
Module Contents


create_column_format_for_tex(df: pandas.DataFrame) → str

Creates column format for latex table based on the shape of a given DataFrame.

save_to_tex(path, filename, column_format, df, na_rep=’—‘)

save_to_md(path, filename, df, mode=’w’, encoding=’utf-8’, tablefmt=’github’)

mlair.helpers.tables.create_column_format_for_tex(df: pandas.DataFrame)str

Creates column format for latex table based on the shape of a given DataFrame.

Calculates number of columns and uses ‘c’ as column position. First element is set to ‘l’, last to ‘r’

mlair.helpers.tables.save_to_tex(path, filename, column_format, df, na_rep='---')
mlair.helpers.tables.save_to_md(path, filename, df, mode='w', encoding='utf-8', tablefmt='github')