mode’: None, ‘weighted_metrics’: None, ‘target_tensors’: None }


class mlair.model_modules.model_class.MyTowerModel(input_shape: list, output_shape: list)

Bases: mlair.model_modules.AbstractModelClass

The AbstractModelClass provides a unified skeleton for any model provided to the machine learning workflow.

The model can always be accessed by calling ModelClass.model or directly by an model method without parsing the model attribute name (e.g. ModelClass.model.compile -> ModelClass.compile). Beside the model, this class provides the corresponding loss function.


Build the model.


This method only has to be defined in child class, when additional compile options should be used () (other options than optimizer and loss) Has to be set as dictionary: {‘optimizer’: None,

‘loss’: None, ‘metrics’: None, ‘loss_weights’: None, ‘sample_weight_mode’: None, ‘weighted_metrics’: None, ‘target_tensors’: None }


class mlair.model_modules.model_class.IntelliO3_ts_architecture(input_shape: list, output_shape: list)

Bases: mlair.model_modules.AbstractModelClass

The AbstractModelClass provides a unified skeleton for any model provided to the machine learning workflow.

The model can always be accessed by calling ModelClass.model or directly by an model method without parsing the model attribute name (e.g. ModelClass.model.compile -> ModelClass.compile). Beside the model, this class provides the corresponding loss function.


Build the model.

  • activation – activation function

  • window_history_size – number of historical time steps included in the input data

  • channels – number of variables used in input data

  • dropout_rate – dropout rate used in the model [0, 1)

  • window_lead_time – number of time steps to forecast in the output layer


built keras model


This method only has to be defined in child class, when additional compile options should be used () (other options than optimizer and loss) Has to be set as dictionary: {‘optimizer’: None,

‘loss’: None, ‘metrics’: None, ‘loss_weights’: None, ‘sample_weight_mode’: None, ‘weighted_metrics’: None, ‘target_tensors’: None }
