
Module Contents



A convolutional neural network with multiple input branches.


A recurrent neural network with multiple input branches.


A fully connected network that uses multiple input branches that are combined by a concatenate layer.


A U-net neural network with multiple input branches.


A convolutional neural network with multiple input branches and residual blocks (skip connections).

class mlair.model_modules.branched_input_networks.BranchedInputCNN(input_shape: list, output_shape: list, layer_configuration: list, optimizer='adam', **kwargs)

Bases: mlair.model_modules.convolutional_networks.CNNfromConfig

A convolutional neural network with multiple input branches.


Abstract method to set model.

static _get_layer_name(layer: tensorflow.keras.layers, layer_kwargs: Union[dict, None], pos: int, branch: int = None)
class mlair.model_modules.branched_input_networks.BranchedInputRNN(input_shape, output_shape, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: mlair.model_modules.recurrent_networks.RNN

A recurrent neural network with multiple input branches.


Build the model.


This method only has to be defined in child class, when additional compile options should be used () (other options than optimizer and loss) Has to be set as dictionary: {‘optimizer’: None,

‘loss’: None, ‘metrics’: None, ‘loss_weights’: None, ‘sample_weight_mode’: None, ‘weighted_metrics’: None, ‘target_tensors’: None }


_update_model_name(self, rnn_type)
class mlair.model_modules.branched_input_networks.BranchedInputFCN(input_shape: list, output_shape: list, activation='relu', activation_output='linear', optimizer='adam', n_layer=1, n_hidden=10, regularizer=None, dropout=None, layer_configuration=None, batch_normalization=False, **kwargs)

Bases: mlair.AbstractModelClass

A fully connected network that uses multiple input branches that are combined by a concatenate layer.

_requirements = ['lr', 'beta_1', 'beta_2', 'epsilon', 'decay', 'amsgrad', 'momentum', 'nesterov', 'l1', 'l2']
_set_activation(self, activation)
_set_optimizer(self, optimizer, **kwargs)
_set_regularizer(self, regularizer, **kwargs)
_set_dropout(self, activation, dropout_rate)

Build the model.


This method only has to be defined in child class, when additional compile options should be used () (other options than optimizer and loss) Has to be set as dictionary: {‘optimizer’: None,

‘loss’: None, ‘metrics’: None, ‘loss_weights’: None, ‘sample_weight_mode’: None, ‘weighted_metrics’: None, ‘target_tensors’: None }


class mlair.model_modules.branched_input_networks.BranchedInputUNet(input_shape, output_shape, layer_configuration: list, optimizer='adam', **kwargs)

Bases: mlair.model_modules.u_networks.UNet, BranchedInputCNN

A U-net neural network with multiple input branches.


input_shape = [(72,1,9),(72,1,9),] output_shape = [(4, )]

# model layer_configuration=[

# 1st block (down) {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 16, “padding”: “same”}, {“type”: “Dropout”, “rate”: 0.25}, {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 16, “padding”: “same”}, {“type”: “blocksave”}, {“type”: “MaxPooling2D”, “pool_size”: (2, 1), “strides”: (2, 1)},

# 2nd block (down) {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 32, “padding”: “same”}, {“type”: “Dropout”, “rate”: 0.25}, {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 32, “padding”: “same”}, {“type”: “blocksave”}, {“type”: “MaxPooling2D”, “pool_size”: (2, 1), “strides”: (2, 1)},

# 3rd block (down) {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 64, “padding”: “same”}, {“type”: “Dropout”, “rate”: 0.25}, {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 64, “padding”: “same”}, {“type”: “blocksave”}, {“type”: “MaxPooling2D”, “pool_size”: (2, 1), “strides”: (2, 1)},

# 4th block (final down) {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 128, “padding”: “same”}, {“type”: “Dropout”, “rate”: 0.25}, {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 128, “padding”: “same”},

# 5th block (up) {“type”: “Conv2DTranspose”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (2, 1), “filters”: 64, “strides”: (2, 1),

“padding”: “same”},

{“type”: “ConcatenateUNet”}, {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 64, “padding”: “same”}, {“type”: “Dropout”, “rate”: 0.25}, {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 64, “padding”: “same”},

# 6th block (up) {“type”: “Conv2DTranspose”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (2, 1), “filters”: 32, “strides”: (2, 1),

“padding”: “same”},

{“type”: “ConcatenateUNet”}, {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 32, “padding”: “same”}, {“type”: “Dropout”, “rate”: 0.25}, {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 32, “padding”: “same”},

# 7th block (up) {“type”: “Conv2DTranspose”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (2, 1), “filters”: 16, “strides”: (2, 1),

“padding”: “same”},

{“type”: “ConcatenateUNet”}, {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 16, “padding”: “same”}, {“type”: “Dropout”, “rate”: 0.25}, {“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 16, “padding”: “same”},

# Tail {“type”: “Concatenate”}, {“type”: “Flatten”}, {“type”: “Dense”, “units”: 128, “activation”: “relu”}


model = BranchedInputUNet(input_shape, output_shape, layer_configuration) ```


Abstract method to set model.

class mlair.model_modules.branched_input_networks.BranchedInputResNet(input_shape: list, output_shape: list, layer_configuration: list, optimizer='adam', **kwargs)

Bases: mlair.model_modules.residual_networks.ResNet, BranchedInputCNN

A convolutional neural network with multiple input branches and residual blocks (skip connections).

```python input_shape = [(65,1,9), (65,1,9)] output_shape = [(4, )]

# model layer_configuration=[

{“type”: “Conv2D”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (7, 1), “filters”: 32, “padding”: “same”}, {“type”: “MaxPooling2D”, “pool_size”: (2, 1), “strides”: (2, 1)}, {“type”: “residual_block”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 32, “strides”: (1, 1), “kernel_regularizer”: “l2”}, {“type”: “residual_block”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 32, “strides”: (1, 1), “kernel_regularizer”: “l2”}, {“type”: “residual_block”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 64, “strides”: (1, 1), “kernel_regularizer”: “l2”, “use_1x1conv”: True}, {“type”: “residual_block”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 64, “strides”: (1, 1), “kernel_regularizer”: “l2”}, {“type”: “residual_block”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 128, “strides”: (1, 1), “kernel_regularizer”: “l2”, “use_1x1conv”: True}, {“type”: “residual_block”, “activation”: “relu”, “kernel_size”: (3, 1), “filters”: 128, “strides”: (1, 1), “kernel_regularizer”: “l2”}, {“type”: “MaxPooling2D”, “pool_size”: (2, 1), “strides”: (2, 1)}, {“type”: “Dropout”, “rate”: 0.25}, {“type”: “Flatten”}, {“type”: “Concatenate”}, {“type”: “Dense”, “units”: 128, “activation”: “relu”}


model = BranchedInputResNet(input_shape, output_shape, layer_configuration) ```